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Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Constitution of the United States (search)
ime recommending another convention. On Feb. 21, 1787, the Congress, by resolution, strongly urged the several legislatures to send deputies to a convention to meet in Philadelphia in May following, for the sole and express purpose of revising the Articles of Confederation. Delegates were appointed by all the States excepting Rhode Island. The convention assembled at the appointed time (May 14), but only one-half the States were then represented. The remainder did not all arrive before May 24. Washington, who was a delegate from Virginia, was chosen president of the convention, and William Jackson, one of his most intimate friends, was made secretary. Edmund Randolph, of Virginia, opened the proceedings by a carefully prepared speech, in which the defects of the existing Constitution were pointed out. At its conclusion he offered fifteen resolutions, in which were embodied the leading principles whereon to construct a new form of government. In these was the suggestion that a
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Magna Charta, (search)
Magna Charta, The Great Charter, whose fundamental parts were derived from Saxon charters, continued by Henry I. and his successors. On Nov. 20, 1214, the Archbishop of Canterbury and the barons met at St. Edmondsbury. On Jan. 6, 1215, they presented demands to King John, who deferred his answer. On May 19 they were censured by the pope. On May 24 they marched to London, and the King had to yield. The charter was settled by John at Runnymede, near Windsor, June 15, 1215, and often confirmed by Henry III. and his successors. The last grand charter was granted in 1224 by Edward I. The original manuscript charter is lost. The finest manuscript copy, which is at Lincoln, was reproduced by photographs in the National manuscripts, published by the British government, 1865. For the complete text see Great charter.
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), New York, colony of (search)
(April 3, 1775), a committee of sixty was appointed in the city of New York to enforce the regulations of the American Association. Warmly supported by the Sons of Liberty, they took the lead in political matters. By their recommendation the people in the several counties chose representatives for a Provincial Congress, which body first convened on May 22, 1775. The conservatism of New York disappeared when it was evident that the door of reconciliation had been closed by the King. On May 24, the convention referred the vote of the Continental Congress of the 15th, on the establishment of independent State governments, to a committee composed of John Morin Scott, Haring, Remsen, Lewis, Jay, Cuyler, and Broome. The Canal, broad Street. They reported in favor of the recommendation of the Congress. On the 31st, provision was made for the election of new deputies, with ample power to institute a government which should continue in force until a future peace with Great Britain.
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Oregon, (search)
f the American navy; carries four 13-inch (67-ton) guns, eight 8-inch, four 6-inch, and thirty-one rapid-fire machine guns. At the outbreak of hostilities with Spain, the Oregon was ordered from San Francisco, where she was built, to the Atlantic coast. She left San Francisco March 19, and arrived at Callao, Peru, April 4, where she took on coal; reached Sandy Point April 18, and again took on coal; reached Rio de Janeiro April 30, Bahia May 8, Barbadoes May 18, and Jupiter Inlet, Florida, May 24. The entire distance run was 14,706 knots, at an expenditure of 4,155 tons of coal. While in Rio de Janeiro, Captain Clark received word that the Spanish torpedo-boat Temerario had sailed from Montevideo with the intention of United States battle-ship Oregon. destroying the Oregon. Captain Clark notified the Brazilian authorities that if the Temerario entered the harbor with hostile intention, she would be attacked; and at the same time left orders with the commander of the United Stat
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), State of Pennsylvania, (search)
Liberties of Philadelphia were directed to summon a conference of the committees of every county in the province to make arrangements for a constituent convention to be chosen by the people. Then was preparation made for the fall of the proprietary charter of Pennsylvania. Dickinson and his friends persisted in opposition to independence. Concessions were made to the Continental Congress by the Assembly in not requiring newly elected members to swear allegiance to the King. Finally, on May 24, the committee of inspection of the city of Philadelphia addressed a memorial to the Congress, setting forth that the Assembly did not possess the confidence of the people, nor truly represent the sentiments of the province; and that measures had been taken for assembling a popular convention. The Assembly became nervous. It felt that its dissolution was nigh. In the first days of June no governor appeared. The members showed signs of yielding to the popular pressure; but on the 7th, the
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Seminole Indians (search)
th were found guilty of stirring, up the Indians to war, and executed. Meanwhile one or two other Indian towns were destroyed by Georgians; and a rumor reaching Jackson of encouragement being given by the Spanish governor at Pensacola to Indian raids into Alabama, the general marched for that place. He was met on the way by a protest from the governor against the invasion of Florida, and his determination to resist it by force. But Jackson pressed on, and entered Pensacola the next day (May 24), with only a show of resistance. The governor fled to the fort at the Barrancas, which Jackson assailed with cannon, when the alarmed magistrate thought it prudent to surrender (May 27). The Spanish authorities and troops were sent to Havana. When Jackson's proceedings in Florida were made known in Washington the Spanish minister (Don Onis) protested against this invasion of Spanish territory. Jackson had ended the Seminole War, and the object of the government being accomplished, the P
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Spain, War with (search)
sign Bagley and four men on the torpedo-boat Winslow were killed. May 11. Admiral Cervera's fleet appeared off Martinique. May 12. Admiral Sampson bombarded San Juan de Porto Rico. May 13. The flying squadron left Hampton roads for eastern Cuba, via Key West. May 18. A new Spanish ministry under SeƱor Sagasta came into office. May 19. Admiral Cervera's fleet arrived in the harbor of Santiago de Cuba. May 22. The cruiser Charleston sailed from San Francisco for Manila. May 24. The battle-ship Oregon reached Jupiter Inlet, Florida. May 25. The President issued a second call for volunteers, the number being 75,000. May 25. The first Manila expedition from San Francisco started. May 30. Admiral Sampson's fleet arrived at Santiago from Porto Rico. May 31. Forts at the entrance of Santiago Harbor were bombarded. June 3. Lieutenant Hobson sank the Merrimac in the entrance to Santiago Harbor. June 4. Captain Gridley, of the Olympia, died at Kobe, J
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), New York, (search)
ate grants $20,000 to county agricultural societies to promote agriculture and family domestic manufactures......1817 State library founded at Albany......April 21, 1818 First steamboat, Walk-in-the-water, on Lake Erie......1818 Hamilton Theological Seminary, Madison county, incorporated......1819 Steamship Savannah, 380 tons, Capt. Moses Rodgers, sails from New York, where she was built, for Savannah, Ga.......April 10, 1819 [Arriving there April 17, she sails from that port, May 24, for St. Petersburg, Russia, via Liverpool, reaches Liverpool, June 20; sails for St. Petersburg, July 23; returns to Savannah, fifty days from St. Petersburg, December, 1819; first American steamship to cross the Atlantic.] Population of the State, 1,372,111......1820 [From this time the State has been styled the Empire State. ] Revised State constitution adopted and ratified......February, 1822 Joseph C. Yates, governor......1822 Champlain Canal begun 1816, finished......182
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Tennessee, (search)
July 31, 1875 Vanderbilt University at Nashville, chartered 1873, opened......1875 David McKendree Key appointed Postmaster-General......March 12, 1877 Yellow fever in Memphis......1878-79 Bill passed, March 28, 1879, to settle the State debt at the rate of 50 cents on the dollar, with 4 per cent. interest, is rejected by vote of the people, 30,920 to 19,669......Aug. 7, 1879 New Rugby founded......1880 Centennial anniversary of the settlement of Nashville celebrated, May 17-24, and equestrian statue of General Jackson unveiled on capitol grounds......May 20, 1880 Horace Maynard appointed Postmaster-General......June 2, 1880 Act of April 5, 1881, to settle the State debt by issue of new compromise bonds bearing 3 per cent. interest, and coupons receivable in payment for taxes and debts due the State, is declared unconstitutional......February, 1882 General conference of the Methodist Church, South, meets at Nashville......May 3, 1882 Law of 1882 for settl
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), State of Virginia, (search)
o retired to City Point, at the junction of the James and Appomattox. After collecting an immense plunder in tobacco and slaves, besides destroying ships, mills, and every species of property that fell in his way, Phillips embarked his army and dropped some distance down the river. When, soon afterwards, Cornwallis approached Virginia from the south, he ordered Phillips to meet him at Petersburg. Before the arrival of the earl (May 20), General Phillips died (May 13) at Petersburg. On May 24 Cornwallis crossed the James and pushed on towards Richmond. He seized all the fine horses he could find, with which he mounted about 600 cavalry, whom he sent after Lafayette, then not far distant from Richmond, with 3,000 men, waiting for the arrival of Wayne, who was approaching with Pennsylvania troops. The marquis fell slowly back, and at a ford on the North Anne he met Wayne with 800 men. Cornwallis had pursued him as far as Hanover Court-house, from which place the earl sent Lieuten