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There’s a simple and secure way to manage digital signing and it’s transformed how people make agreements

Docusign and Zoom have defined the digital signing experience with a secure and seamless experience for customers.

Updated on July 08, 2024

Published on June 18, 2024

There’s a simple and secure way to manage digital signing and it’s transformed how people make agreements

The earliest known signatures, dating back to before 3000 B.C.E., weren’t signatures at all. Instead, they were cylindrical seals pressed into wet clay to authenticate documents. Humans have always needed a way to verify documents and feel secure about how we do business, and as our technology has changed, so has our ability to create and manage secure, reliable documents. Docusign eSignature for Zoom Meetings is a secure and easy way to collaborate virtually during an agreement process. 

From high-stakes financial agreements to life-changing real estate transactions, the most important decisions come with important documents. “Contracts drive everything, the whole economy,” said Tony Ramoutar, Senior Product Manager, Integrations at Docusign.

Transforming how people make agreements

If you’ve signed something digitally, there’s a good chance you’ve used Docusign. Since its inception in 2003, Docusign has created a space for people to rethink how to sign important documents. Signing documents virtually doesn’t come without its challenges, and the team at Docusign set out to create a new experience to let their customers connect where they sign the bulk of their digital documents: Zoom Meetings.

For some transactions, it makes sense to meet in person, even if they still use Docusign instead of a more traditional wet signature. But when meeting in person isn’t an option or not preferred, meeting and signing transactions over Zoom Meetings can give everyone what they need. It made sense to create an integration with the security of Docusign and the ease-of-use of Zoom Meetings. 

Integrating Docusign directly into Zoom Meetings immediately solved customer problems that previously were difficult to manage.

  • Financial customers gained stricter control over screen sharing to feel more confident that they were sharing the correct documents with their clients. 
  • Real estate customers could easily and securely review and sign closing documents remotely with their agents across town or across time zones, offering more flexibility and saving travel time.
  • Customers engaged in a legal process had a newly created safe space for counterparties to negotiate and sign when they were not legally permitted to be in the same room.

As workflows have changed, Docusign has adapted to meet their customers’ needs. “People aren’t going back to doing things in person all the time,” Tony said. “What we’ve seen is that customers who started using our eSignature for Zoom integration out of necessity have continued or increased their usage even after signing agreements in person became an option again.”

Moving forward, one secure signature at a time

The team at Docusign is already looking ahead at ways to help businesses transform agreement data into insights and accelerate growth. There are many opportunities in contract management, internal and external legal review, and replacing the lengthy process of emailing documents back and forth for approval. 

“Security, auditability, and enhancing the collaboration experience are key aspirational elements for our team.” Tony said. “Our goal at Docusign is to make every step of the agreement process smarter, especially when people use Docusign and Zoom together.”

Bring your agreements to life with Docusign eSignature for Zoom.

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