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Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Asgill, Sir Charles, 1762-1823 (search)
to retaliate. A council of his officers decided in favor of retaliation, and that Lippincott, the leader, ought to suffer. He was demanded of Sir henry Clinton. Congress authorized retaliation, and from among several British officers, prisoners of war, Capt. Charies Asgill was chosen by lot, to be executed immediately. Washington postponed the execution until he should hear from Clinton about the surrender of Lippincott. Clinton at once condemned the action of Lippincott, and ordered (April 26) the Board of Associated Loyalists not to remove or exchange any prisoners of war without the authority of the commander-in-chief. He caused the arrest of Lippincott for trial, who claimed that he acted under orders of the Board of Associated Loyalists. Franklin tried to get him to sign a paper that he had acted without their orders or approbation, but he stoutly refused. and was acquitted. Sir Guy Carleton succeeded Clinton, and he promised that further inquiry in the matter should be
of March the relations between Russia and England drew almost to a crisis on account of Russia's attitude towards Manchuria, and for a time seemed to threaten a serious interruption of the pending negotiations. But on April 3, on account of the attitude of the other powers towards the Russian occupation of Manchuria, the Chinese government notified Russia of her refusal to sign the Manchurian convention, and the difficulties growing out of the railway concessions having been amicably settled, this was averted. On April 26 it was announced that the Empress Dowager had appointed a board of national administration to relieve her of her public functions, and to inquire into the subject of reforms. Throughout the entire affair the attitude of the United States government was that of dignified conservatism, insisting upon the preservation of the integrity of the Chinese Empire, the modification of unreasonable demands, and such policy as might insure permanent safety and peace to China.
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Cresap, Michael 1742-1775 (search)
Cresap, Michael 1742-1775 Trader; born in Alleghany county, Md., June 29, 1742; removed to Ohio in 1774, and after establishing a settlement below the present city of Wheeling, organized a company of pioneers for protection against the Indians; and, on April 26, declared war and defeated a band of Indians on the river. About the same time another party of whites massacred the family of the famous chief Logan, who hitherto had been friendly to the whites. Cresap was accused by Logan with having led the party which killed his family, but it was subsequently proved that Cresap was in Maryland at the time of the occurrence. Cresap received the commission of a captain in the Hampshire county militia in Virginia from Governor Dunmore. He joined the army under Washington, but ill-health forced him soon afterwards to retire from active service. He died in New York City, Oct. 18, 1775. Several publications have been issued since his death with the intention of relieving his memory fr
blockaded. 6. The right of search is to be exercised with strict regard for the right of neutrals, and the voyages of mail steamers are not to be interfered with except on the clearest ground of suspicion of a violation of law in respect to contraband or blockade. On April 22 Congress adopted a conference report on the volunteer army bill, under the authority of which the President, on April 23, issued a call for 125,000 volunteers to serve for two years unless mustered out sooner. On April 26 a similar report on a bill to reorganize the regular army, and increase its strength to 61,919 officers and men, was passed. For a list of the principal operations in and around Cuba during the war, see battles. On Aug. 9, 1898, proposals for peace, at the initiative of Spain, were submitted to the President by M. Jules Martin Cambon (q. v.), the ambassador of France at Washington. On the 10th an agreement was negotiated between M. Cambon and Secretary Day, was accepted by the Spanish
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Jenkinson's Ferry, battle of. (search)
ned by General Thayer at Arkadelphia, with 5,000 men, but this was not then accomplished. Steele pushed on for the purpose of flanking Camden and drawing out Price from his fortifications there. Early in April Steele was joined by Thayer, and on the evening of the 15th they entered Camden as victors. Seriously menaced by gathering Confederates, Steele, who, by the retreat of Banks, had been released from duty elsewhere, moved towards Little Rock. He crossed the Washita on the night of April 26. At Jenkinson's Ferry, on the Sabine River, he was attacked by an overwhelming force, led by Gen. Kirby Smith in person. Steele's troops, though nearly famished, fought desperately during a most sanguinary battle that ensued. Three times the Confederates charged heavily, and were repulsed. The battle was fought by infantry alone, and the Nationals finally drove their adversaries and gained a complete victory. Then they crossed the river and moved on towards Little Rock. In the struggl
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Johnston, Joseph Eccleston 1809- (search)
It was adroitly drawn up by Breckinridge, and was signed by the respective commanding generals. The national government instantly rejected it, and General Grant was sent to Raleigh to declare that rejection, which he did April 24, and proclaimed that the truce would end in forty-eight hours. This notification was accompanied by a demand for the surrender of Johnston's army, on the terms granted to Lee. The capitulation was agreed upon at the house of James Bennett, near Durham's Station, April 26. About 25,000 troops were surrendered. The capitulation included all the troops in Johnston's military department. General Taylor surrendered at Citronelle, Ala., to General Canby, on the same terms, and the Confederate navy on the Tombigbee River was surrendered by Commander Farrand to Rear-Admiral Place of Johnston's surrender to Sherman. Thatcher. Gen. Wade Hampton, of Johnston's surrendered forces, refused to comply with the terms, and dashed off, with a considerable body of caval
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Manila Bay, battle of (search)
of rendezvous for the Asiatic squadron. On April 25 war was declared between the United States and Spain, and, at the request of the acting governor of Hong-Kong, the American fleet steamed away to Mirs Bay, about 30 miles from Hong-Kong. On April 26 the revenue-cutter McCulloch, which had been left at Hong-Kong, brought the desired message. It read as follows: Washington, April 26. Dewey, Asiatic Squadron,—Commence operations at once, particularly against the Spanish fleet. You April 26. Dewey, Asiatic Squadron,—Commence operations at once, particularly against the Spanish fleet. You must capture or destroy them. McKinley. Thank God! said the commodore. At last we've got what we want. We'll blow them off the Pacific Ocean. And now the fleet was headed direct for Manila, a distance of 628 miles; and, with hearts beating high with hope, the sailors cheered lustily for Old Glory and the navy blue. In the squadron were the following vessels: Olympia, flag-ship, Capt. C. V. Gridley commanding; Boston, Capt. Frank Wildes; Concord, Commander Asa Walker; and the Pet
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), St. Louis, (search)
t (April 30, 1861) for Captain Lyon to enroll into the military service of the United States the loyal citizens of St. Louis, in number not exceeding 1,000. This order was procured chiefly through the influence of Col. (afterwards Maj.-Gen.) Frank P. Blair, who had already raised and organized a regiment of Missourians, and assisted in the primary formation of four others. Meanwhile, in accordance with an order from General Wool, a large portion of the arms at the arsenal were removed (April 26) secretly to Alton, Ill., in a steamboat, and thence by railway to Springfield. Frost, whom the governor had commissioned a brigadier-general, formed a militia camp in the suburbs of St. Louis, and, to deceive the people, kept the national flag flying over it. Captain Lyon enrolled a large number of volunteers, who occupied the arsenal grounds. Some of them, for want of room, occupied ground outside. The St. Louis police demanded their return to the government grounds, because they were
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Seminole Indians (search)
re enticed on board, one of whom, the Prophet Francis, had lately visited England and ex- Seminole Indians F0llowing a trail. cited some sympathy there. These chiefs Jackson hanged. From St. Mark's Jackson marched against an Indian town on the Suwanee River and burned it. The Indians and negroes there were led in its defence by Robert Ambrister, connected with Arbuthnot in trading enterprises, and he, too, was made prisoner. Returning to St. Mark's, Arbuthnot and Ambrister were tried (April 26) by a court-martial. Both were found guilty of stirring, up the Indians to war, and executed. Meanwhile one or two other Indian towns were destroyed by Georgians; and a rumor reaching Jackson of encouragement being given by the Spanish governor at Pensacola to Indian raids into Alabama, the general marched for that place. He was met on the way by a protest from the governor against the invasion of Florida, and his determination to resist it by force. But Jackson pressed on, and entere
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Spain, War with (search)
nish ship Buena Ventura, the first prize of the war. April 23. The President issued a call for 125,000 volunteers. April 24. Great Britain issued a proclamation of neutrality, and was followed subsequently by the other powers, except Germany. April 24. Spain formally declared that war existed with the United States. April 25. Congress passed an act declaring that war had existed since April 21. April 25. Commodore Dewey's fleet sailed from Hong-Kong for the Philippines. April 26. Congress passed an act for the increase of the regular army. April 27. Batteries at Matanzas were bombarded. April 30. Admiral Cervera's fleet left the Cape de Verde Islands for the West Indies. May 1. Commodore Dewey destroyed the Spanish fleet at Manila. American loss, six men slightly wounded. May 5-7. Riots in Spain. May 11. Commodore Dewey was made a rear-admiral. May 11. Attack on Cienfuegos and Cardenas. Ensign Bagley and four men on the torpedo-boat Winslow w