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h and Twelfth corps, was ordered to relieve Stanley's division, then stationed on the Nashville and Chattanooga Railroad, between Whitesides and Bridgeport. January twenty-eighth, Major-General J. M. Palmer, commanding Fourteenth army corps, with a portion of his command, made a reconnoissance toward the enemy's position on Tunnel Hill. He found him still in force at that point, and the object of the movement having been fully accomplished, General Palmer returned to Chattanooga. February seventh, Colonel William B. Stokes, Fifth Tennessee cavalry, reports from Alexandria, Tennessee, that in pursuance to orders, he had recently scouted in the vicinity of Sparta, after certain bands of guerrillas infesting that neighborhood, and had succeeded in killing seventeen (17) and capturing twelve, (12,) besides twenty horses and mules. Another force, under Colonel O'Connell, succeeded in killing twenty-three, (23.) and capturing forty of this same gang. Colonel Stokes ascertained that,
se over the way, and desired to search it out. This carriage-house, it is proper to state, was used as a receptacle for boxes and goods, sent to prisoners from the North, and the recipients were often allowed to go, under guard, across the street to secure their property. Captain Gallagher was granted permission to go there, and as he walked across under guard, he, as well as he could, paced off the distance, and concluded that the street was about fifty feet wide. On the sixth or seventh of February, the working party supposed they had gone a sufficient distance, and commenced to dig upward. When near the surface, they heard the rebel guards talking above them, and discovered they were some two or three feet yet outside the fence. The displacing of a stone made considerable noise, and one of the sentinels called to his comrade and asked him what the noise meant. The guards, after listening a few minutes, concluded that nothing was wrong, and returned to their beats. This ho
ng. February fourth, marched fourteen miles and camped beyond Champion Hills. Some skirmishing with the enemy. February fifth, marched to-day fifteen miles, and camped two miles west of Jackson. Had sharp skirmishing with the enemy's cavalry, losing some seven men killed, thirty wounded, and thirteen prisoners. The enemy's loss was much heavier than ours. February sixth, marched into Jackson. The Iowa brigade cross Pearl River, and take the advance. March of five miles. February seventh, messengers from Big Black came through last night with despatches for General Sherman and found the enemy already in our rear, to attack the supply-trains. Hope they will have a good time cutting our communications. Marched to-day thirteen miles to Brandon; Captain Foster commanding the cavalry advance, and Major Foster (Eleventh Iowa) the infantry advance. Our infantry advance made this distance in four and one half hours marching time. Slight skirmishing. February eighth, leav