11. ICCHP 2008: Linz, Austria

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Human-Computer Interaction and Usability for Elderly (HCI4AGING)

Design for All: From Idea to Practice

(Users Need Standards)² - Users Need Standards Need Users

Accessibility: Education for Web Design and eLearning

ACP - Accessible Content Processing

Web Accessibility - Automatic/Manual Evaluation and Authoring Tools

Web Accessibility - Quality Control and Best Practice

People with Disabilities: Software Accessibility

Entertainment Software Accessibility

Hearing Impaired, Deaf and DeafBlind People: HCI and Communication

People with Specific Learning Dificulties - Easy to Read and HCI

Blind and Visually Impaired People: Human-Computer Interaction and Access to Graphics

Access to Mathematics and Science

Accessible Tourism

Smart Environments

Portable and Mobile Systems in Assistive Technology

Skills vs. Abilities: Alternative Input and Communication Systems

People with Disabilities: Speech Therapy and Sound Applications

People with Disabilities: Mobility and Care

People with Disabilities: Service Provision