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Frederick H. Dyer, Compendium of the War of the Rebellion: Regimental Histories 608 608 Browse Search
The Atlanta (Georgia) Campaign: May 1 - September 8, 1864., Part I: General Report. (ed. Maj. George B. Davis, Mr. Leslie J. Perry, Mr. Joseph W. Kirkley) 49 49 Browse Search
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing) 22 22 Browse Search
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War. Volume 4. 18 18 Browse Search
Capt. Calvin D. Cowles , 23d U. S. Infantry, Major George B. Davis , U. S. Army, Leslie J. Perry, Joseph W. Kirkley, The Official Military Atlas of the Civil War 14 14 Browse Search
Official Records of the Union and Confederate Armies, Chapter XXII: Operations in Kentucky, Tennessee, North Mississippi, North Alabama, and Southwest Virginia. March 4-June 10, 1862. (ed. Lieut. Col. Robert N. Scott) 12 12 Browse Search
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events, Diary from December 17, 1860 - April 30, 1864 (ed. Frank Moore) 12 12 Browse Search
Horace Greeley, The American Conflict: A History of the Great Rebellion in the United States of America, 1860-65: its Causes, Incidents, and Results: Intended to exhibit especially its moral and political phases with the drift and progress of American opinion respecting human slavery from 1776 to the close of the War for the Union. Volume II. 10 10 Browse Search
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 22. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones) 10 10 Browse Search
Waitt, Ernest Linden, History of the Nineteenth regiment, Massachusetts volunteer infantry , 1861-1865 9 9 Browse Search
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Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Amidas, Philip, 1550-1618 (search)
ch you may judge how profitable this land is likely to succeede, as well to your selfe, by whose direction and charge, and by whose servantes this our discoverie hath beene performed, as also to her Highnesse, and the Commonwealth, in which we hope your wisdome wilbe satisfied, considering that as much by us hath bene brought to light, as by those smal meanes, and number of men we had, could any way have bene expected, or loped for. The tenth of May we arrived at the Canaries, and the tenth of June in this present yeere, we were fallen with the Islands of the West Indies, keeping a more Southeasterly course then was needefull, because wee doubted that the current of the Bay of Mexico, disbogging betweene the Cape of Florida and Havana, had bene of greater force than afterwards we found it to bee. At which Islands we found the ayre very unwholesome, and our men grew for the most part ill disposed: so that having refreshed our selves with sweet water. & fresh victuall, we departed th
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Boston, (search)
ed their abhorrence of the acts, yet the rioters went unpunished, an indication that they had powerful sympathizers. Indemnification for losses by the officers of the crown was demanded by the British government and agreed to by Massachusetts. Hutchinson received $12,000; Oliver, $645; Story, $255; Hallowell, $1,446. The commissioners of customs arrived in Boston in May, 1768, and began their duties with diligence. The sloop Liberty, belonging to John Hancock, arrived in Boston Harbor June 10, with a cargo of wine from Madeira. It had been determined by leading merchants and citizens to resist these custom-house officers as illegal tax-gatherers, and when the tide-waiter, as usual, went on board the Liberty, on her arrival, just at sunset, to await the landing of dutiable goods on the dock, he was politely received and invited into the cabin to drink punch. At about 9 P. M. he was confined below. while the wine was landed without entering it at the custom-house or observing
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Braddock, Edward, 1695- (search)
Braddock, Edward, 1695- Military officer; born in Perthshire, Scotland, about 1695; entered the army as ensign in the Cold-stream Guards; served in the wars in Flanders; received a commission as brigadier-general in 1746, and major-general in March, 1754. He arrived in Virginia in February, 1755, and, placed in command of an expedition against Fort Duquesne, began his march from Will's Creek (Cumberland, Md.), June 10, with about 2,000 men, regulars and provincials. Anxious to reach his destination before Fort Duquesne should receive reinforcements, he made forced marches with 1,200 men, leaving Colonel Dunbar, his second in command, to follow with the remainder and the wagon-train. On the morning of July 9 the little army forded the Monongahela River, and advanced in solid platoons along the southern shores of that stream. Washington saw the perilous arrangement of the troops after the fashion of European tactics, and he ventured to advise Braddock to disperse his army in o
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Caimanera (search)
Caimanera A town on the Bay of Guantanamo, in the district of the same name, and the province of Santiago, Cuba; about 35 miles east of the entrance of the harbor of Santiago. At the beginning of the war with Spain in 1898, the town and vicinity were the scene of important military and naval operations. On June 10 the bay was seized for a base of supplies by Captain McCalla, with the Marblehead, Yankee, and St. Louis, and the last vessel, supported by the others, cut the cable at Caimanera, which was connected with Santiago. The town was garrisoned by 3,000 Spanish soldiers, and protected by several gunboats and a fort. When the American vessels opened fire at 800 yards, forcing the Spaniards to withdraw from the block-house and the town, the Alfonso Pinzon appeared at the entrance of the bay, and at a range of 4,000 yards fired on the American vessels. The latter soon found the range; but the Spanish vessel refused to withdraw until the Marblehead gave chase, when she retir
2, 1775), the Congress was urged to authorize the invasion and seizure of Canada. That body hoped to gain a greater victory by making the Canadians their friends and allies. To this end they sent a loving address to them, and resolved, on June 1, that no expedition or incursion ought to be undertaken or made by any colony or body of colonists against or into Canada. The Provincial Congress of New York had expressly disclaimed any intention to make war on Canada. But Gage's proclamation (June 10) that all Americans in arms were rebels and traitors, and especially the battle of Bunker (Breed's) Hill, made a radical change in the feelings of the people and in Congress. It was also ascertained that Governor Carleton had received a commission to muster and arm the people of the province, and to march them into any province in America to arrest and put to death, or spare, rebels and other offenders. Here was a menace that could not go unheeded. Cols. Ethan Allen, Benedict Arnold
inese government of heavy engagements in their efforts to put down the uprising, a large number of the imperial forces were fighting with the Boxers. Fifty miles of the Luban Railway had been destroyed by the anti-foreign mob, with many stores and supplies for the new lines then under construction. Chapels and mission settlements in Shantung and Pechili provinces were looted and burned and hundreds of native Christians massacred. Finally the railway from Tientsin to Peking was cut. On June 10, the British Admiral Seymour, with 2,000 men, drawn from the international forces in Tientsin, set out to repair the railway, and found it so badly damaged that in two days he had advanced only 35 miles. Then came the news that he had been surrounded by countless hordes of Chinese, imperial soldiers and Boxers, and that all communication with Tientsin and Peking was closed. Not until June 26 was he able, after receiving reinforcements, to cut his way back into Tientsin. He had lost 374 me
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Duquesne, Fort, (search)
een cannon, went down the Alleghany River in sixty bateaux and 300 canoes, took possession of the unfinished fortification, and named it Fort Duquesne, in compliment to the captaingeneral of Canada. Lieutenant-Colonel Washington, with a small force, hurried from Cumberland to recapture it, but was made a prisoner, with about 400 men, at Fort Necessity. In 1755 an expedition for the capture of Fort Duquesne, commanded by Gen. Edward Braddock (q. v.)marched from Will's Creek (Cumberland) on June 10, about 2,000 strong, British and provincials. On the banks of the Monongahela Braddock was defeated and killed on July 9, and the expedition was ruined. Washington was a lieutenant-colonel under Braddock in the expedition against Fort Duquesne, in 1755, and in that of 1758. In the former he was chiefly instrumental in saving a portion of the British and provincial troops from utter destruction. At the battle near the Monongahela, where Braddock was killed, every officer but Washington
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Erskine, David Montague, Baron, 1776- (search)
nts. This arrangement was completed April 18, 1809. The next day the Secretary of State received a note from Erskine, saying he was authorized to declare that his Majesty's Orders in Council of January and November, 1807, would be withdrawn on June 10 next ensuing. On the same day (April 19) the President issued a proclamation declaring that trade with Great Britain might be resumed after June 10. This proclamation gave great joy in the United States. Partisan strife was hushed, and the PrJune 10. This proclamation gave great joy in the United States. Partisan strife was hushed, and the President was toasted and feasted by leading Federalists, as a Washingtonian worthy of all confidence. In the House of Representatives, John Randolph, who lauded England for her magnanimity, offered (May 3, 1809) a resolution which declared that the promptitude and frankness with which the President of the United States has met the overtures of the government of Great Britain towards a restoration of harmony and freer commercial intercourse between the two nations meet the approval of this House
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Forrest, Nathan Bedford 1821-1877 (search)
he retreated (March 27), with a loss of 300 men killed and wounded. The National loss was sixty killed and wounded. Forrest was chagrined by this failure, and proceeded to attack Fort Pillow, on the Mississippi, which he captured in April. Hearing of the march of General Sturgis from Memphis to intercept him, Forrest escaped from Tennessee into Mississippi. A few weeks later, troops sent out from Memphis to hunt up and capture him were defeated by him in a severe engagement at Gun Town (June 10), on the Mobile and Ohio Railway, and were driven back with great loss. On the 14th he was defeated near Tupelo, Miss. Not long afterwards, when Smith was in Mississippi with 10,000 men, the bold raider flanked him, and dashed into Memphis in broad daylight, at the head of 3,000 cavalry, in search of National officers, and escaped again into Mississippi. He died in Memphis, Tenn., Oct. 29, 1877. His invasion of Tennessee, in 1864, was a remarkable performance. For several weeks he ha
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), New Sweden, founding of (search)
rence River, which was formerly called Florida, when separate names were not yet given to its coasts. That was done about the year 1584. Captain De la Ware, under the command of the English Admiral James Chartiers, Acrelius has been led into this singular mistake by Campanius, whom he here follows. Cartier (not Chartiers) was a French subject, and discovered the St. Lawrence in 1534. Lord (not captain ) De la Ware was appointed governor of Virginia in 1610, and arrived at Jamestown on June 10 of the same year. He probably entered the Delaware on his way to Virginia. The reader will notice various inaccuracies in these early pages. was the first who discovered the bay in which the Indian river Poutaxat debouched, and gave his name, Delaware, to both the river and the bay, in the year 1600. These countries were repeatedly visited by the English: first by those sent out by Sir Walter Raleigh from Bristol, in the year 1603, and afterwards by Sir G. Popham and Captain James Davis,