Some Essential Techniques for Developing Efficient Petascale Applications
Scientific Discovery through Advanced Computing (SciDAC) 2008
Publication Type: Paper
Repository URL: 2008_06_scidac
Multiple PetaFLOPS class machines will appear during the coming
year, and many multi-PetaFLOPS machines are on the anvil. It will
be a substantial challenge to make existing parallel CSE
applications run efficiently on them, and even more challenging to
design new applications that can effectively leverage the large
computational power of these machines. Multicore chips and SMP
nodes are becoming popular and pose challenges of their own.
Further, a new set of challenges in productivity arise, especially
if we wish to have a broader set of applications and people to use
these machines. I will review a set of techniques that have proved
useful in my work on multiple parallel applications that have
scaled to tens of thousands of processors, on machines like Blue
Gene/L, Blue Gene/P, Cray XT3 and XT4. I will identify new
challenges and potential solutions for the performance issues.
Issues presented by multicore chips and SMP nodes will also be
addressed. Finally, I will review some new and old ideas for
increasing productivity in parallel programming substantially.
Laxmikant V. Kale, Some Essential Techniques for Developing Efficient Petascale Applications, Proceedings of SciDAC 2008, July 14-18 2008, Seattle.
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