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ion of his father, and with such success, that Herod altered his intentions in their behalf, recalled Doris to court, and sent Antipater to Rome, recommending him to the favour of Augustus. (Jos. Ant. 16.3, Bell. Jud. 1.23.2.) He still continued his machinations against his brothers, and, though Herod was twice reconciled to them, yet his arts, aided by Salome and Pheroras, and especially by the Spartan Eurycles (comp. Plut. Ant. p. 947b.), succeeded at length in bringing about their death, B. C. 6. (Jos. Ant. 16.4-11, Bell. Jud. 1.23-27.) Having thus removed his rivals, and been declared successor to the throne, he entered into a plot against his father's life with his uncle Pheroras ; and, to avoid suspicion, contrived to get himself sent to Rome, taking with him, for the approbation of Augustus, Herod's altered will. But the investigation occasioned by the death of Pheroras (whom his wife was suspected of poisoning) brought to light Antipater's murderous designs, chiefly through th
Salome, though Berenice, the daughter of the latter, was married to Aristobulus; the young men themselves supplying their enemies with a handle against them by the indiscreet expression of their indignation at their mother's death. In B. C. 11, they were accused by Herod at Aquileia before Augustus, through whose mediation, however, he was recon ciled to them. Three years after, Aristobulus was again involved with his brother in a charge of plotting against their father, but a second reconciliation was effected by Archelaus, king of Cappadocia, the father-in-law of Alexander. A third accusation, through the arts of Eurycles, the Lacedaemonian adventurer, proved fatal : by permission of Augustus, the two young men were arraigned by Herod before a council convened at Berytus (at which they were not even allowed to be present to defend themselves), and, being condemned, were soon after strangled at Sebaste, B. C. 6. (J. AJ 16.1-4, 8, 10, 11; Bell. Jud. 1.23-27; comp. Strab. xvi. p.765.)
49. Valarsaces or Wagharshag I., founder of the Armenian dynasty of the Arsacidae, established on the throne of Armenia by his brother, Mithridates Arsaces [ARSACES VI.] king of the Parthians. --B. C. 127. Arsaces or Arshag I., his son.--B. C. 114. Artaces, Artaxes, or Ardashes I., his son.--B. C. 89. Tigranes or Dikran I. (II.), his son.--B. C. 36. Artavasdes or Artawazt I., his son.--B. C. 30. Artaxes II., his son.--B. C. 20. Tigranes II., brother of Artaxes II.--B. C. .... Tigranes III.--B. C. 6. Artavasdes II.--B. C. 5. Tigranes III. reestablished.--B. C. 2. Erato, queen. A. D. 2. Ariobarzanes, a Parthian prince, established by the Romans.--A. D. 4. Artavasdes III. or Artabases, his Son.--A. D. 5. Erato re-established ; death uncertain.-- .... Interregnum.--A. D. 16. Vonones.--A. D. 17. Interregnum.--A. D. 18. Zeno of Pontus, surnamed Artaxias.--... Tigranes IV., son of Alexander Herodes.--A. D. 35. Arsaces II. --A. D. 35. Mithridates of Iberia.--A. D. 51. Rhadamistus of Iberia.
grippa, jealous of Augustus' partiality for him, left Rome, and did not return till Marcellus had died in the flower of his life. Julia was now compelled by her father to marry the aged Agrippa, and her sons, Caius and Lucius Caesar, were raised to the dignity of principes juventutis. At the death of Agrippa, in B. C. 12, Tiberius was obliged to divorce his wife, Vipsania, and, contrary to his own will, to marry Julia. Dissatisfied with her conduct and the elevation of her sons, he went, in B. C. 6, to Rhodes, where he spent eight years, to avoid living with Julia. Augustus, who became at last disgusted with her conduct, sent her in B. C. 2 into exile in the island of Pandataria, near the coast of Campania, whither she was followed by her mother, Scribonia. The children of Julia, Julia the Younger and Agrippa Postumus, were likewise banished. The grief of Augustus was increased by the deaths of his friend Maecenas, in B. C. 8, and of his two grandsons, Caius and Lucius Caesar, who are
A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology (ed. William Smith), VII. Laelii Balbi. (search)
VII. Laelii Balbi. Balbus 1. D. Laelius Balbus, D. F. D. N., one of the quindecemviri who superintended the celebration of the saecular games in B. C. 17 (Fast. Capitol.), and consul in B. C. 6. (D. C. 4.9.) Balbus 2. Laelius Balbus, accused Acutia, formerly the wife of P. Vitellius, of treason (majestas), but was unable to obtain the usual reward after her condemnation, in consequence of the intercession of the tribune Junius Otho. He was condemned in A. D. 37 as one of the paramours of Albucilla, deprived of his senatorial rank, and banished to an island: his condemnation gave general satisfaction, as he had been ever ready to accuse the innocent. (Tac. Ann. 6.47, 48.)
Balbus 1. D. Laelius Balbus, D. F. D. N., one of the quindecemviri who superintended the celebration of the saecular games in B. C. 17 (Fast. Capitol.), and consul in B. C. 6. (D. C. 4.9.)
and Salome, sister of Herod the Great, was married to Aristobulus, her first cousin. [ARISTOBULUS, No. 4.] This prince, proud of his descent through Mariamne from the blood of the Maccabees, is said by Josephus to have taunted Berenice with her inferiority of birth; and her consequent complaints to Salome served to increase that hostility of the latter to Aristobulus which mainly caused his death. (J. AJ 18.5, 94, 16.1.2, 4.1, 7.3; Bell. Jud. 1.23. sec; 1, 24. sec; 3.) After his execution, B. C. 6, Berenice became the wife of Theudion, maternal uncle to Antipater the eldest son of Herod the Great,-- Antipater having brought about the marriage with the view of conciliating Salome and disarming her suspicions of himself. (J. AJ 17.1.1; Bell. Jud. 1.28. sec; 1.) Josephus does not mention the death of Theudion, but it is probable that he suffered for his share in Antipater's plot against the life of Herod. [See p. 203a.] (J. AJ 17.4.2; Bell. Jud. 1.30.5.) Berenice certainly appears to
A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology (ed. William Smith), or Hero'd the Great or Hero'des Magnus (search)
re effected a reconciliation. A third attempt of Antipater was more successful: by the instrumentality of Eurycles, a Lacedaemonian, at that time resident at the court of Herod, he brought a fresh accusation against Alexander and his brother; to which the king lent a willing ear, and having first obtained the consent of Augustus, Herod brought his two sons to a mock trial at Berytus, where they were condemned without being even heard in their defence, and soon after put to death at Sebaste, B. C. 6. But the execution of these unhappy youths was far from removing all the elements of discord within the house of Herod. Repeated dissensions had arisen between him and his brother Pheroras, whom he at length ordered to withdraw into his own tetrarchy of Peraea. Here he soon after died: his widow was accused of having poisoned him, and the investigations consequent upon this charge led to the discovery of a more important conspiracy, which had been formed by Antipater and Pheroras in concert
54.3; Hor. Carm. 2.2, 5.) According, indeed, to one account (Suet. l.c.; D. C. 48.54, 51.15; Suet. l. c.), he had actually betrothed her to a son of M. Antony, and to Cotiso, a king of the Getae [COTISO]; but his choice at length fell on Tiberius Nero, who was afterwards Caesar. (Vell. 2.96; Suet. Tib. 7; D. C. 54.31.) Their union, however, was neither happy nor lasting. After the death of their infant son at Aquileia, Tiberius, partly in disgust at Julia's levities (Suet. Tib. 8), went, in B. C. 6, into voluntary exile, and before he returned to Italy, Augustus had somewhat tardily discovered the misconduct of his daughter. With some allowance for the malignity of her step-mother Livia, for the corruptions of the age and the court, and for the prejudices of writers either favourable to Tiberius, or who wrote after her disgrace, the vices of Julia admit of little doubt, and her indiscretion probably exceeded her vices. Her frank and lively temperament broke through the politic decorum
Ma'nlius 4. Manlius Lentinus, the legate of C. Pomptinius in Narbonese Gaul, in B. C. 6 1, took the city of Ventia, and defeated the barbarians. (D. C. 37.47.)