1.8.0 Release 1.8.0 包含错误修复
Jpackage Update for Java CVE-2022-21449 Jpackage bundles released with fixes for Java CVE-2022-21449
1.7.0 更新 1.7.0 包含可靠性和性能提升
年度回顾:2021 I2P 20岁了,加密速度更快,网络不断壮大
I2P 不受 log4j 漏洞的影响 I2P不使用log4j,因此不受CVE-2021-44228的影响。
1.6.1 更新 1.6.1 启用了新的隧道构建信息
I2P的Jpackages得到首次更新 新的易安装的一键包达到一个新的里程碑
Bitcoin Core adds support for I2P! A new use case and a signal of growing acceptance
Improving I2P Adoption and Onboarding using Jpackage, I2P-Zero Versatile and emerging ways of installing and embedding I2P in your application
Level up your I2P Skills with Encrypted LeaseSets It has been said that I2P emphasizes Hidden Services, we examine one interpretation of this