Browsing named entities in Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events, Diary from December 17, 1860 - April 30, 1864 (ed. Frank Moore). You can also browse the collection for April 15th or search for April 15th in all documents.

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nt now sweeps over the whole community — a sentiment of determined, devoted, active loyalty. The day for the toleration of treason — treason to the Constitution! defiance to the laws that we have made!--has gone by. The people have discovered that what they deemed almost impossible has actually come to pass, and that the rebels are determined to break up this Government, if they can do it. With all such purposes they are determined to make an end as speedily as may be.--(Doc. 55.)--Times, April 15. Bishop Lynch, Roman Catholic, at Charleston, S. 0., celebrated the bloodless victory of Fort Sumter with a Te Deum and congratulatory address. In all the churches allusions were made to the subject. The Episcopal Bishop, wholly blind and feeble, said it was his strong persuasion, strengthened by travel through every section of South Carolina, that the movement in which the people were engaged was begun by them in the deepest conviction of duty to God; and God had signally blessed
April 15. Major Anderson evacuated Fort Sumter, going out with the proper honors to his flag. While the salute of fifty guns was being fired, a gun exploded, and killed one man and wounded four others. Major Anderson and his command were conveyed on board the Baltic steam transport.--Times, April 16. The President of the United States called by proclamation for 75,000 volunteers to suppress insurrectionary combinations; and commanded the persons composing the combinations aforesaid to disperse and retire peaceably to their respective abodes within twenty days. In the same proclamation, an extra session of both Houses of Congress was called for the 4th of July.--(Doc. 57.)--Times, April 15. At Alexandria, Va., the publication of President Lincoln's proclamation has greatly increased the secession feeling. Business of all kinds is completely suspended. Merchants are engaged in discussing the probability of a prolonged sanguinary civil war. The impression is that the
h the exception of contraband of war, are not liable to capture under the enemy's flag, and 4. That blockades, in order to be binding, must be effective; that is to say, maintained by a force sufficient really to prevent access to the coast of the enemy. And whereas it is desirable that the Confederate States of America shall assume a definite position on so important a point; now, therefore, be it Resolved, That the Congress of the Confederate States of America accept the second, third, and fourth clauses of the above-cited declaration, and decline to assent to the first clause thereof. There was published a letter dated April 15, from Gen. Frost, Missouri Militia, to Gov. Jackson of Missouri, apropos to the President's proclamation calling out 75,000 volunteers. He advises the Governor to convene the Legislature, proclaim to the people of the State that the President's proclamation is illegal, and especially to take St. Louis, held by United States troops.--(Doc. 174.)
ew York Volunteers, and all the officers of General Blenker's division who are now under arrest, are hereby released from arrest, and will join their regiments without delay, and resume their respective commands.--New York Herald, April 6. A resolution passed the Wisconsin Assembly this day, tendering to the President of the United States an unqualified approval of his course, from the day of his inauguration to the present time. There was but one vote against it.--Philadelphia Press, April 15. That portion of the Army of the Potomac, recently concentrated at Old Point, Va., advanced yesterday, moving in the direction of Yorktown, twenty-four miles distant. The right was assigned to Gen. Morrill's brigade, of Gen. Porter's division, two companies of the Third Pennsylvania cavalry, and a portion of Berdan's sharpshooters acting as skirmishers. Nothing of interest took place until their arrival at Big Bethel, twelve miles distant, where they met the outer pickets of the rebel
t this day by a detachment of Capt. Showalter's company. Their names were Sack Barker and Levi Ashcraft. A band of guerrillas (supposed to belong to the same gang from which Riblet and Conway were captured) had taken prisoners a couple of young men, soldiers in Capt. Showalter's company, and their comrades in rescuing them captured the two guerrillas above named, and killed them on their attempting to escape. This took place near Texas, on the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad.--N. Y. Tribune, April 15. Jefferson Davis proclaimed martial law over the department of East-Tennessee, under the command of Major-Gen. E. K. Smith, and the suspension of all civil jurisdiction, except in certain courts, and also the suspension of the writ of habeas corpus. The distillation and sale of spirituous liquors was also prohibited.--(Doc. 141.) At Providence, Rhode Island, by order of Lieut.-Gov. Arnold, a national salute was fired on the great bridge this afternoon, in honor of the National suc
ttanooga with the Memphis and Charleston Railroads, at which point they seized two thousand of the enemy, who were retreating, without firing a shot, and captured five locomotives and a large amount of rolling stock. The other expedition, under Col. Turchin, of the Nineteenth Illinois regiment, went west, and arrived at Decatur in time to save the railroad bridge, which was in flames. General Mitchell now holds a hundred miles of the Memphis and Charleston Railroad.--Philadelphia Press, April 15. Commodore Foote, with the Western flotilla and mortar-boats, en route for Fort Pillow, left New Madrid, Mo., accompanied by a large body of National trools.--New York World, April 16. Four companies of the Connecticut Eighth Regiment had a skirmish this day with a force of rebels of one hundred and fifty men that made a sortie from Fort Macon, the rebels driving in the Union pickets. After a sharp engagement the rebels were driven back to the Fort. Capt. Schaffer and one privat
April 15. The Norfolk Day Book of to-day contains the following: A party of gentlemen left this city on Saturday last, in the steamer S. S. Anderson, and proceeded down the river. In the course of the day they went well over to the enemy's lines, in the direction of Newport News, and went alongside Her Britannic Majesty's steamer Rinaldo. They were not permitted to go on board the Rinaldo, as Her Britannic Majesty's gallant subjects informed them that they could hold no communication with us. (Query — Would they have said the same to a Yankee?) Her officers and crew, however, evinced great pleasure at the visit, and testified their delight by the waving of hands and hats, and responding to the cheers given them by those on board the Anderson as they were about leaving. After leaving her, our boys thought they had not sufficiently teased the Yankees, and in order to vex them as much as possible, they waved the rebel colors directly in their teeth and courted a shot,
Mitchel, near Pulaski, Giles County, Tenn., and captured sixty wagons and about two hundred and seventy unarmed National troops. Morgan not having the means of moving the prisoners, released them on parole.--Shelbyville News (Tenn.), May 8. Yesterday General O. M. Mitchel occupied Huntsville, Alabama, after a lively engagement with seven thousand of the rebel infantry and cavalry.--National Intelligencer, May 3. Intelligence was received of a battle at Poralto, Texas, on the fifteenth of April, between the National forces, under General Canby, and a party of Texans who had fortified themselves at that place. The rebels were defeated. General Canby's loss was twenty-five killed and wounded.--Missouri Republican, May 2. General Robert Anderson and Sergeant Peter Hart, received medals from the New York Chamber of Commerce, in honor of the heroic defence of Fort Sumter. The following instructions were sent to the flag-officer of each of the blockading squadrons from
April 15. Franklin, St. Mary's Parish, La., was occupied by the National forces, under General Banks.--The siege of Washington, N. C., was raised. The rebel force, which for nearly three weeks had invested that place, left suddenly this evening. General Foster, who arrived at Newbern yesterday, was preparing an expedition to march for the relief of the town, when the account of the departure of the rebels reached him.--See Supplement. At a point seventy miles south of Salt Lake City, Utah, Colonel Evans, with a party of National troops, attacked and put to flight two hundreds Indians, thirty of whom were killed. The Union forces followed them fourteen miles, scattering them in every direction. Lieutenant Peck was killed and two sergeants were wounded on the National side.--A battalion of cavalry from California arrived at New York from San Francisco, under the command of Major De Witt C. Thompson.--Fighting was continued on the Nansemond River, Va., and its vicinity.
April 15. The National gunboat Chenango, while proceeding to sea from New York City to-day, burst one of her boilers, killing one man, and severely wounding thirty-two others.--A meeting was held at Knoxville, Tenn., at which resolutions offered by W. G. Brownlow were unanimously adopted, favoring emancipation, recommending a convention to effect it, and requesting Governor Johnson to call the same at the earliest period practicable, and indorsing the administration and war policy of President Lincoln. Governor Johnson made a powerful speech in support of the resolutions.--the Ninth Connecticut and Eighth Vermont reenlisted veteran regiments arrived at New Haven, Ct., this evening.--General John W. Geary, commanding Second division, Twelfth (afterward Twentieth) army corps, started from Bridgeport, Ala., on an expedition down the Tennessee, last Tuesday, taking with him one thousand men, and one gunboat. They shelled along the banks of the river, occasionally routing a party of