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and arrived at Harrisburg on the 15th, and at Lynchburg on the 16th. Filisola was now low down the Brazos, the lowlands of which were flooded and nearly impassable; and Santa Anna was within the reach of a force of Texans not much inferior to his own. General Houston seemed to entertain a design to retreat beyond the Trinity, where he expected to receive reenforcements; but the voice of his army compelled him to confront the enemy, which he did on the 19th, on the San Jacinto River. On the 20th the cavalry, under Colonel Sherman, engaged the enemy; but the ardor of the Texan army was restrained by their commander until the afternoon of the 21st of April. On that morning the enemy were reinforced by 500 men under General Cos. At half-past 3, the Texans moved forward in line of battle. Colonel Burleson commanded the centre; Colonel Sherman, the left; Colonel Hockley, the artillery on the right; and, on his flank, Colonel M. B. Lamar, a troop of 61 cavalry. Sherman first encountere
hting their way to him, had skedaddled in all directions, Mulligan showed evident signs of yielding, and it must be remembered that he found it impossible to obtain water for his men, who were on constant duty night and day. At the same time, fearful of Fremont's or some other officer's arrival to raise the siege, our men redoubled their efforts, and maintained a heavy fire from every point, the result of which was that Mulligan hoisted a white flag on his works towards four P. M. on the twentieth. Firing then ceased, and loud, deafening yells from all points of the compass informed me that the brave Mulligan had unconditionally surrendered. When the Federals stacked arms, and marched out, we found that we had captured four thousand effectives, rank and file, half a dozen colonels, one hundred and twenty commissioned officers, several stands of colors and brass bands, two mortars, five rifled guns, over four thousand stand of arms, scores of sabres, lots of cavalry and wagon ha
ascertained that their whole army was moving, but very slowly. Although opposed by powerful artillery, a part. of our infantry crossed the river and took up the pursuit; Stuart's cavalry and flying artillery, as usual, being the first to exchange shots with Sigel's rear-guard, causing it much damage. From the eighteenth to the twentieth heavy firing was maintained almost without intermission. Yet so well did Sigel handle his men, that they were able to cross the Rappahannock on the twentieth, almost without loss. Not only so, but they defied our attempts to cross in pursuit; indeed, such was the strength of their artillery, it would have been madness to hazard such an undertaking. Demonstrations were made at various fords, but as the river was broad, and we had no pontoons, it was easy for Pope to hold us in check. Detachments of cavalry, however, passed the river daily, and made spirited dashes among the enemy, frequently capturing both prisoners and stores. On one oc
ours. He did not assert this until more than thirty hours had elapsed subsequent to the engagement at Sharpsburgh! Some few hours after the above telegram, he consoled the authorities at Washington by saying: Our victory is complete The enemy is driven (?) back into Virginia. Maryland and Pennsylvania are now safe! Again he added; The Confederates succeeded in crossing the Potomac on Friday morning with all their transports and wounded, except some three hundred of the latter! On the twentieth, however, their army began to move Fitz-John Porter taking the advance, who judged, from the extremely quiet look of all things on the Virginia shore, that we were far inland. Barnes's brigade of Pennsylvanians, supported by one of regulars, under chief command of General Sykes, moved towards the river, and forded the stream at Boteler's Mills. Heavy guns were planted on the Maryland shore to cover their crossing. Jackson had felt certain that the enemy would attempt to pursue, and h
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War: The Opening Battles. Volume 1., McDowell's advance to Bull Run. (search)
ter fell on the 13th of April, and was evacuated on the 14th. Virginia seceded on the 17th, and seized Harper's Ferry on the 18th and the Norfolk Navy Yard on the 20th. On the 19th a mob in Baltimore assaulted the 6th Massachusetts volunteers as it passed through to Washington, and at once bridges were burned and railway communig Patterson on his heels. Yet Johnston's army, nearly nine thousand strong, joined Beauregard, Bee's brigade and Johnston in person arriving on the morning of the 20th, the remainder Sudley Springs Ford, looking North. From a sketch made in 1884. This stream is the Cat Harpin Run, which empties into Bull Run a short distanc21st, or to other cause, his countenance showed apprehension of evil; but men generally were confident and jovial. McDowell's plan of battle promulgated on the 20th, was to turn the enemy's left, force him from his defensive position, and, if possible, destroy the railroad leading from Manassas to the Valley of Virginia, where
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War: The Opening Battles. Volume 1., Responsibilities of the first Bull Run. (search)
have brought upon me the contempt of every honorable soldier. It is disproved by the fact that General Beauregard was willing to serve under me there, and again in North Carolina, near the close of the war; and that he associated with me. As this accusation is published by the Southern President, and indorsed by General Beauregard, it requires my contradiction. Instead of leaving the command in General Beauregard's hands, I assumed it over both armies immediately after my arrival on the 20th, showing General Beauregard as my warrant the President's telegram defining my position. The usual order General J. A. Early, in his narrative of these events, says: During the 20th, General Johnston arrived at Manassas Junction by the railroad, and that day we received the order from him assuming command of the combined armies of General Beauregard and himself.--J. E. J. assuming command was written and sent to General Beauregard's office for distribution. He was then told that as Gene
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War: The Opening Battles. Volume 1., The first year of the War in Missouri. (search)
's Kansas Brigade under Colonel Montgomery on the banks of the Big Dry Wood. Montgomery had about 500 men and gave battle, but was forced to retreat before Price's superior force. The loss on either side was trifling. Price now hastened toward Lexington, joined at every step by recruits. Reaching the city on the 12th of September with his mounted men, he drove Colonel Mulligan within his intrenchments, and as soon as his main body came up, completed the investment of the place. On the 20th he caused a number of hemp-bales saturated with water to be rolled to the front and converted them into movable breastworks, behind which his men advanced unharmed against the enemy. Colonel Mulligan was forced to surrender the next day. Price's loss was 25 killed and 72 wounded. Fremont reported to the War Department that the Union loss was 39 killed and 120 wounded. The Missourians captured about 3500 prisoners, five pieces of artillery, two mortars, 3000 stand of small-arms, a large numbe
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War: The Opening Battles. Volume 1., chapter 8.25 (search)
ed the bales to be wet in the river to protect them against the casualties of fire of our troops and of the enemy, but it was soon found that the wetting so materially increased the weight as to prevent our men, in their exhausted condition, from rolling it to the crest of the hill. I then adopted the idea of wetting the hemp after it had been transported to its position. As to the date of the use of these, which is given both by Colonel Mulligan and by Colonel Snead as the morning of the 20th, we quote the following circumstantial account from the official report of Colonel Hughes: On the morning of the 19th, we arose from our bivouac upon the hills to renew the attack. This day we continued the fighting vigorously all day, holding possession of the hospital buildings, and throwing large wings from both sides of the house, built up of bales of hemp saturated with water, to keep them from taking fire. These portable hemp-bales were extended, like the wings of a partridge net, so
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War: The Opening Battles. Volume 1., Holding Kentucky for the Union. (search)
uniform. As he moved away he muttered something in a low tone to an officer standing by, and Sherman at once demanded to know what it was. well, General, was the reply, he said that a General with such a hat as you have on had no right to talk to him about a uniform. Sherman was wearing a battered hat of the style known as stovepipe. Pulling it off, he looked at it, and, bursting into a laugh, called out: Young man, you are right about the hat, but you ought to have your uniform. on the 20th, the 38th Indiana (Colonel B. F. Scribner) arrived, and soon after four other regiments. Sherman moved forward to Elizabethtown, not finding any available position at Muldraugh's Hill. A few days afterward, having on October 8th Camp Dick Robinson — the farm-house. From a photograph taken in 1887. succeeded Anderson, who had been relieved by General Scott in these terms, to give you rest necessary to restoration of health, call Brigadier-General Sherman to command the Department of the C
s of special fitness for special duties. Probably few officers could be found who would make a better Assistant Adjutant General than Captain William Gallaher, or a better Judge Advocate than Captain Joel Moody. Of Captain Gallaher I can speak from personal knowledge, as I have known him since I entered the service. Colonel William F. Cloud, Second Kansas cavalry, who is now in command of the District of Southwest Missouri, with head quarters at Springfield, was at Neosha yesterday, 20th instant, with a detachment of the 7th Missouri State Militia and one company of his own regiment, having been on a scout of several days in search of Livingston's band. If the remainder of General Blunt's division, which separated from us at Elm Springs, is occupying the country around Springfield, it would seem Colonel Phillips' division is now occupying the most advanced position of any of our troops in the west. It would also seem that he is holding a more important position, and actually do