Browsing named entities in Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events, Diary from December 17, 1860 - April 30, 1864 (ed. Frank Moore). You can also browse the collection for February 1st or search for February 1st in all documents.

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February 1. The Texas State Convention, at Galveston, passed an ordinance of secession, to be voted on by the people on the 23d of February, and if adopted, to take effect March 2.--(Doc. 30.)--New Orleans Picayune, Feb. 7.
February 1. At Leavenworth, Kansas, an interview was held between Mr. Dole, the Commissioner of Indian Affairs, and the chiefs of several of the loyal tribes of Indians. The chiefs were Opothleyoholo, of the Creeks, Alektustenuk, of the Seminoles, and several representatives of the Iowa tribes. The interview was of an impressive character, and the conference covered the entire range of topics relative to the status of the Indian tribes, their relations to the Government, and their position as regards the rebellion. Commissioner Dole informed the chiefs that the Federal Government had no intention of ever calling upon its red children to take a share in the contest, but a portion of the Indians having proved false to their allegiance, and, under the instigation of designing men, having driven the loyal Indians from their homes, the Government would march its troops down into the Indian country and compel submission.--(Doc. 24.) By order of the Provisional Government of Ke
gunboat Chillicothe was engaged in shelling the lower rebel batteries, without provoking a return fire. Early this morning a party of rebels in ambush, commanded by a lieutenant of the Second South-Carolina infantry, attacked a scouting-party of twenty-one men from Colonel De Cesnola's cavalry brigade near Morrisville, Va., killing a scout named Michael A. Fagan, company C, Fourth New York cavalry, and wounding another scout named Dixon, of the Ninth New York cavalry.--New York Times, February 1. The bark Golden Rule, Captain Whitebury, belonging to the Panama Railroad Company, was captured by the privateer Alabama, fifty miles south of St. Domingo. The Alabama sent a boat's crew on board the ship, and the captain was asked if his cargo belonged to neutral owners. He replied that it did, whereupon Semmes demanded the evidence of the fact. This could not be produced, as the captain had not even a bill of lading to show that his cargo was shipped by neutrals. Semmes inform
February 1. General Robert B. Mitchell, commanding the National forces at Nashville, Tenn., admiring the zeal evinced by certain secession families, in administering to the wants and alleviating the sufferings of the confederate wounded carried to that city this day, and desiring to give them still greater facilities for the exercise of that devotion which to-day led them through the mud of the public streets, unmindful of the inclemency of the weather, and desiring further to obviate the necessity of that public display, which must be repugnant to the retiring dispositions of the softer sex, ordered his medical director to select forty-five of the sick and wounded confederate soldiers, to be brought from the front and quartered as follows: Fifteen at the house of Mrs. McCall, fifteen at the house of Dr. Buchanan, and fifteen at the house of Mr. Sandy Carter, all on Cherry street, immediately below Church street; each family to be held responsible for the safe delivery of the co
avalry, commanded by Major William P. Hall, on an expedition from Yorktown, Va., to Warwick River, succeeded in destroying twenty-three boats and one schooner belonging to the rebels.--Brigadier-General Alexander P. Stewart, of the rebel army, having been promoted to the rank of Major-General, took leave of his brigade, and assumed command in the corps of General Hardee, at Wartrace, Tenn.--Chattanooga Rebel, June 7. The steamer Isaac Smith, which was captured by the rebels on the first of February last, was sunk while trying to run the blockade of Charleston, S. C., by the national gunboat Wissahickon.--the rebel privateer Alabama, in latitude 14° S., longitude 34° W., captured and destroyed the ship Talisman.--the Second division of the Sixth army corps, under the command of General A. P. Howe, crossed the Rappahannock River at Deep Run, on a reconnoissance. During the passage of the river, the rebel sharp-shooters made some opposition, and after the division had crossed there
February 1. President Lincoln issued an order for a draft of five hundred thousand men, to serve three years or during the war.--(Doc. 72.) A fight took place late this afternoon in the New Creek Valley, Va., between an advancing column of the enemy's troops and one column of Nationals. After a sharp engagement the rebels were repulsed and driven back over two miles.--A fight took place at Bachelor's Creek, N. C., between a large force of rebels under the command of Generals Pickett and Hoke, and the Union forces under General J. W. Palmer, resulting in the retreat of the latter with considerable loss in men and material.--(Doc. 69.) The blockade-running steamer Wild Dayrell was chased ashore and burned, near Stump Inlet, N. C., by the National gunboat Sassacus, under the command of Lieutenant Commander F. A. Roe.--Admiral Lee's Report.
e from hostile Indians, and recommending them to communicate with General Sully before attempting to pass that way.--A Commission consisting of Captain George P. Edgar, A. D. C., Captain George I, Carney, A. Q. M., and M. Dudley Bean, of Norfolk, were appointed by Major-General Butler, for the purpose of caring for and supplying the needs of the poor white people in Norfolk, Elizabeth City, and Princess Anne counties, Va., who were a charge upon the United States, and employing such as were willing to work and were without employment, etc.--skirmishing occurred at Cheek's Cross-Roads, Tennessee, between Colonel Garrard's National cavalry and Colonel Giltner's rebel troops. The rebels were repulsed. President Lincoln issued an order calling for two hundred thousand men, in order to supply the force required to be drafted for the navy, and to provide an adequate reserve force for all contingencies, in addition to the five hundred thousand men called for February first.--(Doc. 111.)