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Jubal Anderson Early, Ruth Hairston Early, Lieutenant General Jubal A. Early , C. S. A., Chapter 16: battle of Sharpsburg or Antietam. (search)
uld be technically called a defensive-offensive campaign. It was undertaken at a time: when our army had experienced severe defeats, and its object was to preserve the national capital and Baltimore, to protect Pennsylvania, and to drive the enemy out of Maryland. These purposes were fully and finally accomplished by the battle of Antietam, which brought the Army of the Potomac into what might be termed an accidental position on the upper Potomac. In a telegram to Halleck, dated September 22nd (Part II, Conduct of the War, p. 495), McClellan said: When I was assigned to the command of this army in Washington, it was suffering under the disheartening influence of defeat. It had been greatly reduced by casualties in General Pope's campaign, and its efficiency had been much impaired. The sanguinary battles of South Mountain and An- tietam Creek had resulted in a loss to us of ten general officers and many regimental and company officers, besides a large number of enlisted men.
J. B. Jones, A Rebel War Clerk's Diary, VI. September, 1861 (search)
I shall doubt hereafter whether superior intelligence is promotive of superior virtue. The serpent is wiser than the dove, but never so harmless. Ignorance is bliss in comparison with Yankee wisdom. September 21 The Secretary has authorized me to sign passports for the Secretary of War. My son attends to his letters. I have now an opportunity of seeing more. I have authority to order transportation for the parents of soldiers, and for goods and provisions taken to the camps. September 22 Harris and Magraw, who were taken on the field of Manassas, looking for the remains of Col. Cameron, have been liberated by Gen. Winder, on the order of the acting Secretary of War. This is startling; for Mr. Benjamin was the most decided man, at the time of their capture, against their liberation. Per contra, a Mr. G., a rich New York merchant, and Mr. R., a wealthy railroad contractor, whom I feared would break through the meshes of the law, with the large sums realized by them her
J. B. Jones, A Rebel War Clerk's Diary, chapter 19 (search)
Shepherdstown, and on the 17th inst. gave battle. We got the first news of this battle from a Northern paper---the Philadelphia Inquirer-which claimed a great victory, having killed and taken 40,000 of our men, made Jackson prisoner, and wounded Longstreet! But the truth is, we lost 5000 and the enemy 20,000. At the next dawn Lee opened fire again — but, lo I the enemy had fled! September 21 We have one day of gloom. It is said that our army has retreated back into Virginia. September 22 There are rumors that only Jackson's corps recrossed the Potomac to look after a column of the enemy sent to recapture Harper's Ferry and take Winchester, our grand depot. September 23 Jackson, the ubiquitous and invincible, fell upon Burnside's division and annihilated it. This intelligence has been received by the President. We have, also, news from Kentucky. It comes this time in the New York Herald, and is true, as far as it goes. A portion of Buell's army, escaping fro
J. B. Jones, A Rebel War Clerk's Diary, XXX. September, 1863 (search)
ctories. The Secretary of War thinks Longstreet's corps had not yet reached Bragg; then why should he have commenced the attack before the reinforcements arrived? We must await further dispatches. If Bragg beats Rosecrans utterly, the consequences will be momentous. If beaten by him, he sinks to rise no more. Both generals are aware of the consequences of failure, and no doubt it is a sanguinary field. Whether it is in Georgia or over the line in Tennessee is not yet ascertained. September 22 Another dispatch from Bragg, received at a late hour last night, says the victory is complete. This announcement has lifted a heavy load from the spirits of our people; and as successive dispatches come from Gov. Harris and others on the battle-field to-day, there is a great change in the recent elongated faces of many we meet in the streets. So far we learn that the enemy has been beaten back and pursued some eleven miles; that we have from 5000 to 6000 prisoners, some 40 guns, besid
J. B. Jones, A Rebel War Clerk's Diary, chapter 43 (search)
keep them out of the service. Mr. Foote openly advocates a convention; and says the other States will have one certainly: and if Virginia declines to unite in it, she will be left out in the cold. This is said of him; I have not heard him say it. But I believe a convention in any State or States, if our disasters continue, will lead to reconstruction, if McClellan be elected. If emancipation, confiscation, etc. be insisted on, the war will never terminate but in final separation. September 22 Cloudy; rained much last night. The following is all we know yet of Early's defeat: headquarters army of Northern Virginia, September 20th, 1864. Hon. James A. Seddon. Gen. Early reports that, on the morning of the 19th, the enemy advanced on Winchester, near which place he met his attack, which was resisted from early in the day till near night, when he was compelled to retire. After night he fell back to Newtown, and this morning to Fisher's Hill. Our loss reported to be
Francis B. Carpenter, Six Months at the White House, Vii. (search)
expression in this connection, but I had not introduced it, because it was not my way to promise what I was not entirely sure that I could perform, and I was not prepared to say that I thought we were exactly able to maintain this. But, said he, Seward insisted that we ought to take this ground; and the words finally went in! It is a somewhat remarkable fact, he subsequently remarked, that there were just one hundred days between the dates of the two proclamations issued upon the 22d of September and the 1st of January. I had not made the calculation at the time. Having concluded this interesting statement, the President then proceeded to show me the various positions occupied by himself and the different members of the Cabinet, on the occasion of the first meeting. As nearly as I remember, said he, I sat near the head of the table; the Secretary of the Treasury and the Secretary of War were here, at my right hand; the others were grouped at the left. At this point, I ex
Mrs. John A. Logan, Reminiscences of a Soldier's Wife: An Autobiography, Chapter 16: (search)
is, however, served subsequently as a lesson, for in the case of Mr. McKinley's assassin the trial was conducted on a much more dignified and less sensational scale. President Arthur was in New York and immediately on learning of Garfield's death, in order that the Government should not be without a Chief Magistrate for a single hour, he took the oath of office there. It was administered by Justice Brady. Immediately after returning to Washington he again took the oath of office, on September 22, in the Capitol. I have heard President Arthur say that he felt he was signing his own death-warrant, so acutely did he appreciate the responsibility which had fallen upon him. There was no further ceremony, and thus President Arthur succeeded President Garfield. There had been such an interminable line of visitors passing in and out of the White House during President Garfield's long illness, that the carpets were worn threadbare, the furniture was dingy, and the curtains faded. Th
General James Longstreet, From Manassas to Appomattox, Chapter 20: review of the Maryland campaign. (search)
t they needed a victory on which to issue the Emancipation Proclamation, which President Lincoln had prepared two months before and had held in abeyance under advice of members of his Cabinet until the Union arms should win a success. Although this battle was by no means so complete a victory as the President wished, and he was sorely vexed with General McClellan for not pushing it to completion, it was made the most of as a victory, and his Emancipation Proclamation was issued on the 22d of September, five days after the battle. This was one of the decisive political events of the war, and at once put the great struggle outwardly and openly upon the basis where it had before only rested by tacit and covert understanding. If the Southern army had been carefully held in hand, refreshed by easy marches and comfortable supplies, the proclamation could not have found its place in history. On the other hand, the Southern President would have been in Maryland at the head of his army wit
nce, but then, as always before, showed unusual skill in estimating political chances. Thus he wrote about a week after the Chicago convention: So far as I can learn, the nominations start well everywhere; and, if they get no backset, it would seem as if they are going through. Again, on July 4: Long before this you have learned who was nominated at Chicago. We know not what a day may bring forth, but to-day it looks as if the Chicago ticket will be elected. And on September 22, to a friend in Oregon: No one on this side of the mountains pretends that any ticket can be elected by the people, unless it be ours. Hence, great efforts to combine against us are being made, which, however, as yet have not had much success. Besides what we see in the newspapers, I have a good deal of private correspondence; and, without giving details, I will only say it all looks very favorable to our success. His judgment was abundantly verified at the presidential elec
sent several telegrams to the startled Pennsylvania authorities to assure them that Philadelphia and Harrisburg were in no danger. He ordered a reinforcement of twenty-one thousand to join McClellan. H-e sent a prompting telegram to that general: Please do not let him [the enemy] get off without being hurt. He recognized the battle of Antietam as a substantial, if not a complete victory, and seized the opportunity it afforded him to issue his preliminary proclamation of emancipation on September 22. For two weeks after the battle of Antietam, General McClellan kept his army camped on various parts of the field, and so far from exhibiting any disposition of advancing against the enemy in the Shenandoah valley, showed constant apprehension lest the enemy might come and attack him. On October I, the President and several friends made a visit to Antietam, and during the three succeeding days reviewed the troops and went over the various battle-grounds in company with the general.