Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: January 24, 1863., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for January 23rd or search for January 23rd in all documents.

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Court Proceedings. Mayor's Court, Friday, January 23. --Betsy Liggan, a colored female, aged about 75 years, charged Betty Ford, another one of her own class, with stealing a five dollar Confederate note from her. A number of witnesses were examined, but neither they or the old woman could make out a case of eeny against the defendant, and she was discharged. Peter Dayle, a small white boy, was next arraigned for stealing several pieces of plank from the Basin Bank, owned by the Confederate States. The evidence against the defendant was rather strong but being of very render years, he was discharged.
Gallant Feat at Murfreesboro'--Defection to the Feed all Cause in Kentucky. Mobile, Jan. 23 --The Advertiser and Register have received the following dispatch: McMinnville, Jan. 21.--A detachment of 100 of Gen. Morgan's men, under Col. Hutchinson, made a dash into Murfreesboro' yesterday, in sight of the enemy's cavalry camps, and captured 200 prisoners and 20 wagons. Reliable information from Kentucky states that on the 13th instant Gen. Woolford made a speech to his men, in the presence of 3,000 citizens of Lebanon, telling them to go home for twenty days ! If within that time Lincoln did not modify his emancipation proclamation, he would not call upon them to fight against the South, but he would himself take the field in behalf of the South against the North. [Signed.] G. A. Ellsworth, (Morgan's Operator.)
The Daily Dispatch: January 24, 1863., [Electronic resource], Interesting History of the Opening of the Alabama's career. (search)
The fight between the Alabama and the Hatteras Mobile, Jan. 23 --The evening papers contain a correspondence of the New Orleans Delta, dated Galveston, January 13th, which says the rebels occupy the city with a force of 5,000 to 7,000 men.--The city is well fortified with batteries all round. The gunboat Hatteras went in chase of a strange sail on Sunday evening and heavy firing was soon after heard. The sloop-of-war Brooklyn and the gunboat Sciota started in pursuit, and picked up a boat containing an officer and five men, belonging to the Hatteras, who reported that the Hatteras ranged alongside of the strange steamer, when the stranger opened a furious fire on the Hatteras, and in about twenty minutes the Hatteras stopped, evidently crippled. The Brooklyn and Sciota cruised all night and found the Hatteras in nine fathoms water.
From Fredericksburg. Fredericksburg, Jan. 23 --The Yankees are building immense warehouses at Aquia Creek, repairing and refilling the railroad to the point opposite this place, and building buts and other more permanent conveniences for their army. These preparations, together with the erection of heavy batteries in front, indicate that their present line has been established as the permanent base of operations for the winter. A new earthwork, with several guns in position, just below Falmouth, was visible yesterday. Considerable bodies of troops have been moving up the opposite bank for two or three days past. A large dwelling-house, owned by Sidney Owens, was burnt yesterday morning. The fire caused a loaded shell, that had been thrown in during the late battle, to explode. The long roll was beat on both sides of the river, and the Yankees, as well as ourselves, fell immediately into line of battle, and for a time considerable excitement prevailed.
North Carolina Legislature. Raleigh, January 23. --The Senate is still discussing the Ten Regiment bill. No action has yet been had. The House gave the appointment of Adjutant General to the Governor.