qmCustomPCFile system/system.customPC.1.pdb
qmCustomPCFile system/system.customPC.2.pdb
qmCustomPCFile system/system.customPC.3.pdb
qmCustomPCFile system/system.customPC.4.pdb
qmLSSRef "1 RP1 9"
qmLSSRef "2 RP1 3"
qmLSSRef "2 RP1 2"
qmLSSRef "3 AP1 9"
qmLSSRef "3 AP1 3"
qmLSSRef "4 AP1 9"
Example/Format (QM/MM NAMD-ORCA):
qmConfigLine "! PM3 ENGRAD"
qmConfigLine "%%output PrintLevel Mini Print\[P_Mulliken\] 1 Print\[P_AtCharges_M\] 1 end"
Example/Format (QM/MM NAMD-MOPAC):
qmConfigLine "Test System"
qmMult "1 1"
qmMult "2 1"
qmMult "3 1"
qmMult "4 1"
qmCharge "1 1"
qmCharge "2 -1"
qmCharge "3 1"
qmCharge "4 -1"
INPUT: This input file will contain on the first line the number of QM atoms (X) and the number of point charges in the file (Y, which may be 0 or more), separated by a space. The following X+Y lines will have four (4) fields: X, Y and Z coordinates, and a fourth field which will depend on the type of entry. For QM atoms, the field will contain the element of the QM atom. For point charge lines, the field will contain the charge of the point charge.
OUTPUT: The expected output file whould be placed in the same directory as the input file, and should be named "*inputfile*.result" (meaning it will have the same path and name of the input file, plus the suffix ".result"). This file should have, on its first line, the energy of the system and the number of point charges that were passed to ORCA, and that ORCA calculated forces on (zero, if using mechanical embedding). The two numbers should be separated by a single white space. Following the standard for the INPUT file, there will be another X+Y lines in the OUTPUT file. On the following X lines (where X is the number of QM atoms passed in the input file), there must be four (4) fields: the x, y and z components of the TOTAL FORCE applied on that atom, and on the fourth field, the charge of the atom. If the user indicates that charges from the QM software should not be used (see ``qmChargeMode"), the fourth field should have zeroes, but should not be empty. On the following Y lines (where Y is the number of point charges), there must be only three (3) fields: the x, y and z components of the electrostatic force applied on that point charge. Energy should be in Kcal/mol and forces in Kcal/mol/Angstrom.