Browsing named entities in Official Records of the Union and Confederate Armies, Chapter XXII: Operations in Kentucky, Tennessee, North Mississippi, North Alabama, and Southwest Virginia. March 4-June 10, 1862. (ed. Lieut. Col. Robert N. Scott). You can also browse the collection for 13th or search for 13th in all documents.

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Official Records of the Union and Confederate Armies, Chapter XXII: Operations in Kentucky, Tennessee, North Mississippi, North Alabama, and Southwest Virginia. March 4-June 10, 1862. (ed. Lieut. Col. Robert N. Scott), March 9-14, 1862.-expedition toward Pardy and operations about Crump's Landing, Tenn. (search)
have to remain until morning, a reconnoitering party from Major Hayes' cavalry might well employ the time until noon. Shall I order it! Very respectfully, lew. Wallace, General, Commanding Third Division. Captain McMICHAEL. No. 3.-Rport of Maj. Ohies S. Hayes, Fifth Ohio cavalry. Hdqrs. Third Battalion Fifth Ohio Cavalry, March 14, 1862. Sir: Pursuant to orders received on the evening of the 12th instant I proceeded with my command at 2 o'clock yesterday morning, the 13th instant, and at 10 o'clock a. m. arrived at a point on the Mobile and Ohio Railroad between Bethel and Brown Station, and proceeded at once to destroy the bridge at that place crossing Beach Creek, it being of 50 feet span, with 50 feet of trestle-work on either bank, making 150 feet in all, which I so effectually crippled as to entirely preclude the passage of trains until the whole structure is taken down and rebuilt. I also tore up a small portion of the track on either side of the bridge and
the 10th instant, accompanied by Lieut. Col. James Keigwin, of the Forty-ninth Indiana Volunteers, and marched to Big Creek Gap via Boston. My force consisted of the Second East Tennessee Regiment; Company A, of the First East Tennessee Regiment, Captain Cooper; Company B, of the Forty-ninth Indiana Regiment, Captain Thompson, and a detachment of Lieutenant-Colonel Munday's First Battalion Kentucky Cavalry. We arrived at the foot of the Cumberland Mountains, on the north side, on the 13th instant, at 6 o'clock p. m. I then learned that two companies of the First Tennessee Regiment rebel cavalry were encamped at Big Creek Gap. Finding the road completely blockaded, I detached the cavalry, and sent them around by another road, with orders to meet the main body of the command at a certain point on the opposite side of the mountain. Procuring the services of a guide, I divided my command, placing one portion under charge of Lieutenant-Colonel Keigwin. We took up the line of march a
n for month of April, 1862. The Eighth Brigade left Murfreesborough, Tenn., on April 5, at 6 a. m., and marched to Huntsville, Ala., arriving there at 7.30 a. m., on the 11th. At 6 p. m., April 11, the Twenty-fourth Illinois were moved on cars for Decatur, arriving opposite Decatur on the morning of the 12th, driving the enemy's troops from the fortifications at Decatur, and saving the bridge over the Tennessee River that the rebels had fired on their retreat, occupying the town on the 13th. The rest of the brigade were moved by cars to Decatur, arriving there the same day at 8 p. m. April 15, the brigade, except guard for baggage train, was moved to Tuscumbia, Ala., arriving there April 16, at 11 p. m. At 12 noon, April 24, the brigade fell back from Tuscumbia to Decatur, arriving there at 8 p. m. April 26. April 26 and 27, the brigade, except the Eighteenth Ohio, fell back to Huntsville, Ala., the Eighteenth Ohio going to Athens. The Ninth Brigade left Murfree
ort that in obedience to verbal orders from General Grant, ratified in person by General Halleck, I embarked on board the transports Tecumseh and White Cloud, during the evening of the 12th instant, 100 men of the Fourth Illinois Cavalry, under command of Maj. S. M. Bowman, and the brigade of General Fry, and, escorted by the gunboats Tyler and Lexington, Commanders Gwin and Shirk, proceeded up the Tennessee River to Chickasaw Landing, where all the troops were disembarked at 7 a. m. the 13th instant. By my orders Major Bowman proceeded rapidly on the road to Iuka, the enemy's pickets retreating before him, and destroying themselves by fire a road bridge across Bear Creek, which I had ordered General Fry to destroy, to secure the right flank of the movement on the Bear Creek bridge. This bridge, about 7 miles from Chickasaw, being destroyed, Major Bowman proceeded rapidly up the road 8 miles farther, and on approaching the railroad bridge across Bear Creek he found it guarded by
Official Records of the Union and Confederate Armies, Chapter XXII: Operations in Kentucky, Tennessee, North Mississippi, North Alabama, and Southwest Virginia. March 4-June 10, 1862. (ed. Lieut. Col. Robert N. Scott), April 29-June 10, 1862.-advance upon and siege of Corinth, and pursuit of the Confederate forces to Guntown, Miss. (search)
enemy's pickets were half a mile in advance of us. Our tents and equipage were moved up to this point on Tuesday, the 13th, and we remained until Saturday, the 17th instant, when we were ordered forward to within 2 miles of Corinth. We went intcked 3 miles from Iuka, and on the 12th marched to Iuka, where we waited for our baggage train from Farmington. On the 13th the train arrived, and on the 14th we marched 14 miles toward Florence; encamped by Cherokee. On the 15th we marched 1ty-second and Fortyeighth and Fifty-third Regiments, and placed under the command of Brigadier-General Denver. On the 13th instant the Forty-eighth, with remaining regiments of brigade, moved forward 1] miles toward Corinth to Camp No. 6, and threw ef of Staff. headquarters Army of the Ohio, In Camp, May 17, 1862. sir: The court of inquiry which convened on the 13th instant to examine into the behavior of the troops engaged in the skirmish on the 9th instant has reported, and it affords Gen
pation of Rogersville and skirmish at Lamb's Ferry, Ala. Reports, etc. No. 1.-Maj. Gen. Ormsby M. Mitchel, U. S. Army, with abstract from the Record of events in his division for month of May. No. 2.-Brig. Gen. James S. Negley, U. S. Army. No. 3.-Col. John Adams, C. S. Army, including operations of his brigade May 9-30. No. 1.-reports of Maj. Gen. Ormsby M. Mitchel, U. S. Army. headquarters Third Division, Camp Taylor, Huntsville, Ala., May 15, 1862. At 6 p. m. on the 13th instant General Negley's expedition from Pulaski, supported by Colonel Lytle's expedition from Athens, entered Rogersville, driving the enemy across the Tennessee and destroying a portion of their ferry-boats. Having learned of the approach of Colonel Lytle's forces, the enemy succeeded in removing their artillery, baggage, and stores before the arrival of General Negley. I expected an obstinate defense at the passage of Elk River, and accompanied in person Colonel Lytle's expedition, but witho