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Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 9. (ed. Frank Moore) 102 102 Browse Search
The Atlanta (Georgia) Campaign: May 1 - September 8, 1864., Part I: General Report. (ed. Maj. George B. Davis, Mr. Leslie J. Perry, Mr. Joseph W. Kirkley) 46 46 Browse Search
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 10. (ed. Frank Moore) 34 34 Browse Search
Official Records of the Union and Confederate Armies, Chapter XXII: Operations in Kentucky, Tennessee, North Mississippi, North Alabama, and Southwest Virginia. March 4-June 10, 1862. (ed. Lieut. Col. Robert N. Scott) 34 34 Browse Search
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 11. (ed. Frank Moore) 33 33 Browse Search
Maj. Jed. Hotchkiss, Confederate Military History, a library of Confederate States Military History: Volume 3, Virginia (ed. Clement Anselm Evans) 29 29 Browse Search
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 5. (ed. Frank Moore) 27 27 Browse Search
The Annals of the Civil War Written by Leading Participants North and South (ed. Alexander Kelly McClure) 21 21 Browse Search
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War. Volume 4. 20 20 Browse Search
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 7. (ed. Frank Moore) 19 19 Browse Search
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onvinced that the game had flown. The object of the march having been thus thwarted, an early return to our camp at Paintsville became our aim, and we accomplished it at the dawn. A harder march was, I venture say, never endured by troops in the same length of time. At nine A. M. on the eighth, the Fortieth and Wolford's cavalry joined us, raising our effective force to about twenty-four hundred, after deducting Ball's cavalry, which, in obedience to orders, returned to Guyandotte. On the 9th, Colonel Garfield determining on a pursuit of the enemy, detailed from the Forty-second and Fortieth Ohio, and Fourteenth Kentucky each three hundred men, and from the Twenty-second Kentucky two hundred men, and taking the immediate command, supported, however, by Colonel Craner of the Fortieth, and Major Burke of the Fourteenth, and detaching Colonel Wolford's and Major McLaughlin's cavalry up Jennie's Creek, marched up the river road leading to Prestonburg. Early on the morning of the tent
d to regiments; Schwartz's cavalry company, attached to my brigade, and five companies of Col. T. Lyle Dickey's Fourth regiment of cavalry, numbering of infantry, three thousand nine hundred and ninety-two, of cavalry one thousand and sixty-one, and of artillery one hundred and thirty-nine, rank and file, all under my command, and all Illinois volunteers, except Schwartz's battery of light artillery. The cavalry, which had crossed the river and encamped at Fort Holt, on the morning of the ninth, marched on the morning of the tenth to Fort Jefferson, Capt. Stewart with his company being in the advance. On arriving he determined to take in custody all persons found in that place, and immediately sent forward pickets to guard the pass at Elliott's Mills and other approaches from Columbus. The remainder of the forces, conveyed by transports, arrived at Fort Jefferson on the same day, tenth,) and encamped awaiting further orders. On the eleventh I ordered a reconnoissance east to
em fought most gallantly. I regret exceedingly not being able to send a full report of the killed and wounded, but will send a despatch in a day or two with full returns. I beg leave to enclose a copy of a general order issued by me on the ninth inst. I am most happy to say that I have just received a message from Commodore Goldsborough, stating that the expedition of the gunboats against Elizabeth City and the rebel fleet has been entirely successful. He will, of course, send his returnich was executed, and remained upon duty until relieved by the Ninth New-Jersey. The men and officers under my command, behaved with a coolness that was really surprising for men who were under fire for the first time. On Sunday morning, the ninth inst., I received an order to detail a company to plant the American flag on one of the captured forts on the sea-shore. Yours respectfully, Edw. Ferrero, Col. Fifty-first Regiment N. Y.V. Colonel Lee's report. headquarters Twenty-Seven
that they required warm fresh water and surgical attendance to dress the wounds, and had the same sent to their hospital, together with the Surgeon, Le Traver, who rendered efficient service on the transport steamer Union. Afterwards weighed anchor and went within one hundred yards of Fort Sullivan, when Commander Rowan and Lieut. Commanding Quackenbush landed at the fort, and witnessed the raising of the glorious Stars and Stripes on the rebel battery, amid tremendous cheering. On the ninth, at half-past 2 P. M., this squadron, consisting of fourteen vessels, under command of S. C. Rowan, weighed anchor for Elizabeth City. During the afternoon discovered three small rebel steamers, which we chased until dark, and then came to anchor eighteen miles distant from this place, receiving on board two fishermen from a small sail-boat, captured by the United States steamer Ceres. On the tenth inst., at six o'clock A. M., weighed anchor for Elizabeth City. At eight A. M. discovered t
e grand denouement of the tragedies which had a scene about Donelson, was cold, damp, and cheerless. Our troops, however, had but little time to cogitate upon the weather, or any other subject, ere they were called upon to attend to more serious matters. The enemy, during the night, had transferred several of their batteries to portions of their works within a few hundred feet of which our extreme right wing was resting. Upon the first coming of dawn these batteries suddenly opened on the Ninth, Eighteenth, Twenty-ninth, Thirtieth, and Thirty-first regiments, comprising Oglesby's brigade, and who had the advance. Simultaneously with the opening of the batteries, a force of about twelve thousand infantry and a regiment of cavalry was hurled against the brigade with a vigor which, made against less steady and well-disciplined troops, must surely have resulted in their entire demolition. Sudden and unexpected as was the sally on the part of the enemy, it did not find the gallant I
You may look with pride on the few days just passed, during which you have so gloriously defended the flag of the Union. From two o'clock on the morning of the sixth, when you left McKissick's farm, until four o'clock in the afternoon of the ninth, when you arrived from Keitsville in the common encampment, you marched fifty miles, fought three battles, took not only a battery and a flag from the enemy, but more than one hundred and fifty prisoners--among them Acting Brig.-Gen. Herbert, thenstructed by Major-Gen. Van Dorn, commanding this district, to express to you his thanks and gratification on account of the courtesy extended by yourself and the officers under your command, to the burial-party sent by him to your camp on the ninth inst. He is pained to learn by your letter, brought to him by the commanding officer of the party, that the remains of some of your soldiers have been reported to you to have been scalped, tomahawked, and otherwise mutilated. He hopes you hav
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 4. (ed. Frank Moore), Doc. 84 1/2.-naval operations in Florida. (search)
re regiment. After arranging with Brig.-Gen. Wright on joint occupation of the Florida and Georgia coasts, including protection from injury the mansion and grounds of Dungeness, on Cumberland Island, originally the property of the Revolutionary hero and patriot, Gen. Greene, and still owned by his descendants, and leaving Commander Percival Drayton in charge of the naval force, I rejoined this ship waiting for me off Fernandina, and proceeded with her off St. John's, arriving there on the ninth. The gunboats had not yet been able to cross the bar, but expected to do so the next day, the Ellen only getting in that evening. As at Nassau, which was visited by Lieut. Commanding Stevens, on his way down, the forts seemed abandoned. There being no probability that the Huron could enter, I despatched her off St. Augustine, where I followed her, arriving on the eleventh. I immediately sent on shore Commander C. R. P. Rodgers, with a flag of truce, having reason to believe that if
Doc. 115.-the battle of Pea Ridge. Official report of Major-General Curtis. Captain: The brief telegraphic report which I gave the ninth inst., is not sufficient to present even the general outline of the battle of Pea Ridge, and with the reports of my Commanders of divisions, I now submit a more general detail. My pursuit of Gen. Price brought me to Fayetteville, Arkansas. The entire winter campaign, from the twentieth of January to this time, including the march from Rolla tond and to destroy a printing-press and types taken at Pineville, as the roads they took were too bad to bring this important material along. Major Conrad, with his detachment, found his way to Keitsville and Cassville, which place he left on the ninth, and arrived at the former place with Col. Wright, some time after I had opened the road to Cassville in the pursuit of Price's force, which retired from Keitsville to Berryville. II. retreat from M'Kisick's farm by Bentonville, to camp H
e proper supply of ordnance and other stores that might be needed, is worthy of especial mention, the whole arrangement at Tybee Island meeting my entire approval. Desiring, however, if possible, to obtain a concentric fire upon the work, I endeavored to arrange with Gen. Viele (commanding at Dawfuskie Island) to accomplish this object, directing him, upon the sixth inst., to place a battery on Long Island to attack the gorge of the Fort on the west; and after a second visit to him on the ninth, to construct another (if practicable, and the distance was not too great) upon Turtle Island, on the north, the object being mainly the moral effect of an encircling fire, rather than the expectation of any serious effect upon the walls at that distance. From some cause, however, the heavy ordnance for these batteries did not arrive in time, and the lighter pieces most available, and placed in position on Long Island, served rather as a diversion than for any serious demonstration upon the