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George P. Rowell and Company's American Newspaper Directory, containing accurate lists of all the newspapers and periodicals published in the United States and territories, and the dominion of Canada, and British Colonies of North America., together with a description of the towns and cities in which they are published. (ed. George P. Rowell and company) 2,787 2,787 Browse Search
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 10. (ed. Frank Moore) 50 50 Browse Search
The Atlanta (Georgia) Campaign: May 1 - September 8, 1864., Part I: General Report. (ed. Maj. George B. Davis, Mr. Leslie J. Perry, Mr. Joseph W. Kirkley) 46 46 Browse Search
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 11. (ed. Frank Moore) 28 28 Browse Search
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 5. (ed. Frank Moore) 27 27 Browse Search
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 7. (ed. Frank Moore) 21 21 Browse Search
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 9. (ed. Frank Moore) 20 20 Browse Search
Adam Badeau, Military history of Ulysses S. Grant from April 1861 to April 1865. Volume 1 19 19 Browse Search
Maj. Jed. Hotchkiss, Confederate Military History, a library of Confederate States Military History: Volume 3, Virginia (ed. Clement Anselm Evans) 17 17 Browse Search
Comte de Paris, History of the Civil War in America. Vol. 3. (ed. Henry Coppee , LL.D.) 16 16 Browse Search
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the right wing, of the army of the Cumberland from Franklin to Triune, we marched there on June third, leaving a small force at Franklin under Colonel Baird, of the Eighty-fifth Indiana, to hold the fortifications. The rebel forces in front, at Spring hill, having been foiled in their two attacks under Van Dorn, thinking that now or never was their time to capture it, made a desperate dash, with some five or six thousand cavalry and some artillery under General Forrest, on Thursday, the fourth instant. We heard the cannonading of the rebels and the replies of the heavy fortification guns at Triune at three P. M. Signals having been passed here at half-past 3, General Granger ordered Colonel A. P. Campbell, of the Second Michigan, commanding the First cavalry brigade, to hasten with his troops to the relief of Franklin. He galloped out at four o'clock with his cavalry in the following order: Sixth Kentucky cavalry, Colonel Watkins commanding; Fourth Kentucky cavalry, Colonel Cooper c
icial report of the part taken by the Twenty-ninth Iowa infantry, in their engagement of the fourth instant, at this place. I would also request that all the papers in our portion of the State, copy el: I have the honor to make the following report of the part taken in the engagement of the fourth instant, by my regiment. My men were drawn up in line of battle at daylight, in obedience to a stans and obligations of the soldier, the importance of which was so forcibly illustrated on the fourth instant. My regiment was promptly supported by the Thirty-sixth Iowa infantry, commanded by Col. ted force of eighteen thousand rebels, attacked this place at daylight on the morning of the fourth instant, and was repulsed, after a hard contested fight of several hours' duration. The enemy atttimony concerning the valuable assistance rendered me during the battle at this place on the fourth instant, by Lieutenant Commander James M. Pritchett, of the gunboat Tyler. I assure you, sir, that
ptions ready to move upon receipt of orders, if the assault should prove a success. His preparations were immediately made, and when the place surrendered on the fourth, two days earlier than I had fixed for the attack, Sherman was found ready, and moved at once with a force increased by the remainder of both the Thirteenth and Faround them. It must have been a strong heart that could have held out longer. One cause for determining the time was undoubtedly the apprehension that on the Fourth General Grant would attack. The result would be the sack and pillage of the city and great slaughter. The capitulation avoided all without loss of honor. At nine in the morning of the Fourth accordingly, General McPherson was sent into the lines to receive the surrender. He met General Pemberton at an old stone house about half a mile from the lines, and had conversed some minutes when General Grant rode upon the ground. After a brief consultation they rode into the town. Major-Gen
the strength of the enemy, and supposed it to be a force we might easily crush; but as the fight went on we found the forces with which we were contending were larger than we had supposed; when we fired musketry we were answered with grape and canister; when we fired a few rifle shots we were answered with whole volleys of musketry; and speedily beating a hasty retreat, we went as fast as our horses would carry us to Jamestown. We reached that place about five o'clock on the morning of the fourth, and a courier was instantly despatched by Colonel Wolford to General Carter, in command of the United States forces at Somerset, announcing that Morgan, with his whole force, had effected a crossing of the Cumberland River at Burkesville, and had advanced north to Columbia. From this date the pursuit of Morgan commenced. At six o'clock P. M. there was an unusual amount of satisfaction expressed in the countenances of our boys, for orders had just been issued for all the mounted troops s
. G. Verdier, Henry Verdier, Squ<*>re Popes, Mr. Strobhart, Mrs. Hardee, J. Chalmers, J. G. Bulichen, D. & J. Canter, D. Freeman,--Crosby,--Langballe,--Chalmers, W. Winn, J. Bulichen, Mrs. Pickney, Mrs. Winingham, B. Wiggins, Estate Norton, H. F. Train,--Martain, (f. p. c.) The enemy approached in transports, and landed about one thousand strong at what is known as Hunting Island. Five gunboats covered their landing, which was successfully accomplished about half-past 6 o'clock on the fourth instant. Three companies of the force that had landed took up ,the line of march, following the course of the river until they reached Bluffton, their gunboats steaming along up the river abreast of the troops. The pickets noticed the movement at sunrise, and reported the fact to Lieutenant-Colonel Johnson, commanding the outposts, at about seven o'clock, and the cavalry force from the Third and Fourth regiments, South-Carolina cavalry, moved at once toward the threatened point. Strange to say
and executing the attack. Soon after the attack was completed, I received orders to move my division on the Chancellorsville road, and join the other divisions of the corps. I did so, and after marching some three miles from Fredericksburgh, the advance of the corps became engaged. I soon received orders to throw my division to the left to check a flank attack. I did so. No flank attack being made, and night coming on, I encamped my division on the road. Early on the morning of the fourth, the enemy showed himself on my left and rear, on the Richmond and Fredericksburgh road. I then threw back my left, resting it on the river, between Fredericksburgh and Banks's Ford, my right resting on the Chancellorsville road, and connecting with the division on my right. My line was now some two miles in length, with less than six thousand men upon it. About eleven A. M. the enemy in force attacked my right centre. This attack was successfully repulsed by a portion of General Neill's
Doc. 111.-the battle of Helena. see Doos. Page 185, ante. Report of Lieutenant-Colonel Heath. headquarters Thirty-Third Missouri volunteers, Helena, Ark, July 6, 1863. Colonel: I have the honor to submit the following report of the part taken by the Thirty-third Missouri volunteers in the action of the fourth inst. Companies D and F manned the heavy guns in Fort Curtis; company A the guns in battery A; company C the guns in battery B; company E the guns in battery C, supported by company H, acting as sharp-shooters; company B the guns in battery D, supported by companies G, I, and K, acting as sharp-shooters. The first assault of the enemy in force was made at four o'clock A. M. upon batteries A, C, and D simultaneously. In front of batteries A and D they were handsomely checked before any advantage had been gained, but the entire Missouri brigade of Parsons (said to have been personally directed by Major-General Sterling Price) charging furiously upon battery C,
, when she was kedged off, as no assistance could be had from any of the tugs of the expedition. Very respectfully, Your obedient servant, H. Tibbetts, Acting Master, Commanding the Arizona. To Commodore H. H. Bell, New-Orleans. A National account. headquarters General Weitzel's division, nineteenth army corps, steamer Belvidere, Mississippi River, September 11. The expedition of the Nineteenth army corps, Major-General Franklin commanding, which left New-Orleans on the fourth inst., has returned without accomplishing the object for which it was despatched. All the preliminary arrangements were made in the most expeditious and secret manner, and the promise of success was most flattering up to the very last moment, when a combination of those unfortunate accidents which no human foresight or determination can prevent or overcome, turned victory into defeat, and rendered nugatory all the efforts of the gallant officers and men composing the expedition, compelling the
ed orders from yourself, on the third instant, to take all the men who had serviceable horses, of your battalion, and proceed to Monroe County, Kentucky, for the purpose of bringing into Glasgow for safety some Government property, said to be deposited on Peters Creek, in Monroe County, Kentucky. I started on the evening of the third instant from Glasgow, Kentucky, with eleven men beside myself. We <*>ravelled fourteen miles that evening and camped for the night. On the morning of the fourth instant we rode into Tompkinsville, where we had some horses shod; then riding out of town two miles, we camped for the night. On the morning of the fifth instant we went to Bethlehem meeting-house; then went to the Widow Lane's, and stopped to rest and feed our horses — this in Monroe County, Kentucky. The boys being very tired, lay down to sleep awhile and rest. I stepped out of the house when the boys were sleeping to see that all was right, and I soon heard distinctly the sound of horse
light on the third. Means of transportation — canoes and dug-outs, improvised for the occasion. Were met by Colonel Hobson's cavalry, estimated at six thousand, drove them back toward Jamestown, Ky., and our column marched on through Columbia, at which point found the advance of Wolford's celebrated Kentucky cavalry, numbering two hundred and fifty men, dispersed it, killing seven and wounding fifteen men. Our loss, two killed and two wounded. Marched on to stockade, at Green River, on the fourth. Colonel Johnson, commanding the Second brigade, attacking stockade rifle-pits and abattis of timber. After heavy slaughter on both sides, our forces withdrew — loss about sixty killed and wounded on each side. Of Morgan's command, the gallant Colonel Chenault fell pierced through the head by a Minie ball, as he led his men in a charge upon the riflepits. The lion-hearted Major Brent also poured out his life-blood upon the field. Indeed, this was the darkest day that ever shone upon our