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Medford Historical Society Papers, Volume 13., Early Improvements on the Mystic. (search)
. Consistent in his belief, he publicly gave utterance to his views in the meeting-house on July 30, and resultant on action of the overseers, he made a final resignation on October 24. On November 4 he asked his just due, an accounting for his services, which the General Court did not see fit to grant, evidently fearing he would take up the profession of law. Six days later he petitioned for liberty to remain in the president's house, which was allowed until the end of the year. In March (the first month of 1655) the court took action against him for his speech of the previous July, and on April 3 arraigned him for the crime (?), sentencing him to be publicly admonished therefor. The query naturally arises, To what place did he remove on March 1st, 1655? Possibly an answer may be found in the following, recorded on page 184 of second book of Middlesex Records:— To all people to whome these prsents shall come, Henry Dunster of Manottimy, within the precincts of Cambri
Medford Historical Society Papers, Volume 13., Medford young men's Christian Association. (search)
Vice-president,Charles C. Newcomb,Methodist. Elisha B. Curtis,Baptist. D. B. Callender,Mystic Congregational. Francis H. Kidder,First Congregational. Benjamin P. HollisEpiscopal. Treasurer,Alonzo E. Tainter. Secretary,Arthur T. Tufts. A literary class, a Bible class, and a course of lectures were maintained, with occasional interruptions, for two years. The Association was sustained in a more or less flourishing condition until the spring of 1869, when, at the annual meeting in March, this entry upon the records tells the story of its dissolution:— It has long been apparent to the members that the Association has failed to accomplish those objects for which it was organized. The past year it has accomplished but little. Various attempts have been made to infuse life, but they have not been successful. Feeling that the Association was practically a failure it was moved by the Secretary, that the Executive Board be authorized to sell all the property of the Associat
Medford Historical Society Papers, Volume 13., The Congregational Church of West Medford. (search)
us one cent each. February 15, 1874, the school, at the instance of Superintendent White, voted its desire to be taken under the watch and care of the church. The church voted to receive it, and it became the Congregational Sabbath-school of West Medford. Under the Standing Rules then provided, the school elected its own officers, the church reserving the right of veto. This arrangement continued till December, 1895. The average attendance for 1873 was 65, and for 1874 was 66. In March the society instructed the building committee to complete the meeting-house and put in the pews. In July Mr. Jaggar resigned on account of ill health. During his pastorate five had been added by letter to the membership, which was then thirty-three. He was zealous in the discharge of his duties, an interesting and able preacher, and made a favorable impression on the community. We accepted his resignation with regret. In September a call was extended to Rev. Marshall M. Cutter of Camb
Medford Historical Society Papers, Volume 13., The Society's work-papers and addresses (search)
nd appears in this issue. An especially pleasant hour was spent in reminiscence and answer to queries after its reading. On March 5 Mr. John E. Gilman (just elected commander of the G. A. R. at its National Encampment) delivered a thrilling address on the relation of the local Posts to Historical Societies. A delegation of Post 66 was present and their Glee Club sang several favorite selections. In accordance with the amended by-laws, the annual meeting was held in January instead of March. During the year, members have been requested to bring friends, and as a result, some of these have become members and subscribers for the Register, which with this issue completes its thirteenth volume. The commendatory letters and favorable mention it has received are encouraging, and the management bespeak interested contributors and a larger subscription list for the next volume. The accessions to the library and collection are steadily increasing, the former largely because of