Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: January 24, 1862., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for January 23rd or search for January 23rd in all documents.

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Latest from the Norththe Burnside Expedition.Congressional proceedings.&c. &c. &c. [special Dispatch to the Richmond Dispatch.] Norfolk, Jan. 23. --The New York Herald, of the 22d inst., has been received here. It is reported at the North that the Burnside expedition put into Hatteras to avoid the storm. It is also reported that the Louisiana was lost. The latter, however, is regarded as doubtful. The news of the Federal victory at Somerset, Ky., is confirmed, but no additioticle calls for an additional appropriation of three hundred and ninety millions of dollars, for the better support of the army. The steamship Adriatic, from Liverpool, has arrived at Halifax, with troops. [second Dispatch.] Norfolk, Jan. 23. --The Baltimore South, of yesterday, has been received here. Its accounts of the victory at Somerset, Ky., are so conflicting that doubts are entertained of the death of Zollicoffer. The expedition from Cairo, proved a failure, and t
No appearance of Federal vessels at Paducah — the Yankee force in Murray — Early movements looked for. Nashville, January 23. --The Fort Henry correspondent of the Nashville Union and American says, that the Confederate steamer Dunbar went down the Tennessee river on Saturday last within twenty-five miles of Paducah, and reports that no Federal gun-boats were seen. Scouts from Fort Henry report the Federal force in Murray, Kentucky, to be between six and ten thousand infantrn of fortifications on the South bank of the river. The heavy freshet in the Green river had washed away Gen. Buell's pontoon bridges, and also damaged the wood work on the repairs made to the railroad bridge. [second Dispatch.] Memphis, Jan. 23. --Intelligence received from Paris, Tenn., and of yesterdays date, states that it was reported on Saturday afternoon that ten Federal regiments of infantry, 1,800 cavalry, and 30 pieces of artillery went to Muldray and took possession of t
Sinking of five more stone vessels — incorrect report. Augusta, Jan. 23. --A private letter received from Charleston this morning says five stone vessels were sunk in the channel on yesterday. The Savannah Republican, of this morning, says that the statement that the Federal vessels had gone up Broad river is incorrect.
Fire in Memphis. Memphis, Jan. 23. --There was a fire on the south side of Court Square on yesterday evening, which destroyed three houses. The loss was about $10,000.