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Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 9. (ed. Frank Moore) 102 102 Browse Search
The Atlanta (Georgia) Campaign: May 1 - September 8, 1864., Part I: General Report. (ed. Maj. George B. Davis, Mr. Leslie J. Perry, Mr. Joseph W. Kirkley) 46 46 Browse Search
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 10. (ed. Frank Moore) 34 34 Browse Search
Official Records of the Union and Confederate Armies, Chapter XXII: Operations in Kentucky, Tennessee, North Mississippi, North Alabama, and Southwest Virginia. March 4-June 10, 1862. (ed. Lieut. Col. Robert N. Scott) 34 34 Browse Search
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 11. (ed. Frank Moore) 33 33 Browse Search
Maj. Jed. Hotchkiss, Confederate Military History, a library of Confederate States Military History: Volume 3, Virginia (ed. Clement Anselm Evans) 29 29 Browse Search
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 5. (ed. Frank Moore) 27 27 Browse Search
The Annals of the Civil War Written by Leading Participants North and South (ed. Alexander Kelly McClure) 21 21 Browse Search
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War. Volume 4. 20 20 Browse Search
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 7. (ed. Frank Moore) 19 19 Browse Search
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ine. The utmost activity is enjoined upon the detachments procuring horses, and unceasing vigilance upon the entire command. Major J. P. W. Hairston is hereby appointed Division Provost-Marshal. By command of Major-General J. E. B. Stuart. R. Channing Price, First Lieutenant and A. D. C. General Stuart's report. headquarters cavalry division, October 14, 1862. Col. R. H. Chilton, A. A. General Army Northern Virginia: Colonel: I have the honor to report that on the ninth instant, in compliance with instructions from the commanding general army of Northern Virginia, I proceeded on an expedition into Pennsylvania, with a cavalry force of one thousand eight hundred men and four pieces of horse-artillery, under command of Brig.-Gen. Hampton and Colonels W. H. F. Lee and Jones. This force rendezvoused at Darksville at twelve M., and marched thence to the vicinity of Hedgesville, where it camped for the night. At daylight next morning (October tenth) I crossed the P
he Cosmopolitan, which had been sent to Hilton Head for provisions, had so injured herself in returning across the bar as to be temporarily unfit for service, I sent the Seventh regiment Connecticut volunteers to Hilton Head by the steamer Boston, on the afternoon of the seventh instant, with the request that she might be returned to assist in the transportation to Hilton Head of the remaining portion of my command. On the return of the successful expedition after the rebel steamers, on the ninth, I proceeded with that portion of my command to St. John's Bluff, awaiting the return of the Boston. On the eleventh instant I embarked the section of First Connecticut light battery, with their guns, horses, etc., and one company of the Forty-seventh regiment Pennsylvania volunteers, on board the steamer Darlington, sending them to Hilton Head via Fernandina, Florida. On the eleventh, the Boston having returned, I embarked myself, with the last remaining portion of my command, except on
h arrived here yesterday with despatches. I next sent Commander W. B. Renshaw, with the gunboats Owasco, Harriet Lane, Clifton, and Westfield, to take Galveston, which he did in the shortest time, and without the loss of a man. It appears that the first shot from the Owasco exploded directly over the heads of the men at and around the big gun, (their main reliance,) and the enemy left. A flag of truce was hoisted and the preliminaries arranged for a surrender, which took place on the ninth instant. The reports will give you all the particulars. I have the honor to be, very respectfully, your obedient servant, D. G. Farragut, Rear Admiral Commanding West Gulf Squadron. Hon. Gideon Welles, Secretary of the Navy, Washington. Acting Master Crocker's report. U. S. Steamer Kensington, Pensacola Bay, October 24, 1862. sir: In continuation of my reports from Sabine Pass, sent by the prize schooners Adventure and West Florida I have the honor now to state that on the thirt
roads yet unsettled, toward Williamston, thirteen miles distant, which we reached at four P. M., quartering as before in the deserted houses, and remaining till the morning of the ninth for much needed rest. While remaining at Williamston our troops cut down the whipping-post, and burned the jail, in which over thirty Union prisoners had been confined until the arrival of our troops, when they were tied to the rear of baggage-wagons, and compelled to follow the retreating rebels. On the ninth we marched eighteen miles from Williamston to within four miles of Plymouth, on the Roanoke River, at the head of Albemarle Sound. On the tenth our camp was moved to within one mile of Plymouth, and on the eleventh the troops commenced embarking for Newbern, via Albemarle and Pamlico Sounds and the river Neuse, arriving at this place late last evening. The results of the expedition are the opening of the Roanoke River for gunboats beyond Hamilton; an important diversion in favor of other
Doc. 43.-expedition to Greenbriar, Va. Captain Gilmore's report. camp Somerville, Va., November 12, 1862. Brigadier-General Crook, Commanding Kanation Division: sir: I herewith submit a report of my expedition into Greenbriar County. On the ninth instant, proceeding agreeably to orders, I bivouacked three miles beyond Gauley River; on the morning I marched all day without interruption, but learned that Gen. Jenkins with two thousand five hundred men, in addition to Col. Dunn's force, occupied the country before me, stationed as follows: Col. Dunn's command between Lewisburgh and Frankfort; the Fourteenth regular Virginia cavalry at Williamsburgh; one regiment cavalry at Meadow Bluffs, pasturing horses, with a battalion of four hundred cavalry on the wilderness road as guard ; a small force at White Sulphur, and Gen. Jenkins with the remainder of his command on Muddy Creek, eight miles from Lewisburgh. I, however, pushed forward until within three miles of Williamsb
rion County, Ark., Dec. 12. Ozark, Mo., Dec. 18, 1862. Major James H. Steger, A. A. General. sir: I have the honor of reporting to you for the information of the Commanding General the result of a scout commanded by me in Marion County, Arkansas. By permission from Captain Flagg, commanding this post, I took command of forty men composed of detachments from companies D, F, G, and H, Second battalion, Fourteenth regiment cavalry Missouri State militia, and on the morning of the ninth instant marched for Lawrence's Mill, a distance of thirty-five miles. I arrived at the mill early in the night, and remained there till noon of the tenth, waiting for forage. During this time I held a consultation with the officers of my command and those of the enrolled militia stationed at the mill, in regard to the direction we should take. It had been my intention to make an expedition into the White River country below Dubuque, where it is said a band of marauders have a considerable numb
e to our brave men, who immediately drove the enemy before them and back into the stockade fort. Colonel Cook's troops arrived too late to take an active part in the engagement. Darkness coming on, the firing gradually ceased; after which all was quiet, save occasional firing from the artillery. The enemy, under cover of the darkness, withdrew from the field, carrying away part of their dead and wounded. I expected them to renew the attack on the following morning. On the morning of the ninth, they appeared in full force to the east, and about one mile from town. Preparations were made to receive them. A cavalry force was sent forward to engage then and check their advance. But they declined another engagement, and retired in haste. We did not have sufficient force to pursue them. We did not have at any one time during the day more than nine hundred to one thousand men engaged. The enemy had some four thousand men, under the command of General Marmaduke, and Shelby, Gordo
occupy two reports, but as they occurred so near together, I have thought proper, with your permission, to combine both battles in one report. In obedience to your order, I left Houston, with other forces under Col. Merrill, on Friday, the ninth instant, at about noon, to march to Springfield, with the object of reenforcing that place. The first night we encamped for a short time at Beaver Creek. At twelve o'clock at night we moved on, and when within a few miles of Hartsville, we were drading Detachment, Twenty-first Iowa Infantry Volunteers. To Brig.-Gen. Fitz-Henry Warren, Commanding Forces at Houston, Mo. A National account. camp at Houston, Texas Co., Mo., January 14, 1863. Editor Dubuque times: On Friday, the ninth instant, at ten o'clock A. M., a portion of General Fitz-Henry Warren's brigade, under command of Colonel Merrill, received marching orders, and a part of the Twenty-first Iowa, Ninety-ninth Illinois, Third Iowa, Third Missouri cavalry with two piece
eded in doing so, until I had approached within thirty miles of the Fort. Landing on the left bank of the river, at Notrib's farm, at five o'clock P. M., on the ninth, the work of disembarking was busily continued until noon the next day, when it was completed. In the mean time, accompanied by Lieut.-Col. Schwartz, of my stafanding the neighboring approaches across the swamp, and covering our transports against possible attack from the opposite side of the river. On the night of the ninth, Col. Lindsay's brigade had disembarked nine miles below Notrib's farm, at Fletcher's Landing, on the right bank of the river, in pursuance of General Morgan's ordailed three in iron-clads — the Louisville, Baron de Kalb, and Cincinnati — with all the light-draft gunboats, all of which had to be towed up the river. On the ninth we ascended the Arkansas River as high as Arkansas Post, when the army landed within about four miles of the Fort. The enemy had thrown up heavy earthworks and ex
Era No. 5, in Red River, Feb. 15, 1863. The career of the gallant Queen of the West is ended. Her crew are dispersed ; some are wounded, sole are killed, and more are taken prisoners. A small remnant, so far escaped from death and capture, are now twenty miles from the mouth of Red River, moving as rapidly as Providence permits, from the scene of one of the most thrilling incidents of the rebellion, toward the far-famed city of Vicksburgh. We had intended to leave on Monday, the ninth instant, but certain repairs were, at the last moment, found necessary, and we were compelled to remain over the succeeding day. Col. Ellet decided to run the batteries by starlight, and just at dark the chimneys of the Queen of the West and the De Soto began to vomit forth huge columns of dense black smoke, and we knew that the time of our departure was approaching. Precisely at nine o'clock we swung into the stream, the De Soto, around whose boilers and machinery bales of cotton had been p