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Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Cartier, Jacques 1494-1555 (search)
d sailed for France to avoid the autumn storms, and arrived at St. Malo on Sept. 5, 1534. Encouraged by the success of this voyage, the King placed Cartier in command of three ships, which left St. Malo at the middle of May, 1535, bearing some of the young nobility of France. Separated by storms, they met at the appointed rendezvous, in the Strait of Belle Isle, in July, and sailed up the St. Lawrence to the mouth of a river (now St. Charles) at the site of Quebec, which they reached on Sept. 14. His squadron consisted of the Great Hermine, 120 tons; Little Hermine, 60 tons; and L'Emerillon, a small craft. On the day after their arrival, they were visited by Donnaconna, Jacques Cartier setting up a cross at Gaspe. King of Canada, who received them with the greatest kindness, and, through the two young men whom Cartier had brought back, they were enabled to converse. Mooring the larger vessels in the St. Croix (as Cartier named the St. Charles), he went up the river in the sm
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), New York City (search)
British were evidently preparing to crush his weak army. Their ships occupied the bay and both rivers, and there were swarms of loyalists in New York and in Westchester county. At a council of war, Sept. 12, 1776, it was resolved to send the military stores to Dobbs Ferry, on the Hudson, and to retreat to and fortify Harlem Heights, on the northern part of Manhattan Island. The sick were taken over to New Jersey. The main body of the army, accompanied by a host of Whigs, left the city (Sept. 14) and moved towards Fort Washington, leaving a rear-guard of 4,000 men, under General Putnam. On the 16th they were on Harlem Heights, and Washington made his headquarters at the house of Col. Roger Morris, his companion-inarms in the battle on the Monongahela. On the 15th the British and Germans crossed the East River at Kip's Bay (foot of Thirty-fourth Street), under cover of a cannonade from their ships. The American guard fled at the first fire, and two brigades that were to support t
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Roosevelt, Theodore 1858-1893 (search)
idden the use of his name. The Western delegates especially declined the consideration of any other name. As the demand for his nomination was unanimous Governor Roosevelt accepted the mandate of the convention. When the President was shot, Mr. Roosevelt hastened to Buffalo, but on the assurance of the physicians that the President was recovering from his wounds he rejoined his family, but was recalled when the symptoms of gangrene-poisoning set in. He reached Buffalo on the morning of Sept. 14, and took the oath of office before Judge John R. Hazel. His first official acts were the issuing of a proclamation appointing Sept. 19 as a day of mourning, and a request to the members of the cabinet to retain their portfolios. In the following address by Mr. Roosevelt, delivered Sept. 2, 1901, at the Minnesota State fair at Minneapolis, the high ethical spirit of the speaker and his frank treatment of the political problems of the day make this speech a fit pendant to that by Presid
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), South Mountain, battle of (search)
two columns over South Mountain into the valley of Antietam Creek. General Burnside led the right and centre by way of Turner's Gap; and the left, composed of Franklin's corps, went by the way of Crampton's Gap, on the same range, nearer Harper's Ferry. The division of D. H. Hill was the only Confederate force guarding Turner's Gap, and McLaws was guarding Crampton's Gap. The Confederates had no idea that the Nationals would make such a vigorous pursuit as they did; but on the morning of Sept. 14, a startling apparition met the eyes of the Confederates from the mountain heights. Pleasonton's cavalry was leading nearly the whole of the National army down the Kittoctan Hills and across the valley towards South Mountain. A portion of General Cox's division of Ohio troops reached the borders of the Gap early in the forenoon, and, under the cover of a portion of McMullin's battery, Cox pressed up the wooded and rocky acclivity. He was at first confronted by Garland's division, which w
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Stewart, Charles 1778-1869 (search)
f eight children, and lost his father when he was two years old. At the age of thirteen he entered the merchant service as a cabin-boy, and rose rapidly to be commander of an Indiaman. In 1798 he was commissioned a lieutenant in the navy, making his first cruise with Captain Barney. In 1800 he was ap- Charles Stewart, aged eighty-six. pointed to the command of the schooner Experiment, and fought and captured the French schooner Deux Amis Sept. 1. Soon afterwards he captured the Diana (Sept. 14), besides recapturing a number of American vessels which had been taken by French privateers. In the war with Tripoli, Stewart was distinguished for skill and bravery, and was Decatur's favorite. In May, 1804, he was made master-commandant and placed in command of the frigate Essex. He was promoted to captain in 1806, and was employed in superintending the construction of gunboats at New York. In December, 1812, he was appointed commander of the frigate Constellation, and assisted in th
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Georgia, (search)
n calls on people to support and defend the government......Feb. 2. 1780 Assembly adjourns to Heard's Fort, Wilkes county, which becomes temporary capital of the State......Feb. 5, 1780 Governor Howley leaves for Continental Congress; President Wells dying soon after, Stephen Heard becomes executive......Feb. 18, 1780 House of Assembly of only fifteen members (eighteen being a quorum) passes acts attainting rebels of high treason......May 9, 1780 Augusta taken by Colonel Clarke, Sept. 14; retaken by British......Sept. 17, 1780 Fort Grierson, one of the defences of Augusta, taken by Clarke, Pickens, and Lee......May 24, 1781 Colonel Brown, who with British forces stands a protracted siege of Augusta by Americans, capitulates......June 5, 1781 Assembly convenes at Augusta and elects Nathan Brownson governor......Aug. 16, 1781 John Martin elected governor at Augusta......Jan. 1, 1782 Legislature consults with General Wayne at Sister's Ferry on the Savannah, and
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Maryland, (search)
y house on the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad......May 5, 1861 General Butler, at the head of 900 men, occupies Baltimore without opposition......May 13, 1861 Confederates invade the State and occupy Frederick, Sept. 8, 1862. General Lee issues a proclamation to the people of Maryland promising protection and assistance in regaining their rights. On Sept. 10 the Confederates evacuate the city, and it is occupied by the Army of the Potomac......Sept. 12, 1861 Battle of South Mountain, Sept. 14, and Antietam......Sept. 17, 1861 State legislature unable to organize, many members being arrested on suspicion of treason......Sept. 17, 1861 Governor Hicks calls an extra session of the legislature to consider and determine the steps necessary to be taken to enable the State of Maryland to take her place with the other loyal States in defence of the Constitution and Union. The legislature meets at Frederick......Dec. 3, 1861 Gen. Robert C. Schenck proclaims martial law in the