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NAMD configuration parameters

Timestep parameters

Simulation space partitioning

Basic dynamics

DPMTA parameters

These parameters control the options to DPMTA, an algorithm used to provide full electrostatic interactions. DPMTA is a modified version of the FMA (Fast Multipole Algorithm) and, unfortunately, most of the parameters still refer to FMA rather than DPMTA for historical reasons. Don't be confused!

For a further description of how exactly full electrostatics are incorporated into NAMD, see Section 4.2. For a greater level of detail about DPMTA and the specific meaning of its options, see the DPMTA distribution which is available via anonymous FTP from the site in the directory /pub/SciComp/src.

PME parameters

PME stands for Particle Mesh Ewald and is an efficient full electrostatics method for use with periodic boundary conditions. None of the parameters should affect energy conservation, although they may affect the accuracy of the results and momentum conservation.

Full direct parameters

The direct computation of electrostatics is not intended to be used during real calculations, but rather as a testing or comparison measure. Because of the ${\mathcal O}(N^2)$ computational complexity for performing direct calculations, this is much slower than using DPMTA or PME to compute full electrostatics for large systems. In the case of periodic boundary conditions, the nearest image convention is used rather than a full Ewald sum.

Multiple timestep parameters

One of the areas of current research being studied using NAMD is the exploration of better methods for performing multiple timestep integration. Currently the only available method is the impulse-based Verlet-I or r-RESPA method which is stable for timesteps up to 4 fs for long-range electrostatic forces, 2 fs for short-range nonbonded forces, and 1 fs for bonded forces Setting rigid all (i.e., using SHAKE) increases these timesteps to 6 fs, 2 fs, and 2 fs respectively but eliminates bond motion for hydrogen. The mollified impulse method (MOLLY) reduces the resonance which limits the timesteps and thus increases these timesteps to 6 fs, 2 fs, and 1 fs while retaining all bond motion.

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