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less speedily opposed. Troops in great numbers were accordingly hurried to Corinth, and the enemy was evidently preparing in his turn to assume the offensive. To counteract this, General Buell's command, was included in that of Halleck, and Buell himself, with five divisions, numbering nearly forty thousand men, was ordered from Nashville, to the support of Grant. And there was imminent need of such support. The movements of Buell, however, were seldom expeditious. As early as the 16th of March, Halleck had informed Grant: General Buell is marching in this direction; and on the 20th, Buell is at Columbia, and will move on Waynesboro with three divisions. On the 19th, Grant wrote to Buell: There is every reason to suppose that the rebels have a large force at Corinth, and many at other points on the road towards Decatur. On the 26th, he informed Halleck: My scouts are just in with a letter from General Buell. The three divisions coming this way are yet on east side of Duck ri
for clearing the channel. If we can get boats in the rear of them in time, he wrote, it will so confuse the enemy as to save Ross's force. If not, I shall feel restless for his fate until I know that Quimby has reached him. Had this plan succeeded, it would have left Greenwood between the two national forces, and made imperative the immediate abandonment of that stronghold; about thirty steamers of the enemy would thus have been destroyed, or have fallen into Grant's hands. On the 16th of March, he sent Sherman with a division of troops (Stuart's) up Steele's bayou; five iron-clads and four mortar-boats accompanied, under Porter. The object was, not only to liberate Ross, but to find a practicable passage to the Yazoo, without passing the enemy's batteries at Haine's bluff; and to get possession of some point on the east bank, from which Vicksburg could be reached by dry land. Grant informed Quimby of Sherman's cooperation , and urged him to the support of Ross from the north