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my from Resaca, but he had succeeded in breaking the railroad from Tilton to Dalton, and as far north as the Tunnel. Arriving at Resaca on the evening of the fourteenth, I determined to strike Hood in flank, or force him to battle, and directed the army of the Tennessee, General Howard, to move to Snake Creek Gap, which was helctually destroyed for upward of twenty miles in this vicinity. The army, except Corse's division left at Rome, continued its march and arrived in Resaca on the fourteenth. Immediately the wagon-bridge, which had been destroyed by a freshet, was reconstructed and a reconnoissance made to-ward Snake Creek Gap by a regiment of Geneles from Resaca, developing what appeared to be quite a strong force, probably the enemy's rearguard. General Sherman arrived at Resaca on the evening of the fourteenth, where he issued Special Field Orders No. 91. Pursuant to this, the army of Tennessee marched on the morning of the fifteenth, and came upon the enemy's reargu
fording Elk River; seventeen miles. October twelfth, moved at seven A. M., bivouacking at Athens; One Hundred and Twenty-fifth Illinois joined its command, not being able to cross Elk River, it not being fordable. During the day and night the railroad bridge was finished and track repaired to Athens. October thirteenth, transportation having arrived, the First brigade left at ten A. M., Second and Third brigades and battery at three P. M., arriving at Chattanooga at ten P. M. on the fourteenth, and reported to General Schofield by direct order of General Thomas. To show more fully the object of the movement of my division, I transmit herewith orders and telegrams from Major-Generals Thomas and Rousseau, marked A to Zzz, also my report by telegraph numbered from 1 to Zzz. October fifteenth, sixteenth, and seventeenth, remained at Chattanooga. October eighteenth, in compliance with orders from General Schofield, moved at seven A. M., bivouacked at Lee and Gordon's Mills,
red loaded wagons to within six miles of Atlanta, where we halted at four o'clock A. M. of the fourteenth; continued the march at half-past 11 A. M., and arrived in Atlanta at two o'clock P. M. Oct were covered by substantial breastworks. A section of artillery, which reported to me on the fourteenth, was posted on the Savannah road and was covered by a redoubt. My brigade remained in the p; marched in rear of the first one hundred (100) wagons of the train; about three A. M. of the fourteenth bivouacked. Left about eight A. M., marched in rear of the first one hundred (100) wagons, annd Wisconsin was put aboard of her, and ran her up to within the week just passed. On the fourteenth instant, two regiments were detailed from Second brigage, as escort to a train sent into the countrane, One Hundred and Seventh New-York volunteers, commanding a provisional brigade. On the fourteenth, I announced the brigade staff as follows: Major Wilson Hobbs, Eighty-fifth Indiana, Surgeon i
ith which we marched during the Savannah campaign, and arrived in front of the enemy's works around the city, on the tenth day of December. On the twelfth, by order of Major Reynolds, the battery was moved on the river-bank, opposite the head of Hutchinson's Island. From the commencing of the campaign to this date, the battery was commanded by Captain W. B. Gary, who was captured on Hutchinson's Island the twelfth, with two enlisted men. The battery then fell to my command. On the fourteenth instant, by command of Major Reynolds, I sent Lieutenant King, with a section, to report to Colonel Robinson, commanding Third brigade, First division, at Cherokee Hill. The balance of battery kept its position on the river until eleven o'clock A. M., on the twentieth instant, when I received orders to move my battery, except the section at Cherokee Hill, to the city of Savannah, where I arrived at three P. M., and went into camp on the west end of Roberts street, where the battery now lies
the usual routine of duties appertaining to camp life. October 11.--The regiment and brigade went on a foraging expedition to Flat Rock, and returned on the fourteenth, with train loaded with forage. 19th, 21st, 22d. The regiment guarded railroad-train and were engaged in tearing up rails on East-Point Railroad to and from and thirteen, which was increased to five hundred and thirty-two on the fifth by an addition caused by a consolidation with the Twenty-seventh Indiana. On the fourteenth, we left the Chattahoochee River, reaching Atlanta the same day. On the fifteenth, the time of moving from Atlanta, there were nine animals in my possession,pied, in pursuance to orders, with the remainder of the brigade, in constructing quarters and occupying works for defence, south of the city of Atlanta. On the fourteenth, under orders received from the division commander, the regiment proceeded to Chattanooga as an escort to paymasters, awaiting an opportunity to pay the army.
wall of Fort Pulaski was then landed, and the heaviest guns placed in this battery, without much hope of its effectiveness against the earth-works of the enemy, as the whole power of the twenty to thirty heavy guns of Fort Pulaski within one mile or less of distance did not have the slightest effect upon our parapets of earth, while our guns there, the same now used, were hourly breaching its walls of masonry. After two days ineffectual firing upon this fort, two deserters came in on the fourteenth, who reported being at the Secessionville fort on the twelfth. They stated what was afterward confirmed by prisoners and our own officers, that the Fort had six large, mounted guns, and that it was a common earth-work, without stockade or abattis, and with only two battalions as its garrison; also that the enemy had seven other heavy guns ready to mount upon the fort. To this was added the knowledge of our own observation, that the enemy were at work night and day to strengthen this
will rest the responsibility of the retributive or retaliatory measures which shall be adopted to put an end to the merciless atrocities which now characterize the war against the confederate States. I am, most respectfully, your obedient servant, R. E. Lee, General Commanding. General Halleck to General Lee. Headquarters of the army, Washington, August 7, General Lee, Commanding, etc.: General: Your letter of July sixth was received at the Adjutant-General's office on the fourteenth, but supposing from its indorsement that it required no further reply, it was filed without being shown to the President or Secretary of War. I learn to-day for the first time that such letter had been received, and hasten to reply. No authentic information has been received in relation to the execution of either John Owen or Mumford; but measures will be immediately taken to ascertain the facts of these alleged executions, of which you will be duly informed. I need hardly assure
rt. see volume V. Rebellion record. headquarters First division Twelfth corps, Maryland Heights, Sept. 24, 1862. General A. S. Williams, Commanding Corps: General: In conformity with orders emanating from headquarters of the corps, I have the honor to report upon the part taken by my brigade — the Third of the First division of the Twelfth corps--in the recent battle of Antietam near Sharpsburgh, on the seventeenth instant. The enemy, routed at passes of South-Mountain on the fourteenth, were rapidly pursued and brought to a stand near Sharpsburgh, on the westerly side of Antietam Creek, on the sixteenth instant. Massed in rear of our forces, drawn up in line of battle under General McClellan, this corps remaining inactive during the day, was moved on the night of the sixteenth and morning of the seventeenth to the right of our line to strengthen General Hooker, who had, at noon of the sixteenth, crossed the creek and engaged the enemy's advance. Just after the brea
ngaged in their defence spiking their heavy guns and retreating to Harper's Ferry. By half-past 4 P. M., Kershaw was in possession of Maryland Heights. On the fourteenth, a road for artillery was cut along the ridge, and at two P. M. four guns opened upon the enemy on the opposite side of the river, and the investment of Harper'een offered to the enemy at Boonesboro secured sufficient time to enable General Jackson to complete the reduction of Harper's Ferry. On the afternoon of the fourteenth, when he found that the troops of Walker and McLaws were in position to cooperate in the attack, he ordered General A. P. Hill to turn the enemy's left flank ane afternoon. The presence of the enemy at Crampton's Gap embarrassed the movements of General McLaws. He retained the position taken during the night of the fourteenth, to oppose an advance toward Harper's Ferry until the capitulation of that place, when, finding the enemy indisposed to attack, he gradually withdrew his comman
ly refer you to the accompanying official reports of other officers. I forward, herewith, two maps, by Mr. J. Hotchkiss, one giving the route of the army during the retreat from Strasburgh to Port Republic, and the other of the battle-field. On the twelfth, the troops recrossed South River, and encamped near Weyer's Cave. For the purpose of rendering thanks to God for having crowned our arms with success, and to implore his continued favor, divine service was held in the army on the fourteenth. The army remained near Weyer's Cave until the seventeenth, when in obedience to instructions from the commanding general of the department, it moved toward Richmond. I am, General, very respectfully, your obedient servant, T. J. Jackson, Lieutenant-General. General Ewell's reports. headquarters Third division, Valley District, June 16, 1862. Major R. L. Dabney, Assistant Adjutant-General, Valley District: Major: I have the honor to submit the following report of the act