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Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Battles. (search)
Bluff (Va.)Oct. 21, 1861 Port Royal Expedition (S. C.)Oct. to Nov., 1861 Belmont (Mo.)Nov. 7, 1861 Middle Creek (Ky.)Jan. 10, 1862 Fort Henry (Tenn.)Feb. 6, 1862 Roanoke Island (N. C.)Feb. 7 and 8, Fort DonelsonFeb. 16, 1862 Valvend (New Mexico)Feb. 21, 1862 Pea Ridge (Ark.)Mar. 7 and 8, Hampton Roads (Monitor and Merrimac)Mar. 9, 1862 Shiloh (Tenn.)April 6 and 7, Island Number10 (Surrendered)April 7, 1862 Forts Jackson and St. PhilipApril 18-27, 1862 New Orleans (Captured).April 25 to May 1, 1862 Yorktown (Siege of)April and May, 1862 WilliamsburgMay 5, 1862 WinchesterMay 25, 1862 Hanover Court-HouseMay 27, 1862 Seven Pines, or Fair OaksMay 31 and June 1, 1862 Memphis (Tenn.)June 6, 1862 Cross Keys and Port RepublicJune 8 and 9, Seven Days before RichmondJune and July, 1862 Baton Rouge (La.)Aug. 5, 1862 Cedar Mountain (Va.)Aug. 9, 1862 Bull Run (second)Aug. 30, 1862 South Mountain (Md.)Sept. 14, 1862 Harper's Ferry (10,000 Nationals surrendered)Sept. 15,<
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Cornwallis, Lord Charles 1738-1805 (search)
lis marched towards the seaboard, satisfied that he could no longer hold the Carolinas. He arrived at Wilmington April 7, 1781, then garrisoned by a small force under Major Craig, where he remained long enough to rest and recruit his shattered army. Apprised of Greene's march on Camden, and hoping to draw him away from Lord Rawdon, the earl marched into Virginia and joined the forces of Phillips and Arnold at Petersburg. So ended British rule in the Carolinas forever. He left Wilmington April 25, crossed the Roanoke at Halifax, and reached Petersburg May 20. Four days afterwards he entered upon his destructive career in Virginia. A few days after he reached Williamsburg, Cornwallis received an order from Sir Henry Clinton to send 3,000 of his troops to New York, then menaced by the allied (Americans and French) armies. Clinton also directed the earl to take a defensive position in Virginia. Satisfied that after he should send away so large a part of his army he could not cope
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Danbury, destruction of. (search)
ng of that nature was to be done he was employed to do it by the more respectable British officers. He was chosen to lead a marauding expedition into Connecticut from New York in the spring of 1777. At the head of 2,000 men, he left that city (April 23), and landed at Compo, between Norwalk and Fairfield, two days later. They pushed on towards Danbury, an inland town, where the Americans had gathered a large quantity of provisions for the army. The marauders reached the town unmolested (April 25) by some militia that had retired, and, not contented with destroying a large quantity of stores gathered there, they laid eighteen houses in the village in ashes and cruelly treated some of the inhabitants. General Silliman, of the Connecticut militia, was at his home in Fairfield when the enemy landed. He immediately sent out expresses to alarm the country and call the militia to the field. The call was nobly responded to. Hearing of this gathering from a Tory scout, Tryon made a hasty
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Greene, Nathanael 1742- (search)
enemy was in front of it. He took command of it at Charlotte, N. C., Dec. 4. By skill and energy he brought order and strength out of confusion, and soon taught Cornwallis that a better Nathanael Greene. general than Gates confronted him. He made a famous retreat through Carolina into Virginia, and, turning back, fought the British army at Guildford Courthouse, N. C., March 15, 1781. Greene then pushed into South Carolina, and was defeated by Lord Rawdon in the battle of Hobkirk's Hill, April 25. Soon afterwards he besieged the fort of Ninety-Six, and on Sept. 8 gained a victory at Eutaw Springs, S. C., for which Congress gave him thanks, a British standard, and a gold medal. Expelling the British from the Southern country, Greene returned to Rhode Island at the close of the war. Congress presented him with two pieces of artillery. The State of Georgia gave him a fine plantation a few miles from Savannah, where he settled in the fall of Greene's medal. 1785, and died June 19
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Macon, Fort, capture of (search)
els engaged in the blockading service. It stood upon a long ridge of sand cast up by the ocean, called Bogue Island. After the capture of Newbern (q. v.), Burnside sent General Parke to take the fort. A detachment took possession of Beaufort, and a flag was sent to the fort demanding its surrender. The commander of the garrison, a nephew of Jefferson Davis, declared he would not yield until he had eaten his last biscuit and slain his last horse. On April 11, 1862, Parke began a siege. Batteries were erected on Bogue Island, and gunboats, under Commodore S. Lockwood, co-operated with the troops. The garrison was cut off from all communication with the outside world by land or water. A bombardment was begun on the morning of April 25. The fort responded with great spirit and vigor, and a tremendous artillery duel was kept up for several hours, when the fort displayed a white flag. Before 10 A. M. on the 26th the fort was in possession of the Nationals, with about 500 prisoners.
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Manila Bay, battle of (search)
carrying 7,000 tons of coal and provisions, had just been bought by the commodore, in anticipation of a declaration of neutrality, which would preclude such purchases, and thus two more vessels were added to the fleet, Lieutenant Hutchins being made commander of the Nanshan, and Ensign Pierson of the Zafiro. the Zafiro was then made a magazine for the spare ammunition of the fleet. Hong-Kong, for strategic reasons, had been chosen as a place of rendezvous for the Asiatic squadron. On April 25 war was declared between the United States and Spain, and, at the request of the acting governor of Hong-Kong, the American fleet steamed away to Mirs Bay, about 30 miles from Hong-Kong. On April 26 the revenue-cutter McCulloch, which had been left at Hong-Kong, brought the desired message. It read as follows: Washington, April 26. Dewey, Asiatic Squadron,—Commence operations at once, particularly against the Spanish fleet. You must capture or destroy them. McKinley. Than
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), New Orleans. (search)
ts were surrendered and the Confederate gunboats subdued, Farragut rendezvoused at Quarantine, and then with nine vessels went up to New Orleans. There a fearful panic prevailed, for the people had heard of the disasters below. Drums were beating, soldiers were hurrying to and fro, cotton was carried to the levee to be burned; specie to the amount of $4,000,000 had been carried away from the banks, and citizens, with millions of property, had fled from the city. When Farragut approached (April 25), General Lovell and his troops fled; the torch was applied to the cotton on the levee, and 15,000 bales, a dozen large ships, and as many fine steamers, with unfinished gunboats and other large vessels, were destroyed in the conflagration. The citizens were held in durance by Farragut's guns until the arrival of Butler on May 1, when the latter landed with his troops, took formal possession of the defenceless town, and made his headquarters at the St. Charles Hotel. The loss of New Orlea
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Philippine Islands, (search)
. With the advance of the dry season military operations on a much larger scale than heretofore were begun, the army of occupation having been reinforced by 30,000 men. April 4. The commission issued a proclamation promising The amplest liberty of self-government, reconcilable with just, stable, effective, and economical administration, and compatible with the sovereign rights and obligations of the United States. April 22–May 17. General Lawton led an expedition to San Isidro. April 25–May 5. General MacArthur captured Calumpit and San Fernando. June 10-19. Generals Lawton and Wheaton advanced south to Imnus. June 26. General Hall took Calamba. Aug. 16. General MacArthur captured Angeles. Sept. 28. General MacArthur, after several days' fighting, occupied Porac. Oct. 1-10. General Schwan's column operated in the southern part of Luzon and captured Rosario and Malabon. Nov. 2. The Philippine commission appointed by the President, consisting of J. G. Schu
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Spain, War with (search)
dern high-power gun of the greatest destructive power. It requires years to build these great engines of war, and they cannot be obtained in an emergency. On April 25 Congress declared war, making the declaration that war had existed from April 21. Congress had been much more generous in its appropriations for the navy than neutrality, and was followed subsequently by the other powers, except Germany. April 24. Spain formally declared that war existed with the United States. April 25. Congress passed an act declaring that war had existed since April 21. April 25. Commodore Dewey's fleet sailed from Hong-Kong for the Philippines. April April 25. Commodore Dewey's fleet sailed from Hong-Kong for the Philippines. April 26. Congress passed an act for the increase of the regular army. April 27. Batteries at Matanzas were bombarded. April 30. Admiral Cervera's fleet left the Cape de Verde Islands for the West Indies. May 1. Commodore Dewey destroyed the Spanish fleet at Manila. American loss, six men slightly wounded. May 5-7. Riots
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Toronto, (search)
Dearborn had matured a plan of operations with a combined land and naval force. It was to cross the lake and capture York, and then proceed to attack Fort George. At the same time troops were to cross the Niagara River and capture Fort Erie, opposite Buffalo, and Fort Chippewa, below, join the victors at Fort George, and all proceed to capture Kingston. With 1,700 troops under the immediate command of Brig.-Gen. Zebulon M. Pike, Dearborn sailed in Chauncey's fleet from Sackett's Harbor, April 25, and on the morning of the 27th the armament appeared before York. Chauncey's fleet consisted of the new sloop-of-war Madison, twenty-four guns, the brig Oneida, and eleven armed schooners. York was then the headquarters of General Sheaffe, at the head of regulars and Indians. It was intended to land at a clearing near old Fort Toronto, but a strong easterly wind drove the boats in which the troops had left the fleet farther westward, and beyond any effectual covering by the guns of t