Dog Poet Transmitting.......
The people behind the people behind the people messing with the rest of humanity are very upset at how things are going, AND not going. Mr. Apocalypse tells me that some heavy hitters are going to lose their heads soon. The people behind the people are going to toss lesser members under the bus when the truth of their crimes is revealed. This is in the hope that it will redirect or stave off certain forces coming for them instead. “Well.... it always worked before.” Heh heh; famous last words.
He tells me it's going to be happening in a lot of places at the same time... a kind of time-traveling Fohat-Water ballet. He said... paraphrasing The Scarlet Pimpernel; “they seek him here. They seek him there. And pretty damn soon they're gonna see me everywhere.”
I haven't heard from him since Italy, so... I'm guessing it means some great drama is soon to occur. He's even more snarky than he was last time.
He told me that there's cause for optimism... and the world situation may yet turn out quite differently than a great many people fear it will.
As fear increases, people go in only a few directions; they grow crazier and more insecure by the day... or they grasp tighter and tighter to fundamentalism, which is spiritual materialism, which is a form of Satanism; whether they are Christian... Hindu...Buddhist or Muslim. It's either a press for more and more bizarre and far-out LOOK AT ME games from those who believe in nothing other than The False Self... or more and more clenched anger and angst... more and more territoriality with the fundie aspect.
So... the previous institutions are like termite houses in Florida. They are all crumbling... taking the faith in them sideways, so that people are either going stark... raving... batshit or... they are holding on for dear life to what is turning to dust in their hands.
There is only one real and enduring persona and that is God and it is beyond your ability to perceive it. It can ONLY be experienced through the surrender of the mortal self. Everything else is a temporary personality woven by the stars... according to the needs of Karma. We shed these personalities from life to life, depending on the lesson we are here to learn. We are... either shedding the unreal... while the real is being uncovered within us... or we are becoming more rigidified by a greater bondage through attachment to personal delusion.
The transitory Personality is the delivery system for the ego. The Individuality is God's delivery system unhindered by the undisciplined personality. One is the mortal self. The other is eternal. Give up the one to live in the other.
Oh Lord... let me be like a tree... upon whose branches angels perch. Let me be a habitation of angels. Let me become so innocuous and inoffensive that angels enjoy the common unity, in a shared devotion to the one true everlasting being... who expresses through DIFFERENT lenses of personality for The Purpose of Demonstration, AND... whose real and enduring nature remains... always unknown... by those arguing for the purpose of self-advancement or material profit.
Now... back to the real-time of The Moment of my present stage of realization.
Everyone wants to play God, BUT... only God can play God... and the only way you can play God is to let God play through you; to become God's flute... God's wind chimes...
As times get more and more wack... people become more and more argumentative... insisting that they are right about things they do not even remotely understand. They then become a Babel-well, speaking in a confusion of tongues and terms. It is not smart to contend with them. THEY READ BOOKS! They read books... written by men who explain what God thinks and God wants. As a British friend of mine often says; not bloody likely.
We are bobbing on an ocean like a Styrofoam container. The more that is in the container... the sooner it sinks or falls apart. At... no... time... do we contain anywhere near the volume of water that the ocean contains... nor shall we ever.
Fortunately... it is infrequently... that I encounter people who insist I said what I did not say... or wander in frothing at the mouth about something I never even brought up. They wave books in my face that... LITERALLY are available in dozens of translations... all trying to say the same thing accordingly to how they see it. ONLY when God speaks within your heart and mind are you able to get a direct read on anything, and... USUALLY, you can't say anything about it, because the moment you do... the meaning is lost.
People who like to argue are people who are angry about something else. They are unsettled and afraid, and they believe their argument makes them valid somehow. Those... who... argue... have... missed... the... point. No positive future awaits those who contend with others except... more of the same.
Now... as Mr. Apocalypse... more and more shakes up Material Nature... in advance of The Avatar, and people... by-the-day are losing their grip on their sense of self, they are going to more and more outrageous extremes to maintain their separated identity by the fantasy of living their own truth. There is no such thing as a personal truth. It can only be relative truth. The Truth is impersonal AND incorruptible.
Everyone in Heaven is impersonal. It is ONLY down here (and lower down) that individual personalities war against one another for an impossible supremacy. The Muslim has a scimitar that he cannot lift. The Christian has a club he drags behind him and cannot lift. They are going to war against each other over something they read in a book. One day they will grow tired of this nonsense and admit to themselves that they had no idea of what they were talking about... or killing other people over.
They make war upon others in the name of someone whose message distilled is... Love. Nothing retards one's spiritual progress more than being a pseudo-intellectual pundit whose head is filled with dates and names... wherefores... and all those whatnots unto begatland. They like to lean back and talk through their noses with a glass of water in their mouth... while making sure the butter stored there never reaches room temperature. They sound like a demon-possessed Katherine Hepburn.
God and his angels ARE NOT IMPRESSED; no one gets through the door who thinks they know what they do not know. I consider these people spiritual card-counters who think Heaven is some kind of casino with a pecking order. The least among them are the greatest in Heaven... BUT... you can't tell these people anything. They will go right back to telling you what so-and-so said to so-and-so about this-and-that. They will beat you bloody and senseless with tradition, and make you color inside the lines or die.
The best one can do is to pray for and hold out hope for these people, who are bent over with their heavy heads all the way down to their knees... and filled with dense and worthless information... pushing an enormous supermarket cart (in their minds) full of cinderblocks... to nowhere. What you know is not who you are. When I see people with initials after their names, I know better than to ask them about anything important. Pride REALLY DOES go before a fall.
People in self-important Halloween outfits with funny hats are not who you want to ask about spiritual matters. These people started out banging blackboard erasers and snitching on their fellow classmates. HARD AS IT MAY BE TO BELIEVE... God does not get all kinds of excited when these people get to the gates. Fortunately, that seldom happens.
People who are close to the... Heaven... that... is... within... do not think about money or being important in the eyes of people who don't know any better. They don't waltz around with all kinds of titles and ribbons on their chests. That's for the people pretending to be members of The Royal Family in cosplay... dress-up performances.
I don't know much at all and I am grateful for that. All I would need to do is start imagining I know more than I do... which is next to nothing... to get my invisible friends to stop talking to me. You must become as a little child to enter The Kingdom of Heaven, AND... I think that means you had better get Regenerated Innocence, which means unlearning all that crap that made you think you were some kind of grownup.
NOTHING is more important to me than the sure and certain knowledge that God is REAL. You can have all the books that were ever written and all the information about who said what (maybe) to someone else... once upon a time. Nothing truly important and lasting has EVER been written down anywhere -and remained intact for long- except in the secret chambers of the heart. One notices this most when they depart this zone and find they don't have any of it.
I think this is known as a rant. It's what used to happen here a lot more often than it does now... and thank God for that. Of course... the proof is in the putting... and we shall all find out whether any of this is true once we find ourselves out-of-the-body and looking for directions... to where exactly?
End Transmission.......
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