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Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Bayard, James Ashton, 1767- (search)
Federal party. In 1804 he was elected to the United States Senate, in which he distinguished himself in conducting the impeachment of Senator Blount. He was chiefly instrumental in securing the election of Jefferson over Burr in 1800; and made, in the House of Representatives, in 1802, a powerful defence of the existing judiciary system, which was soon overthrown. He was in the Senate when war was declared against Great Britain in 1812. In May, 1813, he left the United States on a mission to St. Petersburg, to treat for peace with Great James Ashton Bayard. Britain under Russian mediation. The mission was fruitless. In January, 1814, he went to Holland, and thence to England. At Ghent, during that year, he, with J. Q. Adams, Clay, Gallatin, and Russell, negotiated a treaty of peace with England. He was preparing to go to England as a commissioner under the treaty, when an alarming illness seized him, and He returned home early in 1815. He died soon after his arrival, Aug. 6.
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Burgoyne, Sir John, 1723-1792 (search)
ery step. An expedition sent by Burgoyne to capture stores and cattle, and procure horses in this region and at Bennington, Vt., was defeated in a battle at Hoosick, N. Y. (Aug. 16), by a force hastily gathered under General Stark. Already another invading force of British regulars, Canadians, Tories, and Indians, under Colonel St. Leger, which was sent by Burgoyne, by way of Oswego, to march down the Mohawk Valley and meet the latter at Albany, had been defeated in a battle at Oriskany (Aug. 6). Schuyler was superseded by Gates in command of the northern army. Gates formed a fortified camp on Bemis's Heights to oppose the Burgoyne addressing the Indians. onward march of Burgoyne down the Hudson Valley. There he was attacked (Sept. View of the encampment of the convention troops. 19) by the British; and, after a severe battle, the latter retired to their camp on the heights of Saratoga (afterwards Schuylerville) to await the approach of Sir Henry Clinton from New York.
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Champlain, Lake, operations on (search)
he sank immediately. the Growler was disabled and run ashore, and the people of both vessels were made prisoners. The loss of the Americans in killed and wounded was twenty; that of the British almost 100. The captured sloops were refitted, and named, respectively, Finch and Chubb. They were engaged in the battle off Plattsburg the next year, when McDonough recaptured them. For a while the British were masters of Lake Champlain. This loss stimulated McDonough to greater exertions. By Aug. 6 he had fitted out and armed three sloops and six gunboats. At the close of July a British armament, under Col. J. Murray, attacked defenceless Plattsburg. It was composed of soldiers, sailors, and marines, conveyed in two The Royal savage. this engraving was made from a drawing in water-colors, of the Royal savage, found by the late Benson J. Lossing among the papers of General Schuyler, and gave the first positive information as to the design and appearance of the Uinion flag (q. V.)
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Congress, National (search)
ssion, overthrow, and punishment of rebels in arms. They passed a bill providing for the confiscation of property used for insurrectionary purposes, and that the master of a slave who should employ him in any naval or military service against the government of the United States should forfeit all right to his services thereafter. When Congress had finished the business for which it was called, and had made ample provision in men and means for the suppression of the rebellion, it adjourned (Aug. 6), after a session of thirty-three days. The product of its labors consisted in the passage of sixty-one public and seven private bills and five joint resolutions. On the day before its adjournment it requested the President to appoint a general fast-day. The fifty-seventh Congress. The life of this Congress extends officially from March 4, 1901, to March 4, 1903. The Senate consists of 90 members, divided politically as follows: Republicans, 53; Democrats, 29; Populists, 4; Independe
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Emancipation proclamations. (search)
her premature. He accordingly wrote to General Fremont requesting him to modify his proclamation. The general replied with a request that the President himself would make the necessary modifications. President Lincoln therefore issued a special order, Sept. 11, 1861, declaring that the emancipation clause of General Fremont's proclamation be so modified, held, and construed as to conform with and not to transcend the provisions on the same subject contained in the act of Congress approved Aug. 6, preceding. Another instance of the kind occurred at the hands of General Hunter, the following year. That officer, being in command at Hilton Head, N. C., proclaimed the States of Georgia, Florida, and South Carolina, in his department, under martial law, and May 9, 1862, issued an order in which occurred these words: Slavery and martial law in a free country are altogether incompatible. The persons in these States—Georgia, Florida, and South Carolina—heretofore held as slaves are th
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Gerard de Rayneval, Conrad Alexandre 1778-1790 (search)
tes, of Feb. 6, 1778, diplomatic relations were fully established between the two governments by the French sending M. Gerard (who had been an active participator in the negotiations) as minister plenipotentiary to the young republic. He sailed for America in D'Estaing's flag-ship, in company with Silas Deane, and arrived at Philadelphia early in July. There being no traditionary rules of etiquette suitable for the occasion, the ceremonials which took place at his reception by Congress, on Aug. 6, were entirely new. Richard Henry Lee and Samuel Adams, delegates in Congress, in a coach drawn by six horses, provided by that body, waited upon the minister at his lodgings. A few minutes afterwards the two delegates and M. Gerard entered the coach; the minister's chariot, being behind, received his secretary. The carriages arrived at the State-house a little before one o'clock, when the minister was conducted by Messrs. Lee and Adams to a chair in the Congress chamber, the members of
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Lee, Robert Edward 1807- (search)
ree columns. Great efforts were made to check Lee's retreat. He was smitten severely at Sailor's Creek, a small tributary of the Appomattox, where another train of 400 wagons, sixteen guns, and many men were captured. By this blow Ewell's corps, following the train, was cut off from Lee's main army. Very soon afterwards that corps was captured, Ewell and four other generals and 6,000 veterans becoming prisoners. With his dreadfully shattered army, Lee crossed the Appomattox that night (Aug. 6 and 7) at Farmville, setting fire to bridges behind him. They were not all consumed. The Nationals crossed and captured eighteen guns abandoned by a rear-guard. Lee's troops and animals were perishing for want of food. Thousands let their muskets fall because they were too weak to carry them and walk. Lee would not listen to a proposition of his officers to give up the contest, and resolved to make further efforts to escape. Nearly the whole of Grant's army joined in vigorous pursuit of
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Manila, (search)
ire on the right of the Spanish line of intrenchments, believing that such action would stop the night firing and loss of life, but the admiral had declined to order it unless we were in danger of losing our position by the assaults of the Spanish, for the reason that, in his opinion, it would precipitate a general engagement, for which he was not ready. Now, however, the brigade of General MacArthur was in position and the Monterey Escolta Street, Manila. had arrived, and under date of Aug. 6 Admiral Dewey agreed to my suggestion that we should send a joint letter to the captain-general notifying him that he should remove from the city all non-combatants within forty-eight hours, and that operations against the defences of Manila might begin at any time after the expiration of that period. This letter was sent Aug. 7, and a reply was received the same date to the effect that the Spaniards were without places of refuge for the increased numbers of wounded, sick, women, and chil
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Oriskany, battle of (search)
s at the head of the militia of Tryon county, N. Y., and was instructed by General Schuyler to watch and check the movements of the Mohawk chief, whose presence had put an end to the neutrality of his tribe and of other portions of the Six Nations. Hearing of the siege of Fort Schuyler by Colonel St. Leger (Aug. 3), Herkimer gathered a goodly number of Tryon county militia, and marched to the relief of the garrison. He and his little army were marching in fancied security on the morning of Aug. 6 at Oriskany, a few miles west of the present city of Utica, when Tories and Indians from St. Legers camp, lying in ambush, fell upon the patriots at all points with great fury. Herkimer's rear-guard broke and fled; the remainder bravely sustained a severe conflict for General Herkimer's residence. more than an hour. General Herkimer had a horse shot dead under him, and the bullet that killed the animal shattered his own leg below the knee. Sitting on his saddle at the foot of a beec
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Spain, War with (search)
red by our forces; and on Aug. 8 another engagement took place as the result of a reconnoissance on the road north of Guayamo. This reconnoissance developed the fact that the enemy was strongly intrenched on a crest commanding the road from 6 to 8 miles north of Guayamo, towards Cayey. One object of the movement under General Brooke was to intercept the enemy if he should fall back from Aibonito on the advance of General Wilson, and also to co-operate in the attack upon that place. On Aug. 6 General Schwan was ordered to proceed from Ponce to Yauco with six companies of the 11th Infantry, Troop A, 5th Cavalry, and two batteries of light artillery, and on arrival there to take the balance of the 11th Infantry (which was already there) and organize his command preparatory to a movement by way of Sabana Grande, San German, Mayaguez, and Lares to Arecibo, to which point it was intended to send General Garretson's column by the more direct route via Adjuntas and Utuado—all to be conc