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e intention, so far as I can learn, was to send a column direct from Culpeper to the Potomac, and Early to advance at the same time from Martinsburg. This was frustrated by Early being compelled to fall back, and your operations on the north side of the James.—Sheridan to Grant, August, 20. Sheridan had moved from Halltown on the 10th of August, and Early at once fell back as far as Strasburg, to which point he was followed by the national army, both forces arriving at Cedar creek on the 12th. On the 13th, Early retired a few miles further, to Fisher's Hill. Anderson meanwhile had arrived at Culpeper, where he received a despatch from Early, calling for reinforcements. He at once set out with his whole command, and crossing the Blue Ridge at Chester's Gap, arrived on the 15th, at Front Royal, about ten miles east of Strasburg. The road between was held by Sheridan; but Masanutten mountain also intervened, and concealed the presence of Anderson. FitzLee therefore rode across
appeared at Rome, and Sherman ordered his whole army to march to Kingston in pursuit; he arrived there himself on the 11th, but Hood had already decamped. Marching with rapidity along the Chattooga Valley, the rebels appeared before Resaca on the 12th, and Hood himself demanded the surrender of the post. No prisoners will be taken, he said, if the place is carried by assault. But the commander replied: If you want it, come and take it; an invitation which Hood, admonished by his losses beforet his ever returning. I still believe, however, that the public clamor will force him to turn and follow me, in which event you should cross at Decatur and move directly towards Selma, as far as you can transport supplies. Thomas replied on the 12th: I have no fears that Beauregard can do me any harm now, and if he attempts to follow you, I will follow him as far as possible. If he does not follow you, I will then thoroughly organize my troops, and I believe, shall have men enough to ruin hi
and it is with difficulty the troops are able to move about on level ground. It was my intention to attack Hood as soon as the ice melted, and would have done so yesterday, had it not been for the storm. He nevertheless did not obey, but on the 12th, at 10.30 P. M., he still continued: I have the troops ready to make an attack on the enemy, as soon as the sleet which now covers the ground has melted sufficiently to enable men to march; as the whole country is now covered with a sheet of ice t's apprehensions might have been terribly justified. Had the rebel commander moved to the Ohio, and compelled Thomas to follow, that officer would never have been forgiven. As it was, the rebels lived upon the country for a fortnight; On the 12th, Forrest destroyed the railroad from Lavergne to Murfreesboroa, and on the 13th, captured a train of 17 cars loaded with 60,000 rations sent from Stevenson, and 200 prisoners. they fortified strongly in front of Nashville, and doubled the loss of
y directed Sheridan to proceed. On the 24th of February, Lee called attention to the alarming number of desertions now occurring in the army. . . . Since the 12th inst., he said, they amount in two divisions of Hill's corps . . . to about four hundred. There are a good many from other commands. . . . It seems that the men are and defeated him, capturing nearly his entire command. . . . I think there is no doubt Sheridan will at least succeed in destroying the James river canal. On the 12th, he received further intelligence. Sheridan had been extremely successful, but had turned east instead of south, and was now moving to join the army before Richmouent skirmishing with the rebel cavalry; but on the 11th of March, Fayetteville was reached, and Sherman had traversed the entire extent of South Carolina. On the 12th, he sent a dispatch to Grant, the first since leaving the Savannah. We reached this place yesterday, he said, at noon, Hardee, as usual, retreating acros
o more. All day the sad ceremony went on, the disarmed men streaming to the provost marshal's tent for their paroles. Then they started for their homes. Hardly a man possessed a particle of money, and some had a thousand miles to travel in a country where railroads had been annihilated. They were allowed to wear their uniforms, but without insignia, and to pass free over all government transports and railroads. Lee rode from Appomattox court-house to Richmond, which he entered on the 12th, while his army was laying down its arms. A few of the inhabitants gathered around him on the way to his house, but he discouraged any demonstration, and no disturbance occurred. The population had been fed by the national authorities since the capture of the town; and the officer who had charge of this duty, aware that Lee must be entirely destitute, sent at once to ask if he would like supplies. Lee expressed his thanks and said that he had no other resource, and unless this assistance h