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ing's Bridge the moment it was completed, and take Fort McAllister. General Kilpatrick made his reconnoissance on the twelfth, drove in the outposts at McAllister, and reported the Fort defended by a garrison of some two hundred men with several . The steamer Ida, while attempting to pass up from Savannah on the tenth of December, was captured and burned. On the twelfth, two gunboats and the steamer Resolute attempted to pass our batteries from above, but both ganboats were driven back byumed at seven o'clock A. M.., and the troops went into camp one mile beyond Kingston at sunset. On the morning of the twelfth, the whole army marched for Rome. The Fourteenth corps, followed by the Fourth corps, moved by the way of Woodland, andFourteenth corps, Third division, on the right, First division in the centre, and Second division on the left. On the twelfth, Winnegar's battery, (four three-inch guns,) which had been placed in position at Tweedside, to command the channel betw
herefore sent him across the pontoon-bridges, near Fort Argyle, to reconnoitre Fort McAllister and the inlets in that vicinity, and, if practicable, to take the Fort. General Sherman himself subsequently modified these directions, ordering Kilpatrick not to assault the works. General Hazen, of the Fifteenth corps, was directed to hold his division in readiness to cross King's Bridge the moment it was completed, and take Fort McAllister. General Kilpatrick made his reconnoissance on the twelfth, drove in the outposts at McAllister, and reported the Fort defended by a garrison of some two hundred men with several heavy guns, bearing on the land approaches. The morning of the thirteenth, I accompanied General Sherman to Doctor Cheves's Rice-Mill, where we had McAllister full in view. At the rice-mill a section of De Grase's battery was firing occasionally at the Fort opposite, three miles and a half distant, as a diversion, having for its principal object, however, to attract th
as moved to the left, encountering some opposition from rebel pickets. They were, however, driven back into the main works, and our line was established from the Savannah River, near Williamson's plantation, in advance of Pipe Maker's Creek, across the Charleston Railroad to the Central Railroad, a few hundred yards from the junction of the two roads, connecting with the Fourteenth corps, Third division, on the right, First division in the centre, and Second division on the left. On the twelfth, Winnegar's battery, (four three-inch guns,) which had been placed in position at Tweedside, to command the channel between Argyle Island and the Georgia shore, drove back two gunboats attempting to descend the river, and so crippled the tender Resolute, as to drive her aground, in which position she was taken possession of by Colonel Hawley, Third Wisconsin volunteers, whose regiment was on duty on Argyle Island. Five naval officers and nineteen men were captured, besides a quantity of ord
full rations and fifteen days forage; the remainder of the forage and subsistence I obtained from the country along the line of march. After remaining in Atlanta, Georgia, one night, I again joined the First division, Fourteenth army corps, (in obedience to orders), with three days rations and three days forage, and marched with it to a point near Savannah, Georgia, where I took up position in line of battle on the twelfth of December. Was engaged lightly by the enemy's batteries on the twelfth, thirteenth, fourteenth, fifteenth, sixteenth, seventeenth, nineteenth, and twentieth, during which time I expended (283) two hundred and eighty-three rounds of ammunition, without any loss except one wheel belonging to a gun-carriage. On the twenty-second, I moved into camp near the city of Savannah, Georgia, the enemy having evacuated the night before. During the march from Atlanta I drew three days full rations and one day's forage; the remainder of forage and subsistence I obtained al
tch steamer Ida, from the enemy, taking thirteen prisoners, among whom was Colonel Clynch, of General Hardee's staff. On account of the approach of rebel gunboats, Captain Gildersleeve burned the steamer, after removing the prisoners. On the twelfth, Colonel Hawley, commanding Third Wisconsin, on Argyle Island, took possession of the steamer Resolute, which had been driven on the Argyle shore by Captain Winnegar's battery. The boat, and stores captured upon her, as well as prisoners, were ed, which I reported to the division commander. By direction of the division commander, on the night of the eleventh instant, I established a squad of sharp-shooters on the Savannah road, covering the guns in the bastion. On the night of the twelfth, these guns were removed from the embrasures, and did not appear again during the investment. In obedience to orders received, I reconnoitred the position of the enemy in my front during the night-time, from the fifteenth to the nineteenth, and
s of the enemy on the east and south sides of the town, where they remained until about the twelfth instant, when they were withdrawn and camped together in the north-western part of the city. Soor, opposite Argyle Island, about two miles above. At seven o'clock on the morning of the twelfth instant, two gunboats and a steam transport made their appearance above Captain Winegar's position,ments. Captain Gary and two men of battery C, First Ohio artillery, were captured on the twelfth instant on Hutchinson's Island, where they had gone to seek forage. One enlisted man of battery nto the city of Atlanta, and took position in a fort to the south and west of the city. On the twelfth of the month left this position, and went into camp with the other batteries of the brigade to nd arrived in front of the enemy's works around the city, on the tenth day of December. On the twelfth, by order of Major Reynolds, the battery was moved on the river-bank, opposite the head of Hutc
the bridge, the enemy shelling us with artillery while withdrawing, but without injuring us. 9th. Moved to report to the Division General, and encamped six miles south of Springfield. 10th. Marched at seven A. M., to Station No. 1, Georgia Central Railroad; Ninth Ohio volunteer cavalry sent to cover rear of Twentieth army corps. 11th. Moved to within six miles of Savannah ; the Fifth Ohio volunteer cavalry sent to cover rear of Fifteenth army corps, and remained in camp on the twelfth. 13th. Marched at nine A. M., and encamped three (3) miles south of King's Bridge. 14th. Marched to Midway, and encamped. 15th and 16th. Moved to King's Bridge, and encamped, where this report was called for. During the campaign, my brigade has marched five hundred and twenty (520) miles; been frequently in action, and always successful. Have captured one hundred and four (104) prisoners, one thousand one hundred and fifty-nine (1159) mules and horses; have subsisted ourselv
toward the river, by night, including the bridge. On the tenth, the division re-crossed the Cannouchee, moving to and crossing the Ogeechee at Dillon's Ferry, and proceeding to near the Anderson plantation, nine miles from Savannah. On the twelfth, the division moved back to King's Bridge, it having received orders to cross the Ogeechee there, and move down its right bank to Fort McAllister, and capture it. At daybreak the thirteenth, the troops were put in motion, reaching the vicinitmy front and left; my right connecting with the Third brigade skirmishers, who were thrown forward during the evening. During the night I received seven (7) deserters from the enemy, whom I forwarded to brigade headquarters under guard. On the twelfth, was ordered into camp near the road occupied by my regiment the night previous. Threw up breastworks and remained until the twenty-third, when it was found that the enemy had evacuated his works, when we advanced to within two miles of the cit
diary form, of the campaign, commencing on the fifteenth day of November, and. ending on the twenty-first day of December, 1864: I. On the morning of the third of September, the regiment was encamped in the rear of a fort on the right of the Macon turnpike, on the south side of the city, as a support for a battery planted there. On the tenth of same month, David Ireland, Colonel of this regiment, and commanding Third brigade, Second division, Twentieth corps, died of dysentery. On the twelfth, we moved, and were encamped, with the other regiments of the brigade, on a line, this regiment being third in line. While in this camp, brigade dress-parades were held whenever practicable; also, brigade, battalion, company, and squad drills, officers' schools, etc. ; meanwhile furnishing details for picket and fatigue, ranging in number from forty (40) to seventy-five (75) men daily. On the twenty-fifth, were reviewed by Major-General Slocum, General Sherman being present. On the twent
, may be there at this date, unless he shall have inclined to the left, more toward Augusta, in order to avoid swampy ground. Meanwhile, by way of diversion, as requested by General Sherman, the Ottowa and Winona were feeling their way in the Combahee, on the eighth and ninth; the Pawnee and Sonoma pound the battery on the Togadoo and Wadmelaw on the tenth and eleventh, while the monitors Lehigh, Wissahickon, McDonough, Smith, and Williams, were shelling the works on the Stono. On the twelfth and thirteenth came the demonstration at Bull's Bay, which is all that could be done by this squadron to assist the army of General Sherman. It is now fairly launched on its great enterprise, and will no doubt soon consummate the first results so confidently looked for. If any further communication is resumed with my command, it may be expected in the vicinity of Georgetown. But in view of the great effect that must be produced by the army recently landed at Wilmington, it is reasona