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Browsing named entities in Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 4. (ed. Frank Moore). You can also browse the collection for February or search for February in all documents.

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irst connected account yet given to the public, of the scenes which have so stirred the Southern heart for the last ten days, and that the participant was a Charlestonian by birth, must render the history peculiarly welcome to every reader of the Courier. Lieut. Duquecron is an officer of the Fourteenth Mississippi regiment, Col. Baldwin, and his statement, therefore, embraces only the incidents which came under his observation, with reference to his regiment. Previous to the month of February, the Mississippians had been stationed at Bowling Green. Affairs at Forts Henry and Donelson, however, being in a precarious condition, and the certainty of a Federal advance having been ascertained, the regiment was ordered to the latter point, to support the troops already concentrated around the Fort. Here they arrived on Sunday morning, the ninth of February, and landed at a little place called Dover, about a mile and a half from our stronghold, on the river. It was reported then tha
dina, Fla. Commodore Du Pont's report. Flag ship. Mohican, harbor of Fernandina, March 4, 1862. sir: I had the honor to inform you in my last despatch, that the expedition for Fernandina was equipped, and waiting only for suitable weather to sail from Port Royal. I have now the pleasure to inform you that I am in full possession of Cumberland Island and Sound, of Fernandina and Amelia Island, and of the river and town of St. Mary's. I sailed from Port Royal on the last day of February, in the Wabash, and on the second inst. entered Cumberland Sound, by St. Andrew's Inlet, in the Mohican, Com. S. W. Godon, on board of which ship I have hoisted my flag. The fleet comprised the following vessels, sailing in the order in which they are named: Ottawa, Mohican, accompanied by the Ellen, Seminole, Pawnee, Pocahontas, Flag, Florida, James Adger, Bienville, Alabama, Keystone State, Seneca, Huron, Pembina, Isaac Smith, Penguin, Potomska, armed cutter Henrietta, armed transport
ying return, marked B. Our Commander-in-Chief, Gen. A. S. Johnston, fell mortally wounded, and died on the field at half-past 2 P. M., after having shown the highest qualities of the commander, and a personal intrepidity that inspired all around him, and gave resistless impulsion to his columns at critical moments. The chief command then devolved upon me, though at the time I was greatly prostrated, and suffering from the prolonged sickness with which I had been afflicted since early in February. The responsibility was one which, in my physical condition, I would have gladly avoided, though cast upon me when our forces were successfully pushing the enemy back upon the Tennessee River, and though supported on the immediate field by such corps commanders as Maj.-Gens. Polk, Bragg and Hardee, and Brig.--Gen. Breckinridge commanding the reserve. It was after six o'clock P. M., as before said, when the enemy's last position was carried, and his forces finally broke and sought refuge
tores. Jan.29.Sch. Arrow, Dennis, St. John's, Fla., naval stores. Feb.6.Sch. Alert, Howe, Charleston, cotton. Feb.8.Sch. Louise, Byers, Feb.8.Sch. Louise, Byers, Charleston, rice and cotton. Feb.10.Sch. Courier, Davis, Charleston, cotton. Feb.12.Steamship Nelly, Moore, Charleston, cotton. Feb.13.SchFeb.10.Sch. Courier, Davis, Charleston, cotton. Feb.12.Steamship Nelly, Moore, Charleston, cotton. Feb.13.Sch. Sue, Smith, Charleston, naval stores. Feb.16.Steamship Kate, Lockwood, Charleston, cotton. Feb.24.Steamship Cecile, Peck, Charleston, cotFeb.12.Steamship Nelly, Moore, Charleston, cotton. Feb.13.Sch. Sue, Smith, Charleston, naval stores. Feb.16.Steamship Kate, Lockwood, Charleston, cotton. Feb.24.Steamship Cecile, Peck, Charleston, cotton. March3.Sch. Chase, Allen, Charleston, lumber. March3.Steamship Ella Warley, Swasey, Charleston, cotton. March4.Sch. Sir Robert Peel,Feb.13.Sch. Sue, Smith, Charleston, naval stores. Feb.16.Steamship Kate, Lockwood, Charleston, cotton. Feb.24.Steamship Cecile, Peck, Charleston, cotton. March3.Sch. Chase, Allen, Charleston, lumber. March3.Steamship Ella Warley, Swasey, Charleston, cotton. March4.Sch. Sir Robert Peel, Guage, Charleston, cotton and naval stores. March8.Steamship Cecile, Peck, Charleston, cotton. March10.Sch. Zaidee, Adair, Charleston, cotFeb.16.Steamship Kate, Lockwood, Charleston, cotton. Feb.24.Steamship Cecile, Peck, Charleston, cotton. March3.Sch. Chase, Allen, Charleston, lumber. March3.Steamship Ella Warley, Swasey, Charleston, cotton. March4.Sch. Sir Robert Peel, Guage, Charleston, cotton and naval stores. March8.Steamship Cecile, Peck, Charleston, cotton. March10.Sch. Zaidee, Adair, Charleston, cotton and tobacco. March11.Sch. British Empire, Parsons, Jacksonville, naval stores. March11.Steamship Kate, Carlin, Charleston, cotton. MarFeb.24.Steamship Cecile, Peck, Charleston, cotton. March3.Sch. Chase, Allen, Charleston, lumber. March3.Steamship Ella Warley, Swasey, Charleston, cotton. March4.Sch. Sir Robert Peel, Guage, Charleston, cotton and naval stores. March8.Steamship Cecile, Peck, Charleston, cotton. March10.Sch. Zaidee, Adair, Charleston, cotton and tobacco. March11.Sch. British Empire, Parsons, Jacksonville, naval stores. March11.Steamship Kate, Carlin, Charleston, cotton. March12.Sch. Kate, Sabistan, Charleston, cotton and lumber. March17.Sch. Laura, Ferklenberg, Charleston, cotton and lumber. March17.Sch. Car