Welcome to Boxwood Cottage!

So glad that you found me! My blog is about everything I love like gardening, decorating my home & garden and crafting. Although I'm from Germany I write my blog in English so that hopefully every visitor can read it. Hope you'll stay a while and will leave me a comment so that I know that you were here! xoxo Carola

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Part 2 of my Black & White Fall/Halloween decor plus a new Holiday Give Away!

So dear blogging friends and readers as promised in my last post here is part 2 of the Black & White Fall/Halloween decor this year. 
Let's best start downstairs in my parlor with the mantle. I put an old wooden window frame inside the mantle with a white plank behind so that I have a good contrasting background for my black cardboard birds. 
Then I added a great thing my neighbor found and I call it the iron cemetery or castle gate which is now holding the witches broom and 2 paper skelleton guards.

On top of the mantle I added an old camera that I put on top of 2 stacked old books and then put an old clockface in a vintage wire flower frog on top of the camera and around it I grouped several vintage alarmclocks showing midnight - the witching hour. Then I worked in pairs again and put two black IKEA lanterns on 2 glass pedestals on either side and then two white chenille pumpkins in 2 glass bowls and so on shown further down this post. I love the black glittered Boo sign I recently found on etsy and the ancestors garland which my blogging friend Tina created and also he reflection of my black bird garland in the white mirror.

A close up of the vintage camera:

Another very big black crow/raven is just about to fly away from a real pastel green pumpkin sitting on the here so called Dschungel grass in another glass pedestal:

  It stands on my white dining table in front of the mirror which is decorated with many more decorative pumpkins, especially my beloved creme white baby boos:

 They are placed in bowls or on plates on a grey table runner in the middle of the table so that there is still enough space to sit and eat, or if necessary I can easily put them elsewhere to have the middle space free again for bowls of food.

The decor is often changing around here while the season is progressing. For example did I exchange the black chalkboard that was saying Happy Fall for this great wrapping paper saying Happy Halloween when I received a fabulous Halloween parcel from my dear blogging friend Julia from Albania. Wanna see what she sent me? Well of course I just have to share it! First of all the sweet heart that she is she sent me 3 old bed springs, knowing how much I wanted these and never found them around here so far. Further 3 tiny wasp nests that I also wanted so badly too and seeing the great creator of beautiful things that Julia is she included some great handmade items like the Undertaker coffin pillow you might have seen on her blog already and the most beautiful paper tags:

 And she also created one of her wonderful fabric pumpkins for me that I admired so much over on her blog a few weeks ago. As always the details of Julia's work are amazing, it has a perfect shape and just look at the stem and sweet mini tags she added to it! I'm madly in love with it!

I also totally love the round chip box she has embellished from the inside and outside and sent the tiny wasp nests in. It even has a "31" inside the lid (not shown in the pics because the outside of the lid is so fabtastic). Oh and btw the most creepy thing ( a true Halloween moment!) happened when I opened the chip box with the wasp nests, a little black Albanian spider ran out of it, hiding quickly inside of the wrapping paper which also had black spiders on it "EEK"! Since I didn't expect a real spider in the box of course I was startled and even a bit horrified, but just for a moment lol, then I took the paper outside the open parlor door into the garden and released the tiny spider there. When I told my daughter about this incident she said: "Oh the poor thing will have a language problem now" Which made me laughing out loud - thinking oh yes German is a difficult language that's for sure and so might be Albanian which I don't now yet. Anyway Julia couldn't have made this Halloween moment any better, even if she would have planned it. I assume the tiny spider just lived inside one of the wasp nests little wholes and so came to an unexpected travel from Albania to Germany :)

 Of course after I told Julia about this little incident she said that it probably is a specimen of the rare Arachnia Albania which are getting 35 cm huge. Argh now how mean was that? I should have been warned not to open the chip box seeing that there already is a picture of a spider on top of the lid!

 Well after I got Julia's parcel I was inspired to use the small space between my mantle and the old armoire for a Halloweenish Apothecary installement:

I  incorporated the 3 beautiful tags as well as the coffin pillow and the chip box with the wasp nests of course! Thank you so much dear Juls for all the inspiring black & white Halloween goodies you made for me and of course for the black masks, b&w straws, wasp nests and bed springs too! I love it all very much!!! If you happen to not know Julia yet ( but I think if you read my last post you must now her by now) then hop over and visit her at her blog Vintage with laces for more fabulous inspiration! I'm eagerly waiting right now for her next blog post about her own black and white Halloween creations & decorations because everything she already told me about sounds just to spooky cool!

 The Halloween book in the back of the shelf, the round paper tags, the soldered pendant and the witchified cabinet cards are some of my creations from Halloweens past which I still like and had to use again.

Directly vis à vis the Apothecary shelf stands this spooky shelf consisting out of old crates on top of an old rusty trunk.

 I filled a terrarium with a white ceramic skull and bone hand lying in a moss bed -  He died in 1892 as you can see he he. At night I put a flickering tea light inside of the skull which made it look very creepy! I hope to get some good shots of it soon or Halloween eve at the latest.

I also printed out some magic book covers on brown paper and put the so magified books under the witch lantern:

And here is another shot of my dining table like it is looking right now with the pumkins on top of the bed springs and some branches out of the garden painted white to have a place for the black birds to land on.

And a wider shot of the top of the mantle all dressed in black and white now and of course I'd love to hear how you come to like it?

 On top of my couch table I have another (not spooky just fallish) pumpkin vignette which I think looked especially nice bathing in the warm October sun light:

 As well as this white 3 tiered chandelier in the corner beside the big window does which I filled amongst other things with 4 fabric "no sew" pumpkins that I made out of white muslin gaze and twine filled with cotton wool:

Oh and last week I forgot to show you this black and white Halloween cone I  made and hung in one of my studio windows upstairs:

and also my little black Boo house with a tiny glittered cat and white owl on top of the roof:

And last but not least Riley the Boxwood Cottage tabby finally sleeping in his basket in my studio which he always used to reject before, usually prefering all kind of boxes.

Now my dear friends and readers if you will be so kind to tell me in the comment section under this or my last post, which picture with b & w Halloween creations or decor of this post or my last post from 10 days ago you like best and why, you can win a glass glittered Christmas treat that I made along with a hand made soldered Christmas pendant, so that you have something new to decorate for the Holiday season. Since I totally forgot my 8 year bloggiversary last month I think it's high time for a new blog give away and perhaps I'll chose even more than one winner, depending on the number of comments. I'll announce the winner(s) in my next post which will probably be at the end of this month or the beginning of November.

Until then I hope you'll all have some fabulous days counting up to  

xoxo~ Carola

I'll be sharing this post with:

The Be Inspired Friday party over at Debra's Common Ground blog
Feathered Nest Friday over at Coutney's French Country Cottage blog 
Shabbilicious Friday over at Kerryanne's Shabby Art Boutique blog
Broomsticks on a Bayou blogparty over at Anna's Frosted Petunias blog
What's it Wednesday over at Paula's and Pattie's Ivy at the Elephants
Blissful Whites Wednesday over at Becky's Timewashed blog
Knick of Time Tuesday over at Angie's Knick of Time blog


Anonymous said...

There is so much spooky inspiration and eye candy here. I definitely will be pinning some of these lovelies. Love your blog.

babs1652 said...

I love your home! I've chosen a similar colour scheme for my house. Your collection is so nicely put together. I've just discovered you and I'm looking forward to reading through the rest of your site!

Laura S Reading said...

Happy belated Blog anniversary!
So many things to like and appreciate.
I do like the german book covers and the witch lantern photo.

Diane said...

I'm a first time visitor, and what a fantastic job you did on all your Halloween decor. Love the pumpkins on springs and your sweet tabby!

Romeo said...

WOW Carola! I am having a wonderful time looking and reading and relooking and rereading both part 1 and part 2 of your Halloween posts! You may not have blogged last month, but you've made up for it with these two posts!!! And so busy you were too!!! I am sure that Julia loves everything you've sent - how could she not!!!!

Of the different color combinations for Halloween, I am really liking the black and white you have done! So what specifically do Romeo and I like? I am in love with your witch silhouette that you created for the light! It has a little bit of a creep factor and mystery but not so scary as the little (to soon be big 35 cm) Albanian spider.

And then there is the skull with the jaw that you can open.... oh my gosh, now I am going to have to search high and low for one such as this! How purrfectly wonderful!! And of course he must have a mouth full - there is half the fun with this guy!

Further, I really like the apothecary shelves and those vignettes. If you've ever looked at my living room post, you'll understand that I too have a love of that nature. The bottles, the coffin pillow and the tags and spider wasp and his travel coach ;} are all so perfect together!

I love it all but these are my favorites. Romeo's favorites? Riley's basket! Would you expect anything else from him? lol

Thanks for stopping by for a visit so that I knew Romeo and I needed to come by for a visit! We had a great time!!!

"her" and Romeo

Debra@CommonGround said...

Oh Carola, I love every single thing, but besides the sweet kitty, my favorite is your mantel with all the wonderful clocks! I always love coming over to visit!

Alaina said...

First I thought I loved the camera and clock picture, but then I saw the witch silhouette and that is it. She is perfect. Thank you for stopping by to see my spooky abode. I love all your decorations too, so much to see and great inspirations. As for my witch, I printed up a template from Martha Stewart and traced it onto a sheet of plywood, cut it out and two coats of black paint. We have a long metal rod in the back that keeps her standing up. She was my favorite of that year too. Alaina

Unknown said...

I love your muslin pumpkins. Thank you for
the giveaway and Happy Anniversary.

Julia @ Vintage with Laces said...

I'm still embarrassed and sorry about the little spider, my dear Carola. I guess that spider story will follow me for the rest of my life now, lol. I'm very happy that you liked the real gifts in my package though and incorporated them in your gorgeous Halloween decoration. Your mantel looks fabulous and your apothecary shelf turned out awesome as well. I also love your beautifully decorated three tiered chandelier with the pretty muslin pumpkins and real ones. With all your wonderful creations and decorations, it's difficult to pick a favorite image. I really love the vignette with the typewriter and the vintage pictures of your last post but I still might go for the chalboard paint coffin. It's not only a great creation but also a super cool picture.
Sweet Riley looks so cute in his basket.
Have a great weekend, sweet friend!
Big hugs,

Christine @ Rustic-Refined said...

Wow, each picture shows a truly talented person. I love the vignettes you have created....any which way I look it's really is very pretty! You did a great job, thanks so much for sharing this. I found you at "Common Ground" Link party, and am so glad I stopped by :-)


Recycled Rita said...

I love it all! The fireplace is wonderful....love the crows and the mantel decor. I LOVE all the gifts you made for your swap...You are just a wonderful artist! karen....

At Rivercrest Cottage said...

love the pumpkin on the spring. Too cute!

Anja said...

Sorry but lol lol lol rofl at the spider! At first I thought it was a joke by your friend and didn't realise it was a real one! 35 cm? And on the run in Bremen now?

Happy holidays!

Anja said...

Oh and I meant to ♥♥♥ Riley ♥

Blessed Serendipity said...

I think I just have to say I love it all but I do love the witches shoe - it is quite fabulous and the garland of the antique photos on the fireplace is wonderful too. That would look great displayed other places any time of year. You have wonderful ideas that I would love to borrow. So much inspiration here. Thanks so much for visiting me and leaving such a sweet comment.


Carol said...

What fun. So much inspiration here.

Ivy said...

Wonderful, love your black and white theme!

Petunia said...

Wow! The black and white theme is one of my favorites and you have definitely used it brilliantly. I love all your chic and spooky creations and décor. I wish I had the space to do the same. I'm so glad you linked up to the Broomsticks on the Bayou blog party. This was a feast for the eyes. Thank you so much!


Barb Cady said...

I have just found your blog via Julia's and all I can say is wow! Fantastic, I really love your style and shall visit often, thank you for the inspiration. Your Halloween goodies are awesome. X

June said...

Only one????? I love them all, but I really loved your manny with the top hat and creepy hand and soldered charm with the frozen Charolette. That is SO AWESOME!!!! So is the vignette with the clock stopped at twelve. The blackbird reflection in the mirror is so cool. I absolutely loved the creepy bottled doll leg. Now that's scary!!!!!!
I love everything in both posts---just so amazing my friend! How I wish I could come trick or treating at your house and see it all up close and personal :)))) and pet sweet Riley while I'm at it.
sending hugs...

Kerryanne @ Shabby Art Boutique said...

Carola, I love all your 'spookalicious' Halloween decorating. Thank you for linking up at Shabbilicious Friday. I look forward to featuring this post at tomorrow's party.

Angie @ Knick of Time said...

You always put together some of THE best theme vignettes! I'll be featuring you next Tuesay at the Knick of Time Vintage Inspiration party! Thanks for linking up at the party.

Unknown said...

Loving your spooktacular Halloween Decor!!

Amy said...

I just found you through Common Ground and love your style. It's hard to pick a favorite, but since I have a HUGE love of clocks, I would have to choose your mantel. Happy 8th anniversary on your blog!
Amy M.

Amy said...

I just found you through Common Ground and I love your style. It's hard to pick a favorite, but since I have a HUGE love for clocks, I would have to pick your mantel picture. Happy 8th Anniversary!
Amy M.

Louise@ElsieMayandBertha said...

With so many lovely pictures it is difficult to choose one, but if I must it'll be the fabric pumpkin on the old bed spring. I love the juxtaposition of the soft fabric next to the metal of the spring and th use of something out of its usual context. I can see why you want old bed springs. On their own they're sculptural, but they're all fab to use with other objects as you have done. I want some of my own now ♡

Lisa said...

Well I woke up today in a halloweenie kind of mood so of course I had to come visit because NO one does Halloween better than you! I look forward to seeing your vignettes every year. You outdid yourself this year! Love the camera display, the table top with pumpkins and of course the goodies from Julia. Love it all! Can't wait to see Christmas.

Unknown said...

You are such an inspiration! Autumn and Halloween are my favorite times of the year! You have created a magnificent home! Thank you for sharing! Jamie V in MT

farmhouse-story said...

you are the queen of spooky, carola! i'm in awe of the creativity you show in your projects and then, in displaying them:) happy 8 years to you!

Diane said...

I love all of your black and white spookiness but my favorite image is the last one, Riley in his beautiful flowered bed. Happy Halloween, Carola!

Alexandra said...

Hallo meine Liebe,
du hast ja fleissig Halloween sachen gemacht. Dein Kübis mit den Spitzen und den Tags ist wunderbar geworden.
Ich bin absolut kein Fan von Halloween aber deine Deko ist super geworden.
Und das zauberhafte Kätzchen ist ja wirklich zum knuddeln.
Ich wünsche dir was.
liebe Grüße Alexandra

Ivy and Elephants said...

Carola, I love your amazing Halloween decor! We featured you this week at Ivy and Elephants! Gorgeous post!

Unknown said...

Happy happy Halloween! Your home looks spooktaculair! I love it.


Judy at GoldCountryCottage said...

Hello Carola. I am a fairly new subscribe to Pinterest and have been pinning alot of Christmas pictures. I can't get enough of it but I have been seeing the picture of your Christmas tree lit with real candles. What a beautiful sight and I finally figured out that by clicking onto the pic I could find your blog, so here I am a new follower. It is so charming and I'm looking forward to seeing more. I would love you to visit me at my Cottage when you can..Happy Monday..Judy

Garden Antqs Vintage said...

Hello Carola, I just posted pics of Ann's Open House last year on Facebook. I wasn't sure if we were friends on Facebook. I'm so excited to be going to her place, it's always so beautiful. Thanks for stopping by.

FARRAGOZ Notebook ~ the how, what, where of hunting for & recreating the best patina said...

Wow, Carola! It's all simply FA-BU-LOUS!!! I'm so happy I found your blog! You certainly have a new follower now. I'd love for you to drop by my blog sometime to see what we do!
Tania from FARRAGOZ

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