Monday, September 30, 2024

"In Tandem with Cui Bono is... Follow The Money. These Two... can Accurately Guide Discernment... to The Origins of Crime."

God Poet Transmitting.......

I've mentioned Perspective several times recently. There are many levels on which this is an important feature... tool... defensive shield... and sundry. It has everything to do with how safe you are while passing through this life. Perspective is like a leather-maker tool or one of those jumbo Swiss Army knives. One of the blades... or pull-out attachments is Discernment, and that is a very important quality to have in operation at all times.

In Eastern Teachings they have this saying that The Wise employ; neti... neti... which translates generally into neither this nor that or... if you prefer, not this... not that. You can think of it as a mantra... or a constant act of negation... having to do with The World of The Senses; everything you perceive as being outside of you. Something comparable would be; nothing is real.

Discernment has a lot to do with one's ability to make quality judgments about what is and is not real. I think of Discernment as the capacity to see what causes AND composes something that is in front of you, rather than... simply... just being there... as an object... in front of you. It is how the mesmeric magic of The World is able to seduce The Hive Mind... how eternal truths can hide in plain sight because they are masquerading in temporary forms. That's how it is... 24/7... when a person does not have Discernment in an active state.

For instance... the nation of America is under the control of a band of Ukrainian gangsters. Say whut? That might be the general response. They aren't Ukrainian nationals at this moment, BUT... they originated from there. They are why there is a war going on in Ukraine at the moment, and why there is a state of persistent genocide in The Middle East.

They have members of their organization placed at every level of the infrastructure here. Many of them are dual national government functionaries, like Anthony Blinken, who is The Secretary of State... Mayorkas, who is head of Homeland Insecurity. Merrick Garland, who is head of The Justice Department, and Janet Yellen who heads up The International Bank of Israel, AKA... The Federal Reserve.

The people running things at the level of material perception have many important agencies that they also run. For instance, Mayorkas administers The Secret Service. Garland has oversight of The FBI. Some might say that Blinken does not run the CIA... that they are separate entities. None of these are autonomous operations, and... in actuality... none of the people I just mentioned are actually in charge of anything. They are functionaries.

You could say that all of these people work for The Deep State. On the surface, you probably have the idea that The Deep State is a collection of lifetime bureaucrats at high-level positions, and they network through official channels and through mysterious means.

Long ago in Rome... there were people who knew about how these systems operated; how there were the surface personalities, and... also the people who told them what to do. I think it was Cassius... he of the lean and hungry look... that thinks too much, who came up with the term Cui Bono, which means, who does it benefit? A companion term, that is in an eternal relationship with Cui Bono is... follow the money. These two can accurately guide Discernment to the origins of crime.

Okay... I don't want to get into listing names of empty suits who are basically... highly paid sex workers, but... a prostitute is still a prostitute... no matter how much money is involved.

Without True Perspective and Discernment... you might think these people run their own shop, BUT... it is similar to The Media. Each operation seems to be run by different people. Why then... is the perspective so often so similar? Why do the same obvious lies get told by nearly every media organization? Someone is feeding each of them a common narrative.

Let's say you have billions of dollars; many thousands of people do now. This is the age of getting rich, and also of being poor... while surrounded by riches, which... mostly... remain unseen... due to a lack of Perspective and Discernment. Many people are poor because they have too many desires. They don't know how to narrow their focus. They don't know how to pay attention, AND... through vaccines and bad diets... entire generations of people who cannot focus or pay attention are being born.

It is... it should be... obvious that we are on the verge of a massive die-off that has been engineered by that gangster organization we mentioned in the beginning.

So... let's say you have billions of dollars, who do you answer to? Well... the governments are now all criminal organizations too, BUT... as long as they get their cut through taxes... baksheesh... whatever, the government mafia will be off your back. So... who's left to tell you what to do when you are in a position to buy anyone off that you have to? It's The Banks and The Banksters. They control the flow of money, the same way that another branch of their international criminal organization... controls the traffic... on The Information Highway.

So... The Banks are right up at the top of the temporal power, pecking order. Meyer Rothschild... who was a Ukrainian gangster... knew about this... in an ancient and atavistic... reptile brain sort of a way. It's why he did what he did, and now his offspring and their lackeys control most of the nations of The World through the banking systems...

Let me give you a physics lesson without the math. We'll call it a lesson in metaphysics. You cannot be a filthy rich person and not be a Satanist. It comes with the territory, and that is why The Rothschild family always had a seat in place for Satan at their dinner table. So... now you know who The Banksters answer to. They answer to Satan through his lieutenant, Mammon. Money is energy at a certain level of transfer, and that means it involves the attention... of that aspect of cosmic force... which applies to that level of transfer.

I mention The Cosmic Dial occasionally. This dial... when you turn it up past a certain degree, is monitored by angels. Turn it down past a certain degree and it is monitored by demons. Now... demons and angels are matters of discernment and perception. If your level of perception and discernment is below a certain level of awareness, you see demons. If it is above that level, you see angels. Of course, you likely see neither one. You need a certain super-sensory activation to see them, BUT... that can be arranged.

You will note that almost without exception, all of these gangsters are atheists. Atheism is the religion of Satanism. It is the belief system that drives Materialism. This is why Bill Maher... an agent of this gangster organization... is so passionately opposed to religion. He is one of the highly paid influencers who promotes a certain perspective... that keeps Hive Mind Perspective in monitored blinders.

Here is another great example from the area that Bill operates in.

It is said that a picture is worth a thousand words. In this case, none of those words would be very nice. Her unhappiness and anger are writ large on her face, and it is examples like this that have motivated my studies in Physiognomy. This is something that... a little contemplation of... could well provide serious rewards.

In every area of life, there are agents of this gangster organization. How powerful are they? They are killing a helpless nation... with impunity, and no one in any area of real influence is saying jack shit about it. Follow the money. If it's real estate... it's still money. If it is another kind of property, it is still money. It all converts, and what does money convert into? It converts into power. What kind of power? Well... a surface impression would be the power of life and death.

They killed Michael Jackson. They have killed so many people that... once again... I'm not going to list them, BUT... do they actually have the power of life and death? No... they do not. It is a very complex matter, and I see no point in getting into it. I prefer simple statements, and... if you can prove a counterargument to anything I say here, I will consider changing my perspective.

One... non-complex example of what I mean is; if you have an interest in operating in an area they control... you have put yourself at their mercy. If you don't give a damn about any of that, they have no leverage. This is one of several ways that good people can get hurt by their own ambitions.

A massive shift is in play right now that is... step-by-step... taking the power out of the hands of those who have been misusing it, AND... turning it against them at the same time. We have been mentioning Mr. Apocalypse for a while now, and... as you can see... he is now going really wide.

A strange weather front attacks The East Coast. A huge trucker strike is coming there on Tuesday.

Something is happening that none of the hallucinating controllers... who thought they were in control... can control, and it is happening to them; not just in The World around them, BUT... inside them where they have no power to do anything about it. It's about to get real strange, and...

... one last thing.

End Transmission.......

Links await you at GAB=

For those who are interested in such things, I give you, The Most Holy Trinosophia, composed in the dungeons of The Inquisition=


Patanjali's Sutras continue from Book One;

32. Steady application to a principle is the way to put a

stop to these.

The will, which, in its pristine state, was full of vigor,

has been steadily corrupted by self-indulgence, the seeking of

moods and sensations for sensations' sake. Hence come all the

morbid and sickly moods of the mind. The remedy is a return

to the pristine state of the will, by vigorous, positive effort;

or, as we are here told, by steady application to a principle.

The principle to which we should thus steadily apply ourselves

should be one arising from the reality of spiritual life;

valorous work for the soul, in others as in ourselves.

33. By sympathy with the happy, compassion for the sorrowful,

delight in the holy, disregard of the unholy, the psychic

nature moves to gracious peace.

When we are wrapped up in ourselves, shrouded with the

cloak of our egotism, absorbed in our pains and bitter thoughts,

we are not willing to disturb or strain our own sickly mood by

giving kindly sympathy to the happy, thus doubling their joy,

or by showing compassion for the sad, thus halving their

sorrow. We refuse to find delight in holy things, and let the mind

brood in sad pessimism on unholy things. All these evil psychic

moods must be conquered by strong effort of will. This rending

of the veils will reveal to us something of the grace and

peace which are of the interior consciousness of the spiritual man.

34. Or peace may be reached by the even sending forth

and control of the life-breath.

Here again we may look for a double meaning:

first, that even and quiet breathing which is a part

of the victory over bodily restlessness;

then the even and quiet tenor of life,

with-out harsh or dissonant impulses,

which brings stillness to the heart.

35. Faithful, persistent application to any object,

if completely attained, will bind the mind to steadiness.

We are still considering how to overcome the wavering

and perturbation of the psychic nature, which make it quite

unfit to transmit the inward consciousness and stillness.

We are once more told to use the will, and to train it by steady and

persistent work: by "sitting close" to our work, in the phrase

of the original.

36. As also will a joyful, radiant spirit.

There is no such illusion as gloomy pessimism, and it has

been truly said that a man's cheerfulness is the measure of his

faith. Gloom, despondency, the pale cast of thought, are very

amenable to the will. Sturdy and courageous effort will bring

a clear and valorous mind. But it must always be remembered

that this is not for solace to the personal man, but is rather an

offering to the ideal of spiritual life, a contribution to the

universal and universally shared treasure in heaven.

37. Or the purging of self-indulgence from the psychic nature.

We must recognize that the fall of man is a reality,

exemplified in our own persons. We have quite other sins than

the animals, and far more deleterious; and they have all come

through self-indulgence, with which our psychic natures are

soaked through and through. As we climb down hill for our

pleasure, so must we climb up again for our purification and

restoration to our former high estate. The process is painful,

perhaps, yet indispensable.

Wednesday, September 25, 2024

"Every One of These People is at Some Stage of Delusion Because All of Them are at Some Level of Self-Involvement."

God Poet Transmitting.......

There are people who spend a large part of their day... connecting the dots... between the agents of darkness... their centers of operation... the organizations... so on and so forth... who seek to control every aspect of our lives. Maybe some of them are right about the associations they come up with. Maybe they get the connections right, but they have an incorrect pecking order, or... they mistake the frontman for the C.E.O. Or they mistake the C.E.O. for the person in charge.

All of the people who do this... spend a lot of time reading the books of the people who influence, and in some cases, shape the perspective they have. The people who write these books... in most cases... are far more concerned with selling books and enhancing their profile... while expanding their presence in the wider world... than they are with telling the truth. First off... very very few of the people who know The Truth... can... or will... speak it.

For the most part, you get relative truth, and that changes constantly... depending on the point of perspective. As things recede in time... they look quite different than they do when close up. Then there is the level of awareness that is possessed by the person looking at it; whatever it may be. Along with this, we have to include their capacity for comprehension, and their ability to see a thing divorced from all taint of personal opinion.

This is not easy to do because... personal opinion is shaped from early childhood. It is shaped by a person's relationship to the planets. If you don't like the designation of planet... let's use archetypal forces... if you don't like that... consider it as the variations of power that operate in life. If you don't like that... go fuck yourself.

My point is that there are a goodly number of these people who have no intention of being in agreement with anyone... who are also only in agreement with this source or that source... who establish their persona and postures by being adversarial... no matter what. Then there are the certified dingbats... the borderline psychotics... and the fringe and specialty brigades of niche players, carving out new territory... to declare themselves the cutting-edge proponents of whatever it is.

For every group of individuals, and for every individual so engaged... there are at least several other groups and individuals in diametrical opposition to them. Take the entire human race and put them in a great big circle facing in. Put something or other in the exact center of them, and that is how many perspectives you have on the matter. Only those who are able to concentrate in such a way... as to enter into the thing or matter, and see it... from the inside out... are in any position to know what they are talking about, and... usually... these people aren't talking about it.

The World is a vast and multi-layered collection of stages on which people perform. You could say that there are almost as many people either on the stage... or waiting to get on the stage... as there are people in that circle. Every one of these people is at some stage of delusion because every one of them is at some level of Self-Involvement.

There is only one real self in existence. This self broke itself into a countless number of different pieces that it scattered far and wide. This was the opening act of creation. That one real self exists... within and apart from... the creation... simultaneously while having created the whole of it out of itself. It created The Dream Web of Maya as an environment for every imaginable action to take place.

Immediately after this act of creation... this self went to sleep... in order to dream the whole of existence, but... a part of this self remained apart as well, but we are getting into an area that can't be talked about, so... let's bypass the technical aspects and get into how this affects you. From the moment of origin... The One Self... The Spirit... The Purusha... went off on a quest of self-discovery, and began to gather together all of the parts of itself... that it exploded out of itself... into environments and players.

Sometimes it wakes up parts of itself, and sometimes it wakes up inside of a part of itself, and it does whatever it pleases it to do... in the process of its self-discovery. This whole thing takes a very long time. This self is awake when everything else is asleep, and asleep when everything else thinks it is awake. Once again, we must demur to continue... due to the limitations of words.

A person awakens... becomes self-realized... when that person has a moment that becomes the moment... in which that person sees everyone and everything as themselves, and thereafter lives in a state of higher love, which is the state The One Self is in at all times anyway. This is not a state you can fake... though plenty have tried. The problem is that the entity you are pretending to be... is also present in you... at the same time, and... has... as a result... earmarked you for The Purpose of Demonstration.

Everything is always and absolutely under control. If you cannot see this it is because you are out of phase with the one... who is in absolute control... of all things... from the inside out. This principle is similar to the one that declares that everything on the visible plane is a product of the invisible planes... through the process of precipitation down to the manifest through four stages of advancement into form.

There is a system and a science behind all of this. There is more than one system actually. I call it... the version I encountered... Ageless Wisdom and it is associated with The Hermetic Perspective, which also includes a few other systems as well. Once again... words become ineffective when what is being discussed is best expressed in symbols and numbers.

Now... let us circumnavigate back; I prefer circumambulate but... potato potahto. In any case, let's come back around to these people who have charts and diagrams that show which bad guys are connected to which bad guys... where and when... and what that means according to what they read somewhere, and which fit nicely into conclusions they had already arrived at... with the other information they cherry-picked to support it.

These people have created a dumpster-fire mind in their heads that is chock full of information... some of it is probably factual, and some of it is bullshit... the amounts of each of these is determined... by what the person needed... to paint the big picture of their world view, and... I am wondering... in what way... have they EVER made The World a better place... based on the stuff and nonsense in their heads?

They can chase their tails all the livelong day. They can shout at passersby. They can wave books in the air, but... usually... they die alone, and The World is no better, and hopefully no worse; a finger got stuck into a bowl of water, and then the fingah was removed, and that is a pretty good representation of what remains of their time here.

They have no interest in The Divine because that REALLY confuses the issue. You can sit on a park bench and watch one conspiracy after another walk by. Sometimes they are arm in arm with another conspiracy. Sometimes they are pushing a little conspiracy in a stroller; they're cute when they're young. Sometimes they are injecting a conspiracy into their arm... sometimes they are smoking it, and sometimes they are quaffing it out of a brown paper bag, and sometimes it's accessed through a suppository; whatever works.

All of this is clear evidence that YOU... ARE... GOING... THE... WRONG... WAY, but no one wants to hear that; my investments!!! My investments!!! Yeah... pretty much. So... you were here... you jumped up and down... virtually, and then you were not here, and everything just kept doing what it was always doing; going up... going down... going sideways and around.

What changes The World is a mystery to most people. They've already made their minds up about what it means by a certain point in time, and... let's face it... they don't want to hear about any of that BECAUSE... then they might have to change their viewpoint, and they might also have to admit that they did not have a clue about what was actually going on. Now... it could be argued that I don't have a clue either, but I am not nearly so hard to persuade about that.

Here's something to think about. Certain events are going to transpire in places where there is a higher concentration of people. Some of those places may well cease to exist altogether. Other places will be remarkably untouched. Right now... terrible violence is an everyday fact of life... here and there. In other places... life is pristine and unruffled, except for Nature being red in tooth and claw, but that is how it is in The World of Appetite; in The World of Passion, and... wild and (seemingly) random acts of unfocused energetics.

If you don't live in The World of Appetite... Passion... and seemingly wild and misdirected acts of unfocused energetics, I'm guessing it's going to have far less of an impact on you. According to The Law of Electromagnetics... none of it is going to apply to you at all. Well... we'll see, won't we, and...

... one last thing.

(I apologize for my clumsy and awkward forms of communication here. This is the best I can do at this time, and I hope to get better. These are no easy subjects to discuss. It's why people who know what they are talking about don't say much, but... it's what I do in an OJT kinda way, and I'm stuck with it till it changes. May God improve our sight so that we may see more clearly than we do).

End Transmission.......

Links will be present at GAB=

Perhaps you have noticed that recently... no matter how many comments there may be, it says on the page that there are no comments. This is to keep people from checking. I thought I would mention it in case it makes any difference.

We'll take a break with the additional metaphysics today.

Friday, September 20, 2024

"Let Me Take this Opportunity... to Be... The First of Many to Say that... P. Diddy did Not Kill Himself. It Was an Accident."

God Poet Transmitting.......

Someone always has to be the first, before others come in to insist... that they were the first, so... let me take this opportunity... to be the first... to say it... “P. Diddy did not kill himself.” It was an accident. I have the details right here before me in The Minority Report on my desk. I don't know if there is a Grassy Knoll at MDC. If not... be assured... one will be constructed... if necessary.

I was also held at this location at an earlier time, in the original location. They have since built this new facility. I do not expect to be a resident there again any time soon. There must be a reason that this character is being held without bail. I'm sure a decision has already been made by people much worse than he is, about actions... soon to be taken... concerning the short future that remains to him.

I have watched this guy, and... his pretend gangsta thing... for years. He came around when all the sex-freak fashion moguls decided that Rap was going to be a thing; shortly after the private prison investors saw the profit to be made from... creating a certain soundtrack... for the godless dystopia... they have planned for the rest of us.

I don't know how you plan a godless dystopia when there is an actual God... that you feel able to take off The Guest List... whenever it pleases you, BUT... servants of The Dark Lord always have ambitions that outstrip their knowledge and common sense. The personality profile comes with a tunnel vision that replaces the Pineal Gland that most of the rest of us possess; even though the majority of us have a Fluoride calcite coating... to protect us from contact with entities who are not on The Guest List.

Back in The Day... you used to see designers like Tommy Hilfiger... designing 8-ball jackets... with their names in foot-high letters on the back... for central casting thugs... who play rappers on TV. Diddy was part of that scene, and it wasn't long before he got into the garment district side of Globoctopus Industries that owns... or influences... all material things. Then he got very uptown and had quite a time of it... until his shelf-life expiration date came around.

He is what those in the business... of giving people the business... to people who got in the way of business... or were unable to mind their own business call... a dead man walking. He'll never make it to being R. Kelly's bunkmate. He'll be staying at The Epstein Elysian Apartments over on Hart Island shortly... for an indeterminate stay... until his reentry as a cockroach in Chinatown.

I had some insight into the doings of this creature for years before this happened; when he stepped in the wrong kind of shit and was about to track it all through certain carpeted hallways where the heavyweights live. I imagine that Jay-Z is pulling at his collar a bit more these days; is it hot in here or is it only me?

See... this is the problem with a genyouwhine apocalypse. The vermin predators who feed on the varieties of garbage... that are generated by people... forced to live in too close proximity to one another, get itchy and antsy about the lights shining on their formerly dark areas of residence, and they start tossing high-profile members of their august community out into traffic, as a distraction... so that they can get away to Israel... or Argentina... where legend had it... that the Nazis fled to after the fall of The Reich.

You need to keep sharp eyes and ears on the lookout... for the provenance of stories... that come into the general areas of mindless conversation... that serve as mediums... for the lies that shape... the false narratives of your time. Most people don't bother, but most people are caught up in the thrall... of the tingly sensations... of it all, and pay very little attention to The Man Behind The Curtain, and that is why they are generally used for one kind of cannon fodder or another.

Diddy is a classic Shakespearean character, perhaps someone from Macbeth... Hamlet... Richard III... Henry VIII... something along those lines. Most of Shakespeare's villains were not of the street-smart variety, like Diddy, BUT... we have to make adjustments, and probably allowances as well... for the exceptionally dumbed-down times we find ourselves in.

Looking at the physics of the matter... the dynamics in play, and... considering the speed of travel... on all levels... in this twisted period of forced devolution, I would say it is possible now... for one born to a bipedal station in life... to drop down to all fours, and migrate to the nearest meadow... in the space of a single lifetime.

These days we have Harris laughing while America burns. Biden pretending he was Claudius... when he was more like Elagabalus with Down's Syndrome. These are the times when people... with high public profiles... delight in playing the villain... while robing themselves in the most transparent sanctimony they can find, and they are really not that buff underneath.

These are the times when one can justify every kind of excess and mean-spirited behavior as necessary... for the protection of The Realm. They really do have to destroy the village to save it. What stuns me... what absolutely stuns me is how The American People can simply stand around... with glazed eyes, expanded guts, and playing pocket pool, while The Barbarians are loosed on their neighborhoods.

I keep trying to understand what keeps people in these bubbles of delusion; social justice warrior bubbles... progressive liberal bubbles... neo-con bubbles... sexual perversity bubbles... gym rat voyeurs of the Lululemon... aerosol spray-on outfits... worn by chicks with tunafish for brains who videotape the voyeurs for Tik Tok,... true believers of every stripe... yadda yadda... the list goes on and on, and every single one of them is a case study in Demonic Possession.

It must be true that The Avatar sweeps the planes on his way to manifest being, and drives all the vile entities... out upon The Material Plane... where they look for any untended mind in reach.

No one is watching The Store anymore. George Soros and his hench-orcs took control of the enforcement end of The Justice Department... with the objective of utter chaos, and not a single redeeming thought otherwise, and people... people who are supposed to do something about it... do nothing.

When I say there are no accidents... no one says anything. They see where Fate might be a thing, BUT... when I say there are no innocent bystanders... Moray eels with speech impediments... climb out of the dark spaces of the coral reef... to dispute it when... they are... both... the same thing.

So... even though I do write with a degree of outrage now and again... I am not at all disturbed by what is going on. I know there is a point and a Purpose of Demonstration taking place. I know that The Divine is in charge of everything, and has a specific resolution in mind for every single blade of grass... sparrow falling... grain of sand on the endless beaches... of time stretching to a bright... reclining eternity... in endless repose, so... put the lotion in the basket or... you get the hose.

Civilizations rise and fall... and... shit happens. Rivers sometimes run red with blood for a time, BUT... usually, they run muddy and sometimes clear. You need to have the discernment to know when to be standing by the river, and when to be somewhere else a long way off. That... that... is the key feature in material existence. In the meantime... you learn as you go or... you don't.

Everything happens for a reason. There are no accidents... no innocent bystanders... and no injustice. You just happen to be in a time period where all the odds and ends are being handled. This is ancient wisdom. This is Ageless Wisdom and not something I came up with. I took the trouble... probably over quite a few lifetimes... to pay attention, and... it has paid off.

Here are the basics that I have learned... if you have an interest in ease of passage... in a more serene existence... and a life of less conflict and confusion, follow the commandments and the rules, so that you are on the right side of things, and then... rely on The Divine to handle your affairs... in front of and behind you, and... through you. Pay attention. Pay attention all the time. Stand guard at The Gateway of The Mind and let no thought enter that is not in harmony with The Mind of The Divine, and... Love God with all your heart... all your soul... and your strength... and with all your mind.

The World is The World is The World. It is what it is. It does what it does. Do not expect it to do other than what it does. Its job is to ensnare and entrap you, BUT... you get access to... whatever candy is accessible... to you... at your level of access, and that's fine for a lot of people, and...

... one last thing.

End Transmission.......

Links are over at GAB=

Here are a couple of excerpts from
Transcendental Magic by Eliphas Levi

“The number nine is that of divine reflections; it expresses the divine idea in all its abstract power, but it also signifies extravagance in belief, and hence superstition and idolatry. For this reason, Hermes has made it the number of initiation, because the initiate reigns over superstition and by superstition, and alone can advance through the darkness, leaning on his staff, enveloped in his mantle, and lighted by his lamp. Reason has been given to all men, but all do not know how to make use of it; it is a science to be acquired. Liberty is offered to all, but not all can be free; it is a right that must be earned. Force is for all, but all do not know how to rest upon it; it is a power that must be seized. We attain nothing without more than one effort. The destiny of man is that he should enrich himself with what he gains and that he should afterwards have, like God, the glory and pleasure of dispensing it.”

“Thus every man bears about him the history of his life, which is legible for the initiate. Now, the future is ever the consequence of the past, and unexpected circumstances do not appreciably alter results reasonably calculated. The destiny of each man can be therefore foretold him. An entire existence can be judged by a single movement; one piece of awkwardness may be the presage of a long chain of misfortunes. Caesar was assassinated because he was ashamed of being bald; Napoleon ended his days at St Helena because he admired the poems of Ossian; Louis Philippe abdicated the throne as he did because he carried an umbrella. These are para¬doxes for the vulgar, who cannot grasp the occult relations of things, but they are causes for the adept, who under¬stands all and is surprised at nothing.

Initiation is a preservative against the false lights of mysticism; it equips human reason with its relative value and proportional infallibility, connecting it with supreme reason by the chain of analogies. Hence the initiate knows no doubtful hopes, no absurd fears because he has no irrational beliefs; he is acquainted with the extent of his power, and he can dare without danger. For him, therefore, to dare is to be able. Here, then, is a new interpretation of his attributes; his lamp represents learning, the mantle which enwraps him his discretion, and his staff is the emblem of his strength and daring. He knows, he dares, and is silent. He knows the secrets of the future, he dares in the present, and he is silent on the past. He knows the failings of the human heart; he dares make use of them to achieve his work; and he is silent as to his purposes. He knows the principle of all symbolisms and of all religions; he dares to practice or to abstain from them without hypocrisy and without impiety; and he is silent upon the one dogma of supreme initiation. He knows the existence and nature of the great magical agent; he dares perform the acts and give utterance to the words which make it subject to human will, and he is silent upon the mysteries of the great arcanum.

So may you find him often melancholy, never dejected or despairing; often poor, never abject or miserable; persecuted often, never disheartened or conquered. He remembers the bereavement and murder of Orpheus, the exile and lonely death of Moses, the martyrdom of the prophets, the tortures of Apollonius, the cross of the Savior. He knows the desolation in which Agrippa died, whose memory is even now slandered; he knows what labours overcame the great Paracelsus, and all that Raymond Lully was condemned to undergo that he might finish by a violent death. He re¬ members Swedenborg simulating madness and even losing reason in order to excuse his science; St. Martin and his hidden life; Cagliostro, who perished forsaken in the cells of the Inquisition; Cazotte, who ascended the scaffold. In¬ heritor of so many victims, he does not dare the less, but he understands better the necessity for silence. Let us follow his example; let us learn diligently; when we know, let us have courage, and let us be silent.”

Tuesday, September 17, 2024

"We all MUST Wallow in The Murk for a Time. It is a Peculiar Rite of Passage that We Traverse on Our Way to The Light."

God Poet Transmitting.......

Another day... another post, and who does Mommy love the most? I guess we'll find out; won't we? Well... it does depend on the level you operate from. The lower you go... the more the clouds and confusion; the noisier and dirtier it becomes. The intent of Materialism... is to shrink-wrap The World, with all the bad things on the wrong side of the Polyvinyl Chloride.

The higher you go, well... the less you will see of the things below... except off in the distance... with that smudged color appearance... that makes hills look easy to climb, and valleys more beautiful than treacherous. Yes... many creatures and things are less intimidating when seen from a distance. This is a thought more people would have profited from BEFORE they got down... into the rough and tumble of civilization's washing machine.

It's not a washing machine though. That is only what it looks like from a distance. It is actually a thresher. Ukraine is a thresher, only it's not wheat they are threshing these days. You can get a foot-powered thresher that does 50 pounds at a time for around 1,200 dollars. However... many shotguns cost less than that, though... these days... I would recommend a Street Sweeper.

It all hangs on a thread... sort of; doesn't it? At any moment... the wrong domino could fall, and then it will be too late for most people to arrange to be somewhere else... when so many people... all of a sudden... are arranging to be somewhere else. It's what I imagine LA or NYC would be like... if everyone decided they needed to get out of town at the same time.

I'm not a Doomsday David or a Peter Prepper, and I only have my head in the sky because the sky begins where my feet touch the ground. I don't live by fear for several reasons. One of them is that I don't want to see it manifest in my body. The other thing is that both of what you fear and wish for... never materialize in the forms you imagine them in.

I think a short digression with no explanation is called for here; do you have any idea how powerful a force your imagination is? It is far more powerful than the most powerful thresher ever built. It is more powerful than any rocket or machine of any kind ever built. It is powerful beyond the imagining, and The Imagination is only one of the force generators you possess.

Do you know what is more powerful than The Imagination and all those other force generators I did not mention? It is the mind of the one who is in total command of his/herself. Nothing but God is more powerful than one who is in control of the self. In fact... they are indistinguishable from each other. One is much larger in a certain sense, but that is of no consequence.

The Avatar is God and there is no diminishment in power... don't get sucked into that... my father why hast though forsaken me bullshit. Here's a good primer to watch about related matters.

I have direct confirmation of what he says.

So... all this leads me to another consideration; The Power of Speech... The Power of Words, and... let us not forget... The Power of Thought that generates the words. Thoughts and words travel the world at variable speeds. The speed of thought is instantaneous. That is what is faster than the speed of light. There are people present on Earth that can go from here to Arcturus with the speed of thought.

An ability such as that and many other fantastic skills are ALL the product of Self-Mastery. That is where you start, and that is why you are here, to begin with. You are a thought in the mind of The Divine... in search of a realization of the same. You are The Divine in miniature... to some degree short of... a more complete awareness of it. The thoughts in your mind... are living things... in the same way you are.

The power of the words... spoken by one who is in a state of self-mastery... is incalculable. Often they are time bombs... depth charges. This I also know by direct experience. There are relative degrees of power in everything we read. They are footprints that lead to places of indescribable beauty, as well as the conveniently placed dumpsters that no one can see, but that everyone sees without recognizing them.

We are what we have thought ourselves into being, with certain amounts of harm and help from others, and all of this continues to the moment you are reading this in. When you speak... that is an act of force or a dissipation of force. All through my life, I have listened to people talk themselves into things.

If... when... you can speak Truth... you can revolutionize your surroundings. You can paint landscapes with words and step in and out of them. If you are in any kind of a state of depression; anxiety... restless apprehension... confusion... disorder... it is a situation you thought and talked yourself into.

In fairly recent times, there have been a number of people who have been representative of the positive side of this process; Ernest Holmes... Mary Baker Eddy... Napoleon Hill... Bishop Fulton J. Sheen... Norman Vincent Peale and they all came from a particular period in the recent past. There are others I have not mentioned for no particular reason.

The Sun is the single greatest expression of The Power of Positive Thinking that we know of, but something greater even than The Sun exists within us. That which hung The Sun in the sky is present within us.

Each of us carries a self-contained climate around with us, and it touches every other life form that it passes by. There are few creatures more positive than a dog, and dogs don't know nearly as much as we think we do, so... that's something to think about. How is a dog able to do this? It is because of Love. Love seeks Unity... ALWAYS, but it generates devotion... fealty and fidelity... courage and constancy, and... most definitely... positive thinking.

I like to think of myself as a dog, but one that is not devoted to licking itself and other dogs. In some circles that is a badge of honor, such as when one hears, “you dog” as if that were a positive. It is not.

We all MUST wallow in The Murk for a time. It is one of those peculiar rites of passage on our way into The Light. We have to pass through it. We do not have to stay there. There is a profound spiritual reason for why we are not permitted to travel unscathed through The World. We are meant to be lost so that we might be found and some times are darker and denser than others.

Existence is a dynamic. It's a story. It's a timeless ritual that operates in the field of time. What would life be like if there was no struggle... no up and down... no inspirational tales? God likes drama and life is for God's amusement. Though a portion of him/herself might sit back... apart from The Fray... it is not a place of contemptuous laughter. It is strictly impersonal at that location. Otherwise, he/she is right down in action with the rest of us. He/she lives in us and lives through us as well.

There is one major difference; he is in it but not of it. I'll stay with my personal pronoun because I am speaking from that aspect, but I do think of every creature... human and otherwise, as a particle of God itself. Dirt... animate or inanimate is still God... still Light in extension. I haven't gotten it down entirely. I just said fuck you to my keyboard, so... there is room for improvement, BUT I do know what I am, even if I don't know who, however, that is part of the arrangement I made before I came here.

Anyway... the difference between God Consciousness in us, and... us blocking that state... is Attachment. The Divine is not attached to any particular part of it more than another. Some parts of it are more attached to him, but that is a matter of choice. It is a choice I made. Attachment is Suffering. Detachment is apart from Suffering. We are attached... by choice... to our suffering.

Some people will argue that that is cold. What about my family? What about any part of it that I identify as mine? You're dreaming, Pilgrim. Attachment will not keep them... or it... by your side. You WILL lose it all. Of course, you will only lose it to find it again in another permutation, BUT... you will lose everyone and everything. What you will not lose is the essential part of you and that is The Soul. That is part of God.

God is absolutely still and ceaselessly busy. He can play anything and everything, and any time you see genius in play... that is God demonstrating through someone permitting it. He composes the soundtrack to life, and... we hear what we want to hear, so... there are a lot of soundtracks, and...

... one last thing.

End Transmission.......

Links will appear at GAB=

Continuing The Sutras of Patanjali; Book One-

7. The elements of sound intellection are direct observation, inductive reason, and trustworthy testimony.

Each of these is a spiritual power, thinly veiled. Direct observation is the outermost form of the Soul's pure vision. Inductive reason rests on the great principles of continuity and correspondence;

and these, on the supreme truth that all life is of the One. Trustworthy testimony, the sharing of one soul in the wisdom of another, rests on the ultimate oneness of all souls.

8. Unsound intellection is false understanding, not resting on a perception of the true nature of things.

The great example of unsound intellection is materialism, whereby to the reality and eternity of the soul is attributed to the evanescence and perishableness that really belong to material things. This false reasoning, therefore, rests on a reversal of the true nature of things.

9. Phantasy is a fiction of mere words, with no underlying reality.

One may say, perhaps, that there is this difference between imagination and fancy: imagination is the image of unseen things, which are real;

fancy is the imaging of unseen things which are unreal. The power of phantasy has a wide scope and range. Ambition, whereby a man sets up within his mind an image of himself, great, rich, admired, to which all men shall bow down, is a form of phantasy. The pursuit of wealth is largely phantasy, for men seek not commodities but food for their cowardice and conceit. The fear of death is a phantasy, nourished on images of tombs and funerals and black robes.
All these are fictions, with no underlying reality.

10. Dream is the psychic condition which rests on mind states, all material things being absent.

In waking life, we have two currents of perception;
an outer current of physical things seen and heard and perceived;

an inner current of mind images and thoughts. The outer cur-rent ceases in sleep; the inner current continues, and watching the mind-images float before the field of consciousness, we "dream."

11. Memory is the holding fast to mind images of things perceived.

Here, as before, the mental power is explained in terms of mind images, which are the material of which the psychic world is built.
Therefore the sages teach that the world of our perception, which is indeed a world of mind-images, is but the wraith or shadow of the real and everlasting world.
In this sense, memory is but the psychical inversion of the spiritual, ever-present vision.
That which is ever before the spiritual eye of the Seer needs not to be remembered.

Thursday, September 12, 2024

"God IS Central to EVERYTHING... The Divine is Unseen, but... Far... Far More Present than ANYONE or ANYTHING Else."

God Poet Transmitting.......

We've been occasionally subjective in recent posts... for a few paragraphs; digressions of The Personal as they apply to the wider sea of personalities that surround all of us. Today should put an end to it for a while, BUT... it's healthy to be introspective... as long as one doesn't turn into Proust or Narcissus. Once or twice a year this needs getting done, so... bear with me.

Okay... let's get on with it. The sooner we getter done... the sooner we can move on to The Big Picture. One of my detractors at another site asked me a question, and it's a legitimate question, so... I'm going to answer it. I can't reproduce the wheedling and accusatory tone that the original possessed, that's not my forte, BUT those of you familiar with the territory... will be familiar with the fauna... that haunts that district.

I was asked, and... I'll have to paraphrase, but it will be close enough for rock and roll; if everything is Karma, and there are no innocent bystanders... why should you care what the Israelis do? Why should you care what happens to The Palestinians? After all, they deserve it, don't they? Of course, I never used the word deserving, but... let's cut to the chase, and I'll start on the opposite end.

This is not a thought that originates with me. Many of the things I say are borrowed from The Masters. What I do is present the information in a new and contemporary fashion but... I don't take credit for saying anything. Anyway... when one sees a person suffering from past sins, it is not good form to show a callous indifference to their suffering, and say, “Oh! They brought it on themselves.” One needs to show compassion and provide help at every opportunity that presents itself; no matter what a person's offenses may have been because... “all have sinned and come short of The Glory of God.”

Also... and more impactfully, (one would hope) there but for fortune goes you and I.

Conversely, when a people are being oppressed, one does not applaud those doing the punishing because it's God's will or some other thing a dogmatist might come up with. One is still compelled to speak out against wrongdoing, and... especially so... if it is their dharma, and it is my dharma to do what I do and say what I say.

Oh! Really, visible. Who gave you the right to do this? I will reply with an irrefutable piece of evidence. I lived in Germany for 15 years... married to a German national, and for fifteen years I publicly denied the holocaust, and this was during a period when I was being read all round The World; when I had more than ten times my present readership of so many thousands a post, and I was also appearing on internet radio programs and yadda yadda. I had ads on my sites stating that it was bullshit, and I said it was bullshit... over... and over... and over again.

I did this week to week for 13 years WHILE LIVING THERE. I spoke out in public about it, and it is a crime punishable by 5 years in prison. While I was doing it... people were being thrown into prison, but... I was not, and why? Because it is my dharma to point this out. How is it that in all that time, I was never approached once about it? (though black SUVs did park outside the house now and then) I made no secret about being in Germany. I announced it occasionally; not in a taunting fashion but... usually in relation to something having to do with my being there.

Just because debts accrued... follow a person from life to life... is no reason to dismiss people due to their station or circumstances in life; individuals... families... towns... cities... nations... planets even... all have specific karma. Races and religious groups have collective karma. You also believe this... if... when you see shit happen... you believe it happens for a reason.

If you think there is no reason for things that happen; it was just his or her bad luck, then... basically... you are a stupid and uninformed person because, EVERYTHING HAPPENS FOR A REASON!

If one were to go blithely about... not caring what happens to anyone else... doing nothing to help others... not speaking out for others... pursuing only one's own selfish ends... one is living a pointless life, and... according to DEMONSTRABLE LAWS... one has arranged to later be placed among other people just like them. Life, by what some consider... uninformed agency... sorts all of us according to disposition... temperament, AND... previous actions.

Some actions lead to (or used to lead to) one being locked up with people of similar disposition. Some actions lead to one rising above their associates, and the reverse, of course. Certain acquired skills distinguish one person from another. The way one looks... because their character has shaped their face... results in instinctive reactions from others. All these are easily witnessed in day-to-day life. Did all of them happen by accident?

An intelligent person can trace all visible conditions back to more subtle causes. An intuitive person knows... viscerally... why such and such is so. If you are that oblivious to the inherent principles of existence; the law of cause and effect... the law of action and reaction, which... are... proof... of... Karma, then... you are a dense person indeed, and if you think Karma negates your duty to another OR... if you think the pain and terror of their ignorant state is a cause for contempt... if you are not your brother's keeper, you WILL find yourself in a similar state.

People who employ specious reasoning as an assault weapon against others... because they are bitter about their own failures in life, and who project their lack of character onto others... are merely exposing themselves to the eyes of those who can see right through them. A person's state of being is the result of their errors in judgment... concerning the meaning of events; cynicism and poorly bottled anger... speak to poor self-control and an overweening obsession with oneself. Selfishness and fear are at the heart of all false bravado and moral cowardice.

God is real and interpenetrates everything, and those who speak to that reality... also speak to the reality or... lack of it... in everyone else, even when they have allowed themselves to become mostly unreal. I am going to include an excerpt from the book I linked by Eliphas Levi a few days ago. If you pay attention, perhaps you will get what he is saying about words, and... the power of words and The Imagination.

Amazing events are about to begin taking place; inexplicable things... woo woo is going to become commonplace, and those doing evil, and seducing others into evil... are going to be outing themselves... without being aware of it... until afterward. The towers and citadels of evil are going to topple. The plots of evil are going to turn upon themselves and destroy evil. The faces... public and private faces of the practitioners of evil... are going to be exposed to the eyes of The World and rendered powerless.

Enormous force is presently stirring in the collective unconscious. The surface is powerless to hold back the surfacing appearance of that which is doing the stirring. Believe it or not... God is central to EVERYTHING! He is unseen, but he is more present than ANYONE or anything else. This is one of those times when he starts showing up all over the place at the most opportune AND inopportune moments, as you will see. What James O'Keefe does in a small way... God does in splendid fashion on a whole other level.

I feel sorry for those of you who are intimidated by appearances. It will pass and you will find yourselves again at some point. Only God knows when that will be.

I bear no rancor toward those behaving negatively toward me. It comes with the territory and I've had it far worse than it presently is, and my detractors are in a tiny minority. Some of them have been at it for years and years and were once friendly toward me... until I said something they didn't like or... more likely... did not take them seriously. Look! I don't take myself seriously either, but... nothing sets certain types of people's heads on fire as when you don't take them seriously.

They'll be friendly again, this is something I know to be true. Eventually... EVERYONE comes around to the one... eternally prevailing... impersonal point of view.

Some of us have a small amount of insight into how life works. Loving God has its perks. If most people had even the slightest idea of what comes with loving God... they would do nothing else. However... in the early periods, one is exposed to serious, and intense personal trials. Few can withstand this. It takes everything to make it through into the good times... on the other side of the shadow worlds... that must be traversed to get to the light.

As Lao Tzu once said, “Before you try to fix a bad man, you must first find and fix the problem inside yourself.” Criticism is an art. If the subject of criticism is not improved by the effort, then... what is the point? We'll leave this subject alone now and move on to more useful things in the times to come, and...

... one last thing.

End Transmission.......

Hopefully, there will be links up shortly at GAB. We need to find them first. So... it might be half an hour or so=

Excerpt from Transcendental Magic by Eliphas Levi;
(page 34 or so-)

“Every form is the veil of a word, because the idea which is the mother of the word is the sole reason for the existence of forms. Every figure is a character, every character-derives from and returns into a word. For this reason the ancient sages, of whom Trismegistus is the organ, formulated their sole dogma in these terms:—
“That which is above is like that which is below,
and that which is below is like that which is above.”

In other words, the form is proportional to the idea; the shadow is the measure of the body calculated with its relation to the luminous ray; the scabbard is as deep as the sword is long; the negation is in proportion to the contrary affirmation; production is equal to destruction in the movement which preserves life; and there is no point in infinite space which may not be regarded as the centre of a circle having an extending circumference indefinitely receding into space.
Every individuality is, therefore, indefinitely perfectible, since the moral order is analogous to the physical, and since we cannot conceive any point as unable to dilate, increase, and radiate in a philosophically infinite circle.

What can be affirmed of the soul in its totality may be affirmed of each faculty of the soul. The intelligence and will of man are instruments of incalculable power and capacity. But intelligence and will possess as their help-mate and instrument a faculty which is too imperfectly known, the omnipotence of which belongs exclusively to the domain of magic.
I speak of the imagination, which the Kabbalists term the Diaphane, or the Translucid. Imagination, in effect, is like the soul's eye; therein forms are outlined and preserved

Thereby we behold the reflections of the invisible world; it is the glass of visions and the apparatus of magical life; by its intervention we heal diseases, modify the seasons, drive death away from the living, and raise the dead to life, because it is the imagination which exalts the will and gives it a hold upon the universal agent. Imagination determines the shape of the child in its mother’s womb, and decides the destiny of men; it lends wings to contagion, and directs the weapons of warfare. Are you exposed in battle?

Believe yourself to be invulnerable, like Achilles, and you will be so, says Paracelsus. Fear attracts bullets, but they are repelled by courage. It is well known that persons with amputated limbs feel pain in the very members which they possess no longer. Paracelsus operated upon living blood by medicating the product of a bleeding; he cured headaches at a distance by treating hair cut from the patient. By the science of the imaginary unity and solidarity of all parts of the body, he anticipated and outstripped all the theories, or rather all the experiences, of our most celebrated magnetisers. Hence his cures were miraculous, and to his name of Philip Theophrastus Bombast, he deserved the addition of Aureolus Paracelsus, with the further epithet of divine!

Imagination is the instrument of the adaptation of the word. Imagination applied to reason is genius. Reason is one, as genius is one, in the multiplicity of its works. There is one principle, there is one truth, there is one reason, there is one absolute and universal philosophy. Whatso¬ever is... subsists in unity considered as beginning, and re¬turns into unity considered as end. One is in one; that is to say, all is in all. Unity is the principle of numbers; it is also the principle of motion, and, consequently, of life. The entire human body is summed up in the unity of a single organ, which is the brain. All religions are summed up in the unity of a single dogma, which is the affirmation of being and its equality with itself, which constitutes its mathematical value. There is only one dogma in magic, and it is this:—The visible is the manifestation of the invisible, or, in other terms, the perfect word, in things appreciable and visible, bears an exact proportion to the things which are inappreciable by our senses and unseen by our eyes.”

This guy was really on point about a lot of things. I owned his books in my early 20s but did not read much of them. Now... quite a bit later on, I find what used to puzzle me to be clear as spring water in a pool.

Monday, September 09, 2024

"EVERY ONE OF US Comes Here Marked by Karma; it is Written on Us in The Vibrating and Vital Flame Language of Angels."

God Poet Transmitting.......

Here is only one example of how crazy people are getting.

This is on every news site. They say the whale might have been a Russian spy because... well, I'll let you see what evidence they have in their own words; "When Hvaldimir was found in 2019, Norwegian marine biologists removed a man-made harness with a mount suited for an action camera and the words. "Equipment St. Petersburg" printed in English on the plastic clasps.” Equipment St. Petersburg was printed in English on the whale. Does this smell even worse than that whale probably does right now?

You can travel The World these days, and in every country, you can easily find examples of Batshit Crazy. It might be one of the many forms of crazy that are generated by Materialism. It might be religious. It might be crimes against women by fundamentalist nutjobs in The East. It might be sexually inspired insanity, and that you can find everywhere. There is now a crazy for every once normal thing! Huzzah!

There are millions of people living in areas of specialized niche crazy; progressive liberal crazy... Climate crazies... PC and social justice crazy, which are a lot like progressive liberal crazy. Then there is indigenous culture crazies... who ignore Palestine and hope to breed a super race of indigenous peoples by mating Aborigines with white transsexuals; given that the necessary dynamics for this... in any natural way... is impossible, they are looking at gene-splicing... using tree grafting technologies... so that they will have the lifespan of a redwood.

Recently the offspring of carrots and African snails has been appearing at Whole Foods and the customers are over The Moon about it. Forget 15-minute cities when everyone is living in Nutjob City. How is that supposed to work when no one even knows what time it is? I'll tell you what time it is, ♫ It's Howdy Doody Time ♫

We have been saying this for years now, the greatest danger that humanity faces is already present in everyone's mind. If you do not have a connection to The Divine... The Winds of Crazy are going to blow you away. Psychiatrists and Psychologists can't help you because they are crazier than you are. They had a head start on everyone else. They all read the handbook on ways to lose your shit, and whatever applied to them, started to sprout immediately in the greenhouse of the subconscious.

The subconscious is warm... humid... and dark; perfect conditions!

There is an irony that attends many professions which escape the understanding of The Hive Mind. People often become police officers because of fear and an attraction to crime. People who work with sexual dysfunction... or any area having to do with the secreted regions of The Mind... are searching for answers having to do with their own problems.

Everyone projects onto everyone else... their own motives for actions taken; if it were them... this is what it would mean, and that is not the case at all. There are 36 basic personality types, and you get a wider reach than that because... everyone comes in on a particular ray of the spectrum where... The Impersonal locates the personality wrapper it employs in... each... specific... case. Here is a good primer.

Many of the sciences that humanity at large has been studying are pointless and useless both... except as they apply to the interests of those obsessed with them. There is a higher school of teaching where you find a more timeless perspective on existence. The World teaches one kind of lesson and is also a hard taskmaster. The other... School of The Invisible... teaches Ageless Wisdom.

Unfortunately... the truths that are there to be found... are veiled by another region of crazy... that puts these teachings into disrepute. Whether it is the air-headed new-ager on a trust fund... the charlatans selling mystery... or the sexless monastics who live in terror of a force they do not understand; sex is a beautiful wonder, but it is a terror indeed to those who cannot control it. The School of The Invisible teaches this also; how to harmonically dance with yourself.

The Big Kahuna... the indescribable and incomprehensible originator of all things... has a remarkable sense of humor and also goes to great lengths to show... you... how... it... is... done; if you would only pay attention. Lahiri Mahasaya became a householder... to manifest the template... for the right courses of action, even though he was an extremely high order of realized being and a friend of Babaji himself. Many who saw both of them … at one time or another... remarked on how much Lahiri looked like he might have been Babaji's father.

There are all sorts of interesting things going on that are not to be found in the grubby marketplaces of The World. You have to look for them. Most people are terrified of The Unknown and do not realize that repeated contact with it turns it into The Known. There are no dangers anywhere that you are not carrying with you.

Many people are troubled by my mentioning that there are no innocent bystanders. The truth of the matter is that EVERY SINGLE ONE OF US comes in here marked by karma that is written on us in the hieroglyphic language of angels. They are magnetic attractors that draw us to the events we experience, OR ELSE IT WOULDN'T FUCKING HAPPEN!!!

I know that when you hear about the bad things that happen in life it creates a conflict in the mind. It enrages us because of our impotence; our being unable to do anything about these awful events. You must remember that this period of time we are in... this stretch of recorded history... is a time in which a great deal of karma gets resolved. There are much larger extensions of time... when you don't see much of this at all.

Most people live with a very narrow idea of Time. If they had the panorama view they would be less troubled by what they see. People walk through the most intense theaters of war, and come out without a scratch. Some do it multiple times. In this world... some people have trouble with fire... some with water... some with air and some with Earth, and some... a very few... have no trouble with any of them.

These afflictions materialize in our bodies and wiser practitioners can see that the patient has an imbalance with one or more of these. Harmony is the absolute key here! ♫ gimme that old-time Wu Wei... that old-time Wu Wei. Gimme that old-time Wu Wei. It was good enough for Lao Tzu, and it's good enough for me ♫ I like my religion in The Living State... not in the cemetery wrappings I see it in in these times; why seek ye him among the dead? Right.

As Materialism advances... the atmosphere of crazy... WILL intensify... in the minds of those captivated with it. The appearance of cannibalism at a wider reach will signify that the end is near. People are already engaging in it mentally and emotionally. It is The Nature of The Beast. Materialism is driven by invisible means. The author has various names. One of them is Mammon. No man can worship two masters.

Those seeking truth will find truth. Those seeking destruction will find destruction. It might be in disguise... almost everything is... including each of us, but that won't change the outcome. You may rely on that.

This is a world where everyone gets what they are after, and... where almost everything is not what they thought it was. There are people right this minute that have everything material that one could wish for. Some of them live charmed lives indeed. When you next see them... the conditions will be much different... if they have not acted judiciously and with restraint in this life.

Be cheap and you will find yourself in a place where generosity is absent. Be anything at all, and you will find yourself experiencing all of it all the time. Everything that happens is for The Purpose of Demonstration.

If you are kind... compassionate... and loving... then you WILL find yourself in a world that mirrors all of these. If you are brutish... insensitive, mean, and nasty, well... you do the math. This an ironclad certainty, BUT it does not mean one goes around with the mindset that everyone deserves what they get, so... fuck them! Compassion and a forgiving nature is demanded of you... OR ELSE.

I didn't make the rules, but I do know what many of the rules are. I have discovered them by abiding by them, AND... by breaking them. I have chosen to learn, instead of to disregard the lesson... thinking it an anomaly, and expecting a different result the next time. This is also an indication of insanity.

The Visible World is ruled by Invisible Forces... that all proceed from the origin portal of all force. The prevailing forces... the archetypes... appear by the same process of passing through a prism... and being differentiated accordingly. Turn sound up and you will get light at some point. Turn light down and you will get sound at some point, and...

... one last thing.

Links are in the Ayahuasca lodge over at GAB=

In case you wonder why there is less to offer in this section, besides the fact that no one says anything about it ever... well... here is a quote from The Bhagavad Gita=

“Just as a reservoir is of little use
when the whole countryside is flooded,
scriptures are of little use to the illumined man or woman,
who sees the Lord everywhere.”