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Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Elizabeth, Queen of England (search)
reater part of Elizabeth's reign, Cecil, Lord Burleigh, was her prime minister. For more than twenty years from 1564 England was at peace with foreign nations, and enjoyed great prosperity. Because of the opposite interests in religion, and possibly because of matrimonial affairs, Elizabeth and Philip of Spain were mutually hostile, and in 1588 the latter sent the invincible Armada for the invasion of England. It consisted of over 130 vessels and 30,000 men. It was defeated and dispersed (Aug. 8), and in a gale more than fifty of the Spanish ships were wrecked. On the death of Leicester the Queen showed decided partiality for the Earl of Essex. Her treatment and final consent to the execution, by beheading, of Mary, Queen of Scots, has left a stain on the memory of Elizabeth. She assisted the Protestant Henry IV. of France in his struggle with the French Roman Catholics, whom Philip of Spain subsidized. Her reign was vigorous, and is regarded as exceedingly beneficial to the Br
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Evertsen, Cornelis, 1673- (search)
Evertsen, Cornelis, 1673- Naval officer; born in Zealand. In 1673 he was despatched against the English colonies in America. He captured or destroyed a large number of ships from Virginia to Staten Island, where he arrived on Aug. 7. He demanded the surrender of New York City, and the next day, Aug. 8, he landed 600 men, to whom the fort was surrendered, the British garrison being allowed to march out with the honors of war. He renamed the city New Orange and reorganized the government upon the old Dutch lines, and after proclaiming Captain Colve governor he sailed for Holland.
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), New Orleans. (search)
endence to submission. The King accepted the advice, and, with foolish pride, said, The world must see that I, unaided, can crush the audacity of sedition. He despatched an officer (Alexander O'Reilly) in great haste to Cuba, with orders to extirpate republicanism at New Orleans. At the close of July, 1769, O'Reilly appeared at the Balize with a strong force. With pretensions of friendship, promises that the people of New Orleans would not be harmed were made and received with faith. On Aug. 8 the Spanish squadron, of twenty-four vessels, bearing 3,000 troops, anchored in front of New Orleans, and the place was taken possession of in the name of the Spanish monarch. With feigned kindness of intentions, the treacherous O'Reilly invited the people's representatives and many of the leading inhabitants to his house (Aug 21), and the former were invited to pass into his private apartments, where they were arrested. You are charged with being the chiefs of this revolt, said O'Reilly;
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Spain, War with (search)
, an officer of war experience and a skilled engineer, was directed to make it practicable. He was supplied with an adequate escort for his protection and given unlimited authority to employ native labor. He soon made the route practicable for the passage of General Garretson's command, which crossed over the mountains to the north side of the island. On Aug. 5 General Brooke had a sharp engagement with the Spanish troops at Guayamo, which town was finally captured by our forces; and on Aug. 8 another engagement took place as the result of a reconnoissance on the road north of Guayamo. This reconnoissance developed the fact that the enemy was strongly intrenched on a crest commanding the road from 6 to 8 miles north of Guayamo, towards Cayey. One object of the movement under General Brooke was to intercept the enemy if he should fall back from Aibonito on the advance of General Wilson, and also to co-operate in the attack upon that place. On Aug. 6 General Schwan was ordere
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), United States of America. (search)
Reeder, of Kansas, removed by President Pierce; Wilson Shannon, of Ohio, appointed in his place......July 28, 1855 William Walker lands in Nicaragua with 160 men......Sept. 3, 1855 Col. Henry L. Kinney made civil and military governor of Greytown, Nicaragua, by citizens......Sept. 12, 1855 Expedition in search of Dr. Kane, under Lieutenant Hartstene, U. S. N., finds at the Isle of Disco, Greenland, Kane and his companions, who had left the ship in the ice, May 17, and reached Disco, Aug. 8......Sept. 13, 1855 This expedition returns to New York City......Oct. 11, 1855 Thirty-fourth Congress, first session, assembles......Dec. 3, 1855 After a contest of nine weeks, on the 133d ballot, Nathaniel P. Banks, of Massachusetts, is elected (Feb. 2, 1856) speaker by a plurality of three votes over William Aiken, of South Carolina. [This session was the stormiest ever held.] Proclamation of President Pierce against the invasion of Nicaragua......Dec. 8, 1855 President
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), North Carolina, (search)
ke, where now stands the city of Raleigh......June, 1781 Tories under Col. Hector McNeill, numbering 600 men, in the early morning march into Hillsboro and capture Governor Burke and his suite and plunder the town......Sept. 13, 1781 David Fanning, a freebooter, appointed lieutenant-colonel of the royal militia in June, 1781, captures forty-four persons at Chatham Court-house while a courtmartial is in progress, July 16; besieges the garrisoned house of Col. Philip Alston, of Chatham, Aug. 8; captures forty-four Whigs under Colonel Wade, and disperses his troops at McFalls Mills, Sept. 1, and fights the Whigs at Lundley's Mill, Chatham county......Sept. 14, 1781 Maj. James H. Craig, who had occupied Wilmington with British troops since June 29, whence he directed raids into the surrounding country, receiving news of the surrender of Cornwallis at Yorktown, evacuates the place.......Nov. 18, 1781 Legislature grants Maj.-Gen. Nathanael Greene 25,000 acres of State land, afte
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Wilmot, David 1814-1868 (search)
gress from 1845 to 1851; presiding judge of the 13th (Pennsylvania) district from 1853 to 1861; and was in the United States Senate, to fill a vacancy, from 1861 to 1863. He was temporary chairman of the committee of the convention at Chicago that nominated Mr. Lincoln for the Presidency. In August, 1846, while a bill authorizing the President of the United States to expend $3,000,000 in negotiations for peace, with Mexico, by purchase of territory, was pending in the House of Representatives, Wilmot moved (Aug. 8) to add an amendment, That, as an express and fundamental condition to the acquisition of any territory front the republic of Mexico by the United States, neither slavery nor involuntary servitude shall ever exist in any part of said territory. This proviso was adopted by the House, but it failed of final action. It was the basis of the organization known as the free-soil party (q. v.) in 1848, and of the Republican party in 1856. He died in Towanda, Pa., March 16, 1868.