New Memberships: | Membership Renewals: |
How to Join The Friends of Mount Athos (FoMA)
Persons desiring to become members of the Friends of Mount Athos are asked to fill out a simple application form and submit it along with the subscription payment. You may apply using our convenient Online Membership Application Form, or you may request a printed application form by e-mail.
Options for Payment of the FoMA Subscriptions
- Members of the Friends of Mount Athos pay a small annual subscription fee, unless they purchase a life membership. The aim is to keep the subscription cost as low as possible so that all can afford it.
- The rates described below are defined as "minimum" because it is hoped that those who can will give more to support the work of the Friends on Mount Athos.
- Amounts remitted above the base level will be credited to donors as general donations to the Friends of Mount Athos
unless they are specified for a current appeal or project.
Subscription rates are set in British pounds sterling. Accordingly, subscription rates in dollars and euros may be adjusted from time to time as exchange rates change. The rates quoted on these pages take precedence over rates quoted in printed FoMA documents.
Payments are normally made by check, money order, or cash. Other payment options include electronic transfer of funds and online payments (credit- or debit-card payments and payments via personal PayPal accounts).
Because the Friends of Mount Athos are a registered charity in the UK, citizens of the UK are encouraged to make payments via Banker's Order; please see How to Make Your Contributions Worth More.
The annual subscription is renewable on 1 January. If membership is initiated between October and December, the first annual subscription also covers the following year.
MINIMUM SUBSCRIPTION RATES PayPal payments: add £1.00 (€1.20 / $1.50 ) to the figures below* |
Membership Class: | British Pounds |
Euros* | American Dollars* |
Life membership: | £ 330 | € 500 | $ 600 |
Reduced-Rate Life membership (for persons over 65): |
£ 165 | € 250 | $ 300 |
Personal membership: | £ 20 | € 30 | $ 35 |
Reduced-Rate Personal Membership (students, retirees, religious): | £ 10 | € 15 | $ 17.50 |
Corporate membership: | £ 30 | € 45 | $ 52.50 |
____________ *Since members living outside of the UK receive the society's mailings by airmail, and to reflect additional costs of administration associated with non-sterling curencies, subscription rates in dollars and euros are somewhat higher, to varing degrees depending upon current exchange rates. Likewise, PayPal payments incur a fee for FoMA, which is covered by the PayPal surcharge of £1.00 Canadian Members Paying in Dollars: Please note that rates are quoted in American dollars. Payments by banker's cheque or money order should be made out in American dollars. We can accept personal cheques written in Canadian dollars, but we ask that you please adjust your payment upwards to cover the current discount rate if paying by personal cheques in Canadian dollars. Currently, a cheque for twenty-five dollars Canadian to pay for an annual renewal is discounted about $1.00. Cheques in Canadian dollars for other amounts should be increased proportionally, that is, pro-rated at the rate of about $1.00 for every $25 of face value. |
| Return to Contents | Skip Ahead to Online Application Form |
Membership Application using the Printed Form
For Persons Paying in British Pounds Sterling or Euros. If you intend to remit your payment in British Pounds Sterling or Euros, your payment in the form of a money order or cheque should be sent together with your printed membership application form to the Honorary Secretary at the address below. Other payment options include electronic transfer of funds and online payments (credit- or debit-card payments and payments via personal PayPal accounts). UK citizens are encouraged to make payments with Banker's Orders. You can expedite this process by using the Online Membership Application Form.- Dr. Graham Speake, Honorary Secretary
- Ironstone Farmhouse, Milton
- Banbury OX15 4HH England
- Prof. Robert W. Allison,
- 45 N. Saunders Rd.
- Greene, ME 04236
Membership Application Online
Please select the appropriate online application form in the table, below, depending on whether your subscription will be paid in British Pounds Sterling, Euros, or American Dollars, or submitted online by credit- or debit-card payment or via a personal PayPal account. Payments by check or money order should be sent to the address indicated in the table below.-
for Pounds:* for Euros: for American Dollars: for online credit- or debit-card payments
payments via personal PayPal accounts:*Send payment to:
Dr. Graham Speake, Honorary Secretary
Ironstone Farmhouse,
Milton, Banbury
OX15 4HH, EnglandSend payment to:
Dr. Graham Speake, Hon. Secretary
Ironstone Farmhouse,
Milton, Banbury
OX15 4HH, EnglandSend payment to:
Prof. Robert W. Allison,
45 N. Saunders Rd.
Greene, ME 04236USAYou will be given two options: - payment by credit- or debit-card
- payment via your personal PayPal account (if you have one).
Rates include a service charge of £1.
Use this form:
Online Application Form for Pounds Sterling PaymentsUse this form:
Online Application Form for Euros PaymentsUse this form:
Online Application Form for American Dollar PaymentsUse the appropriate application form:
For applicants from Africa, Asia, Australia or Europe
For applicants from the Americas____________
*UK Citizens: Please see UK Tax Information regarding contributions to registered charities: How to Make Your Contributions Worth More