What is OIE's role? Featured Image

What is OIE's role?

OIE plays a key role in fostering an environment that is free from discrimination and harassment. Specifically, OIE:
• oversees compliance with University anti-discrimination and harassment policies and procedures;
• assesses and investigates complaints of sexual and sex-based misconduct (sexual and sex-based harassment, sexual assault, relationship violence, stalking, and related retaliation), and discrimination or harassment based on a protected characteristics;
• handles: a) faculty and staff disability accommodation requests; b) all religious accommodation requests; and c) all pregnancy adjustment requests; and
• conducts heightened pre-employment screening of new executive level positions and faculty roles that include an offer of tenure.

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Changes to Title IX Bring Revised Policy, Procedures and Employee Obligations Effective August 1, 2024  Featured Image

Changes to Title IX Bring Revised Policy, Procedures and Employee Obligations Effective August 1, 2024 

On August 1, 2024, the Department of Education’s revised Title IX regulations went into effect.  On the same day, the University launched a revised policy: the Interim Sexual and Sex-Based Misconduct Policy and Procedures (SMPP).   Importantly, the University’s long-standing, broad prohibitions against sexual and sex-based misconduct remain fully intact.  The new regulations primarily led to the revision and consolidation of certain definitions and the modification of various procedures required to address allegations of sexual and sex-based misconduct.  In addition, some types of sex-based discrimination that formerly were handled under the Discrimination and Harassment Policy and Procedures, now fall under the SMPP. Click here to read more.

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OIE Announcements and Notices Featured Image

OIE Announcements and Notices

Click here to read OIE's Announcements.

Click here for the University’s Title IX and Equal Opportunity Notice for Students, Faculty and Staff.

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Quick Links Featured Image

Quick Links

Visit the Sexual Misconduct website to learn more about the University's Sexual Misconduct Policy and Procedures.

Visit the Discrimination and Harassment website to learn more about the University's Discrimination and Harassment Policy and Procedures.
Visit the ADA Compliance and Disability Accommodations website for more information about how to request disability accommodations.
Click here to read the University's Equal Opportunity Statement.
Click here for the University’s Title IX and Equal Opportunity Notice for Students, Faculty and Staff.

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