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no one knows so little about a war, or even a great battle, as the soldier engaged. We are told that Port Hudson fell on the twenty-seventh of June, the works being stormed by a last desperate charge of our men; and it is this sudden release of Banks's troops, the energy with which they have been brought down the river, and the non-arrival of the rebel force from Arkansas, which have put an end to Gen. Taylor's plans. Vicksburgh, according to the rebel account, was surrendered on the fourth of July, not to Grant, but to Admiral Farragut, and if one of the reported conditions be true, the worthy Admiral could not have acted with his usual judgment. I refer to the rebel officers being released on their parole, instead of being detained, as ours have been. We have a large number of officers in rebel hands, and, especially now that they are threatening to hang those belonging to negro regiments, it is important that we should be in a condition to retaliate if necessary. Such are t
Iii. Thursday's doubtful issue--Friday's victory. field of battle near Gettysburgh, Pa., July 4. Two more days of such fighting as no Northern State ever witnessed before, and victory at lapreliminary campaign. headquarters army of the Potomac, near Gettysburgh, Saturday evening, July 4. The campaign which has practically terminated in the rout whose last sullen echoes are now don, are sufficient evidence of the utility of being prepared for such emergencies. On Saturday, July fourth, two wagons reported to me from Washington, being accompanied by Dr. Alexander McDonald,ster, under the direction of Messrs. Hovey and Bacon. This car arrived at Westminster Saturday, July fourth, when Mr. Hovey procured three government wagons, and that evening started with three fucond, and Third corps hospitals. By your orders I left Washington by the eleven A. M. train, July fourth, arriving at Relay in time for the two P. M. train for Westminster. Owing to a misunderstand
nd to Alton today, (Sunday noon.) S. A. Hurlbut, Major-General Commanding. headquarters District East-Arkansas, Helena, July 4, three A. M. To Major-General S. A. Hurlbut, Commanding Fifteenth Army Corps: General: We have been hard pressed sincey. In great haste, your obedient servant, B. M. Prentiss, Major-General headquarters District East-Arkansas, Helena, July 4, three P. M. Major-General S. A. Hurlbut, Commanding Sixteenth Army Corps: General: We have repulsed the enemy at everiment took in the attack on Helena on the fourth of July, 1863. A little before four o'clock on the morning of the fourth of July, two messengers came in from the picket-post on the Little Rock road, bringing word that the enemy were advancing, dr attacked by Missouri's favorite general, under the direction of the laggard Holmes. At four o'clock A. M., on the fourth day of July, the siege-gun, which was to give the signal of attack, belched forth its startling alarm to the little garrison, a
Late headquarters of Lieutenant-General Pemberton, in the City of Vicksburgh, Anniversary Day, July 4. I. A splendid victory. Vicksburgh has fallen! After forty-seven days of steady siege, thhat the reward of all our endeavors and hopes is rich and commensurate with the toil. The Fourth of July. The day is celebrated with all the internal warmth at least, that marks it as one of thee day, and was not finally concluded until nine o'clock the next morning, the ever-memorable Fourth of July. General Pemberton afterward came out and had a personal interview with Grant in front of Geat had been passed on this day, and it leaked out that a surrender was in contemplation. Saturday, July 4.--It became known that the surrender had been made, and that the alleged cause was starvatiived; the preliminaries were not agreed upon, and the flag returned, firing commencing again. July 4.--To-day the place and its contents was surrendered to the Federal authority — a sore stroke to
trated by the heat. The Fifth New-York supported a battery which was exposed to a very hot fire. A shell passed through the body of Daniel Hurley, company C, killed a horse, and wounded John Buckley, of the same company. Saturday morning, July fourth, it became known that the enemy was in full retreat, and General Kilpatrick moved on to destroy his train and harass his column. A heavy rain fell all day, and the travelling was any thing but agreeable. We arrived at Emmetsburgh--one of thentain, a piece of cannon belches forth fire and smoke and destructive missiles directly in front. Imagine all this, and a little more, and the reader can then form some idea of what occurred to General Kilpatrick's command, on Saturday night, July fourth, as it ascended the mountain to the Monterey Gap, and so across to Waterloo on the western slope. The column commenced to ascend the mountain at about dark, and arrived near the Monterey House, at the top, between nine and ten o'clock. The en
neral Frank Gardner, Commanding C. S. Forces, Port Hudson: General: In reply to your communication dated the seventh instant, by flag of truce received a few moments since, I have the honor to inform you that I received yesterday morning, July seventh, at forty-five minutes past ten o'clock, by the gunboat General Price, an official despatch from Major-General Ulysses S. Grant, U. S. army, whereof the following is a true extract: headquarters Department of the Tennessee, near Vicksburgh, July 4. To Major-General N. P. Banks, Commanding Department of the Gulf: General: The garrison of Vicksburgh surrendered this morning. The number of prisoners, as given by the officers, is twenty-seven thousand; field artillery, one hundred and twenty-eight pieces; and a large number of siege-guns, probably not less than eighty. Your obedient servant, U. S. Grant, Major-General. I regret to say, that under present circumstances, I cannot, consistently with my duty, consent to a cessatio
lly, John H. Morgan, Commanding Div. Cavalry C. S. A. Colonel Moore replied: Present my compliments to General Morgan, and say to him that this being the Fourth of July, I cannot entertain the proposition. Shaking hands, the Colonel and Major parted, and the Colonel regaining our lines said: Now, my men, rise up, take good ated a monument that will perpetuate their names to all eternity. By order of Colonel O. H. Moore. Ed. M. Prutzman, Lieutenant and Adjutant. Thus the fourth day of July, made memorable ever in the annals of history, was to-day brought nearer and dearer to us by the gaining of a splendid victory over John Morgan's entire divwith the stockade. I am, very respectfully, sir, John H. Morgan, Commanding Division Cavalry C. S. A. I sent a reply to General John Morgan that the Fourth day of July was no day for me to entertain such a proposition. After receiving the reply, he opened fire with his artillery and musketry. My force, which occupied the
Congress of North-Carolina empowered their delegates in Congress to concur with the delegates of the other Colonies in declaring independence and forming foreign alliances, and on the fifteenth of the following month Virginia, through her Convention, instructed her delegates in the Continental Congress to propose to that body to declare the United Colonies free and in dependent States, absolved from all allegiance to, or dependence on, the Crown or Parliament of Great Britain, and on the fourth of July following the ever memorable Declaration was made. But how different has been the course of the Secessionists. They seem to have resolved years ago that the Union should be destroyed, and then to have set themselves to work to forge such grievances as would seem to give them a decent pretext for the accomplishment of their premeditated schemes. The first effort was made in the days of nullification by the Secessionists of South-Carolina. The grievance then complained of was the tar
rdsville. It was at this point that Morgan captured the mail-train on the Louisville and Nashville Railroad, and had captured and paroled about, twenty soldiers who were passengers on board the cars. They also robbed all the passengers of any valuables they might have about them, stole all the contents of the mail-bags and appropriated all the express packages that were on board. Here our horses began to give out. We had been in the saddle with hardly any rest since the evening of the fourth of July, and it was more than horse-flesh could endure, so to recruit our horses we went into camp at six o'clock in the evening. On the morning of the eighth we were again on our way at half-past 4 o'clock, General Shackleford's brigade in the advance, and crossed the railroad where the rebels had robbed the mail. They had taken all the letters with them to amuse themselves by reading as they went along, and for twenty-five or thirty miles the road was strewed with fragments of paper — the le
inden; Acting Volunteer Lieutenant E. C. Brennand, commanding Prairie Bird; Acting Volunteer Lieutenant J. Gandy, commanding Queen City. There are others who deserve commendation, but these seem to me the most prominent. The action of the fourth of July, at Helena, wherein the Tyler participated so largely, has already been reported to the Department. There is no doubt left in the minds of any but that the Tyler saved Helena, for though General Prentiss fought with a skill and daring not exuarters Expeditionary army, Black River, July 4, 1863. Admiral D. D. Porter, Commanding Fleet. dear Admiral: No event in my life could have given me more personal pride or pleasure than to have met you to-day on the wharf at Vicksburgh — a Fourth of July so eloquent in events as to need no words or stimulants to elevate its importance. I can appreciate the intense satisfaction you must feel at lying before the very monster that has defied us with such deep and malignant hate, and seeing yo