Driving around town this week Greta noticed a man on the sidewalk with the iconic lips and tongue on his t-shirt. She said, " I don't get it." I said " Its the Rolling Stones!" That iconic image will forever say...The Rolling Stones...without a word. Graphic design, done well, can be genius.
Images vs Words, Instagram vs Twitter, a good book vs a good movie. One is not better than the other, both have the potential to express powerful thoughts and emotions, reveal what's in the heart, and share the human experience eloquently. Myself, I am drawn to the image. I would rather draw than write. I'd pick up a book of beautiful photographs over a book of poetry...not that I can't appreciate a well written poem or story!
But that's just me. What about you?
pencil, ink and watercolor.
Nadine is our kind host this week. Thank you for the invitation, Nadine! I need a kick in the pants sometimes.