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General Joseph E. Johnston, Narrative of Military Operations During the Civil War, Chapter 1 (search)
The Ninth Georgia had joined it soon after the troops reached Winchester. and a fifth brigade formed, for Brigadier-General E. Kirby Smith, just promoted, of the Nineteenth Mississippi, Eighth, Ninth, Tenth, and Eleventh Alabama regiments, and Stannard's Battery. Measles, mumps, and other diseases, to which new troops are subject, had been so prevalent, that the average effective strength of the regiments of this army did not much exceed five hundred men. About one o'clock A. M., on the 18th, I received the following telegram from General Cooper, Adjutant and Inspector-General: General Beauregard is attacked; to strike the enemy a decisive blow, a junction of all your effective force will be needed. If practicable, make the movement, sending your sick and baggage to Culpepper Court-House either by railroad or by Warrenton. In all the arrangement, exercise your discretion. A half-hour later, a telegram from General Beauregard informed me of his urgent need of the aid I had prom
General Joseph E. Johnston, Narrative of Military Operations During the Civil War, Chapter 4 (search)
ver, was left in its position near the Rappahannock, with Stuart's cavalry, in observation of a Federal division that had followed our march to Cedar Run, where it halted. The line of the Rappahannock had been taken temporarily, in preference to that of the Rapidan, be-. cause it is nearer Bull Run, and covered more of the country; the river being deeper, protected the troops better, and we wished to use the provision then in its rich valley, as well as to deprive the enemy of it. On the 18th it had become evident that the activity reported in Maryland, two weeks before, was connected with no advance of the enemy on the Fredericksburg route. This made the selection of one of the eastern routes by the Federal general seem to me more probable than I had before thought it. The army was, therefore, ordered to move to the south side of the Rapidan, where it was in better position to unite with the Confederate forces between Richmond and the invading army. Ewell's division and Stuart'
General Joseph E. Johnston, Narrative of Military Operations During the Civil War, Chapter 6 (search)
rch 9th: Order General Bragg to report to the War Department here, for conference; assume yourself direct charge of the army in Middle Tennessee. In obedience to these instructions I returned immediately to Tennessee, and reached Tullahoma on the 18th, and there, without the publication of a formal order on the subject, assumed the duties of commander of the army. In consequence of information that the general was devoting himself to Mrs. Bragg, who was supposed to be at the point of death, I of cavalry, and two of infantry, with two field-batteries, moved from Corinth along the railroad towards Tuscumbia. Colonel Roddy, who had just been transferred from General Bragg's to General Pemberton's command, met it with his brigade, on the 18th, near Bear Creek, on the Alabama side, and, in skirmishes, which continued most of the day, captured above a hundred prisoners, and a field-piece and caisson, with their horses. The enemy waited until the next day for reenforcements, which inc
General Joseph E. Johnston, Narrative of Military Operations During the Civil War, Chapter 7 (search)
each was eager to secure his own escape by being the first to reach the bridge. Sixteen or eighteen field-pieces were abandoned. After crossing the river on the railroad-bridge and a temporary one near it, these troops were conducted to Vicksburg by Major-General Stevenson, with his own division. They left the west bank of the Big Black about ten o'clock A. M., after destroying the bridges. This was by Lieutenant-General Pemberton's command. The Federal army crossed the river on the 18th; McPherson's and McClernand's corps on floating-bridges, constructed by them near the railroad, and Sherman's, which left Jackson on the 16th, on a pontoon-bridge laid at Bridgeport. Its advanced troops skirmished in the afternoon with those in the fieldworks of Vicksburg, General Grant's report. and the investment of the place was completed on the 19th. General Grant's report. On the 17th the two brigades with me marched fifteen or eighteen miles in the direction pointed out in Lieute
General Joseph E. Johnston, Narrative of Military Operations During the Civil War, Chapter 7 (search)
ion near Brandon, and encamp on the nearest stream, but the water was neither good nor sufficiently abundant. The movement eastwardly was therefore resumed on the 18th, and continued at the rate of six or eight miles a day, in search of good camping-ground, until the 20th, when we halted three or four miles west of Morton. Tennessee, which, as advised by you, is united to that of East Tennessee, so as to extend General Bragg's command over the department of General Buckner. On the 18th a dispatch, dated 17th, was received from General Bragg, in which he suggested the transfer of his troops to Mississippi, and an effort to defeat the Federal army immediately ordered to join the Army of Tennessee in front of Chattanooga. They were Quarles's and Baldwin's, the latter composed of Vicksburg troops. On the 18th the President visited the troops at Demopolis, and on the 20th those at Enterprise. While there he transferred Lieutenant-General Hardee back to the Army of Tenne
General Joseph E. Johnston, Narrative of Military Operations During the Civil War, Chapter 10 (search)
epends on the answers to these questions. If that to the first is affirmative, we should act promptly. If that to the second is so, we should not, but on the contrary put off action, if possible, until the discharge of many of his soldiers, if any considerable number is to be discharged. P. S.-Should Sherman join Thomas, this army would require reinforcement to enable it to hold its ground. Our army that takes the offensive should be our strongest in relation to its enemy. On the 18th Colonel Sale, General Bragg's military secretary, brought me the following letter from that officer, dated the 12th: General: In previous communications it has been intimated to you that the President desired a forward movement by the forces under your command; and it was suggested that such preparations as are practicable and necessary should b1e commenced immediately. I now desire to lay before you, more in detail, the views of the Department in regard to the proposed operations, an
General Joseph E. Johnston, Narrative of Military Operations During the Civil War, Chapter 11 (search)
hat the communications between the columns at this part of their march would be eight or nine miles, by narrow and crooked country roads. In the morning of the 18th, Hardee's corps marched to Kingston; and Polk's and Hood's, following the direct road, halted within a mile of Cassville — the former deployed in two lines, crossi Confident language by a military commander is not usually regarded as evidence of competence. General Hood came to my quarters early in the morning of the 18th, and remained there during the day. Intelligence soon came from Major-Gen. Wheeler, that the Federal army was marching toward Atlanta, and at General Hood's earnesout three thousand effectives, reached Resaca on the 9th of May; Loring's, of five thousand, on the 11th; French's, of four thousand, joined us at Cassville on the 18th; and Quarles's brigade, of twenty-two hundred, at New Hope Church on the 26th. See Major Falconer's letter of May 1, 1865, Appendix. The effective force of th
General Joseph E. Johnston, Narrative of Military Operations During the Civil War, Chapter 12 (search)
dred and fifty of the Army of Tennessee. The value of the latter was much increased by the comparatively great number of distinguished officers serving among them, who had long been the pride and ornaments of that army. About daybreak, on the 18th, information came to me from General Hampton, that the Federal army was marching toward Goldsboroa: the right wing, on the direct road from Fayetteville, had crossed Black River; the left wing, on the road from Averysboroa, had not reached that stal conversation with Mr. Lincoln, on Southern affairs a very short time before, had convinced him that the President then adhered to that view. In the course of the afternoon we agreed upon the terms expressed in the memorandum drawn up on the 18th, except that General Sherman did not consent to include Mr. Davis and the officers of his cabinet in an otherwise general amnesty. This consideration was mine, of course. General Sherman did not desire the arrest of these gentlemen. He was too
General Joseph E. Johnston, Narrative of Military Operations During the Civil War, Chapter 14 (search)
s About six thousand effective men. were sent to the army in the Valley, and the President thought more urgently required. If I had been professing to be able to crush Patterson, those regiments would not have been sent to me, nor would the President have explained See his letters on pages 29 and 31. so earnestly why he did not send more. This when Beauregard needed them greatly. Not even a suggestion to move to Manassas was sent to me before the telegram of July 17th, received on the 18th. On the contrary, the President's instructions to me in General Cooper's letters of June 13th, 18th, and 19th, and in his own of June 22d, and July 10th and 13th, prove that he had no such thought. And these letters prove that in all the time between the march from Harper's Ferry to Winchester, and that to Manassas, the intended that the Army I commanded should be employed in the defense of the Valley. In the letter quoted, General E. K. Smith wrote: As second in command and your adjutant-
General Joseph E. Johnston, Narrative of Military Operations During the Civil War, Letters. (search)
. E. Johnston, General. Tullahoma, February 12, 1863. Major-General Rosecrans,United States Army. General: I have had the honor to receive your letters of the 18th and 19th ultimo, addressed to me, as I understand, because you find yourself compelled, by a sense of duty to humanity, to decline communicating with General Braggn at once from Warrenton, and placed in the intrenchments on either side of Baldwin's Ferry road. Brigadier-General Hebert's brigade arrived before daylight on the 18th, bringing with it all the light pieces, and, in addition, two twenty-pound Parrotts and a Whitworth gun. This brigade immediately occupied the intrenchments on bots. A large amount of fresh meat was secured in this way. The same instructions were given in regard to corn, and all disposable wagons applied to this end. On the 18th, Colonel Wirt Adams, who had been previously directed to cross to the west bank of the Big Black, with all his cavalry, was notified that Snyder's Mills would be a