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still as heretofore reported to Department, excepting a gunboat expedition reported in Altamaha, and one preparing for St. John's River, Florida. I will prepare as far as practicable for contingencies referred to in Department's letter, 10th inst. Please send me any positive information relative to movements or intentions of enemy. But, in order that the War Department should be thoroughly cognizant of the state of affairs in my Department, I further addressed to you a letter, on the 15th June, in which I pointed out how utterly insufficient were the forces at my command to resist those of the enemy, and that on my own responsibility I could not further deplete the force in the Department. I drew your attention, in this same letter, to the danger of an attack by the way of Morris Island—indeed, to the very route on which General Gillmore has since operated. I take the following extract from that letter: * * * Thus it will be seen that the force in the Department is already
emned its injudicious extension. as to require a force of not less than 25,000 men, instead of the 2200 then available. At ten o'clock in the morning of the 15th of June W. F. Smith, after a hot engagement of several hours with Dearing's cavalry, in advance, moved upon the Confederate works by the Baxter road, in front of Batte War Department, to co-operate with General Lee. See Appendix. They were: Hoke's division, the first brigade of which (Hagood's) arrived at nightfall on the 15th of June; part of Bushrod Johnson's division—which had been so seasonably withdrawn from Bermuda Hundreds, by order of General Beauregard—arriving a little before noon was full forty miles from the Appomattox, his advanced forces did not reach the city until the night of the 15th. The reader is already aware that, on the 15th of June, General Lee had not the least idea of hurrying forward to the support of General Beauregard. His own telegrams exist to bear witness --to this. Not only wer
General Badeau asserts that most of these operations were conducted exclusively by Meade, to whom Grant now intended to allow a more absolute control of the movements of his own army than he had hitherto enjoyed. Military History of Ulysses S. Grant, vol. II., p. 886. It is none the less a fact that, whoever the Federal commander then was, and though General Lee may have been outmanoeuvered previous to the arrival of his army in front of Petersburg, since that time, or, rather, from the 15th of June to the 30th of July, and even later, the Federal Commander—whether Grant or Meade—never proved himself a match for either General Beauregard or General Lee. During the 18th and 19th of June, General Lee's troops, as they arrived, were extended on the right of General Beauregard's, which were now contracted somewhat from their attenuated development. General Beauregard remained in immediate charge of the Petersburg lines already held by his troops; that is to say, from the Appomattox t
April, 1863. No other Confederate general was honored to that extent during the war. And may it not be added that a strange contrast was thus presented between the ill — will of the Administration and the manifest admiration and gratitude of the representatives of the people? It is known, furthermore, that Congress would have reiterated its thanks to General Beauregard, after the battle of Drury's Bluff, in May, 1864, and also after the almost incredible stand he made at Petersburg, from June 15th to 18th, of the same year, had not the fear been expressed by some members, that to pass votes of thanks again in his honor would indicate too much partiality for him. General Johnston arrived at Charlotte on the 24th, and, after a long conference with General Beauregard, assumed command the next day. He desired the latter to continue the concentration of our forces, at the most available points, from Charlotte to Raleigh, which General Beauregard had been so long endeavoring to effect.
ode. The casualties in Wise's brigade, on June 15th, amounted to 12 killed, 62 wounded, and 129 Bermuda Hundreds line. 1. Swift Creek, Va., June 15th, 1864:1 P. M. Genl. Braxton Bragg, Richmond,T. Beauregard, Genl. 3. Petersburg, Va., June 15th, 1864:9.11 P. M. Genl. Braxton Bragg, Richmoto General R. E. Lee. 4. Petersburg, Va., June 15th, 1864:11.15 P. M. Genl. R. E. Lee, Headquartnd Bragg. (telegram repeated.) Swift Creek, June 15th, 1864:9 A. M. General Dearing reports at the following despatch: Swift Creek, Va., June 15th, 1864:7 A. M. Genl. Braxton Bragg, Richmond,ng telegraphic despatch: Swift Creek, Va., June 15th, 1864:1 P. M. Genl. Braxton Bragg, Richmond,I telegraphed you as follows: Swift Creek, June 15th, 1864:1.45 P. M. Genl. Braxton Bragg, Richmoing telegraphic despatch: Petersburg, Va., June 15th, 1864:9.11 P. M. Genl. Braxton Bragg, Richmo Giles B. Cooke during the late War. Wednesday, June 15th, 1864.—About 12.30 P. M. was sent into [2 more...]