Dog Poet Transmitting.......
Well there's Ronald McDonald. There's
Donald Duck and then there is 'The Donald', who is kind of like a
combination of the first two, with some pieces missing. He's
inspiring in a way. I now believe that if I went out on the streets
of this town and shot somebody in the face, I wouldn't lose any
readers. Of course there would be a downside to the whole affair.
Today I wound up at one of those sites,
a pro-Donald site and there were all these people extolling the
virtues of The Donald. They were talking about how honest he is and
how- nobody could buy him off because he has his own money- and the
bankers hate him (uh huh). It is almost like this has never happened
before and, truth be told, it has happened over and over again.
They're whooping it up in the back room
of the Malamute Saloon, singing a ragtime tune, baying like loons at
the full of the moon, while the dish runs away with the spoon. The
truth is that the man is a perfect expression of the times. After all
the lies, deceptions piled upon deceptions and they keep on going
like the Energizer Bunny; people just nod their heads. They are like
Whiffenpoofs, flying in ever tightening circles, until they disappear
up their own assholes. It's classic. It's tragic. It is unspeakably
sad and there is nothing I can do about it except watch. There is no
doubt in my mind that this man is a walking nightmare but there is a
lot more to it than meets the eye and that is bad enough already.
A small amount of impartial inquiry
will reveal some interesting connections. The trumpster has actively
supported Democratic issues over the years and is tight with that
community along many lines. Of course, politicians are whores and
never so completely as they are in the moment. These are the days of
full time misdirection and legerdemain.
Consider the magnitude of what a
buffoon this man is. Consider the arrogance and rank vanity, the
sense of entitlement and privilege; that special atmosphere of me,
myself and I. Consider the state of one intoxicated by their own
perfume and the idea that they can do anything they want and say
anything they want and because of their having gotten away with
pretty much everything, that they will continue to get away with
whatever ...and how that presses them into challenging this
possibility with ever more reckless statements and actions, until
they fully believe that they could go up to a stranger on the street
and shoot them in the face and it wouldn't make any difference. You
know what? Why not?
What is getting missed in all of this,
is that this outrageous caricature is all a put-up job. It's about
splitting the Republican ticket in such a way as to hand the election
to the Clinton Crime Family. Sure... there's that looming shadow of
the Tribemeister, Sanders ...but that could well be more smoke and
mirrors. Could be? Is. In these times, nothing is what it appears to
be unless you have that rare example of the dispassionate, objective
awareness ...and then things are just what they appear to be... but
who could you tell about it? You are, that lonely voice in the
wilderness, crying out with the pebbles of Demosthenes's in your
mouth, so it is all garbled and incoherent, against the sound of the
sea that roars just beyond the reach of the trees that grip the Earth
at the cliff's edge. You know there is nothing you can do but watch;
one of billions that twist and turn in a shadow dance, flitting
images of temporary forms... in a dream.
From my perspective, Trump is a
cartoon, just like the last one; Mr. Came Out of Nowhere with the
Muslim name. They are laughing in your face, as they apply their
Eugenics program world wide, with the vaccines and Zika viruses, the
wars, the poisoning of food products, the water. There's no need to
list these things again. They've been listed often enough. What can
we do? The Bundy's knew what was happening. They knew about Reid and
the others who intend to steal the land in their cozy little deals
with the miners and developers. How much money does Reid already
have? It's not enough. Imagine how painful this is. Imagine what it
must feel like to have too much and it is not enough. Here's a secret
that shouldn't be a secret but it is. There is only one solution to
all these manic cravings; all these unbearable hungers and that is to
let them go because all these hungers are the same hunger,
diversified into a hundred thousand hungers, for one thing after the
other and none of them will satisfy. The one thing that everyone
learns in their futile pursuit of lasting satisfaction that no
satisfaction lasts.
The rich learn all kinds of lessons.
The powerful learn all kinds of lessons. The beautiful learn all
kinds of lessons. The cruel learn the lesson in their cruelty. There
is no form of behavior that does not come with a lesson and we all
learn whatever the lesson is, because the lesson comes programmed
into the process. It's automatic. It could be so easy if people
simply would accept the inevitable and embrace the absolute truth
that there is NO satisfaction that can be had apart from the
ineffable. The ineffable is the supreme enjoyer. One could find
satisfaction in everything they do if they allowed the ineffable to
enjoy it within them. This is the essence of Tantra; not all those
silly magics and sexual hijinks that hypnotize the weak into
believing that they have accomplished union, while placing themselves
further and further apart from union.
If one would only accept that their
highest destiny is surrender, they could have everything in the best
possible way, because the ineffable knows the perfection of
everything within itself. The ineffable IS the perfection of
everything within itself. What we are talking about here is not
religion, or any of the variations of spiritual possibility, belief
or presumption. This is practicality is what it is. This is being
supremely practical and utilizing applied common sense. It is
pragmatical. It is no nonsense pragmatism. Physicists have already
proven that everything is made out of the same thing. It is all the
same thing, compounded by variations at different vibrationary rates.
If one knew the means and... there are some who do, they could change
anything into anything. Paracelsus once made the announcement to all
the scholars, scientists and pundits of his day that he would reveal
'the first matter' to them. On that day they all gathered in a room
and Paracelsus brought out a silver chaffing dish (drum roll). He
lifted the cover and there was a turd. Paracelsus had taken a shit
there previously. Of course they were all offended, which is typical
of pseudo intellectuals and all the sorts of people who take
themselves seriously. Because of the nature of their severe
limitations, of being unable to accept the truth, regardless of the
cost of to their ego, they find the price to be greater than what
they are willing to pay. Paracelsus was absolutely correct. The first
rule is to separate yourself from the object of your inquiry. See the
truth outside of the filter of your separated false self.
If we accept that the divine is a
reality and that the divine lives within us and can express through
us, to the extent that we permit it, then there is nothing which
cannot be accomplished. If we can comprehend that satisfaction is
possible to the degree that we allow it, the shining sun of the
almighty will reflect upon the face of the moon of our being, in a
passive mirroring of that beautiful source, the essence of all
things; the Alpha and Omega and the timeless wonder of this moment we
are in. There is the joy of the unspeakable union of the one and
there are the countless alternatives of dissatisfaction in the world
around us. The world around us is a projection of the world within.
If the ineffable is given the opportunity to shine the sunlight of
his joy through the unresisting heart and to let it reflect from us
into the hearts of those we encounter at EVERY juncture, we will be a
contagion We already are a contagion of what we imagine to be true,
or what we have accepted to be true, across the length of our
interchanges with each other. We see clouds upon the face of the sun
because we have obscured it within, or we see a cloudless sky because
we have stepped out of the way of our own beauty. At all times, we
are either transparently in love or blocking our light because we
have been intimidated by something. It is permissible to be in love
and most especially because it is the ineffable that we are in love
with in everyone and everything.
Here is the simplest consideration.
Love is the most powerful force in the universe. Why would anyone who
is sane, align themselves with anything else? It is the ultimate
pragmatism. It is the enduring bliss and final perfection of all that
is possible in life. It is also inevitable. It could take millions of
lives but it is inevitable. A wise person and a sane person will
expeditiously seek to achieve this condition because it is inevitable
and... because there is nothing like it. It is the penultimate
experience with no equal. It is the simplest thing. Even an idiot can
do it. All you do is love and your enthusiasm becomes the bellows. It
turns you on and the result is that you turn others on because it is
contagious. It is true magic with no spells or potions.
Because it is unlike whatever you may
have been doing previously, it requires effort to achieve constancy.
This is how the ineffable weeds out the insincere. Should you prove
to be true, even if you are inconsistent and limited ...but yet you
are profoundly committed, despite your not being equal to the task,
the divine will see this and at some point the divine will come forth
and flood your heart with the real thing and stun you with the
enormity of it and you will realize you could never have come to this
state on your own; no one does and then with profound humility, as
genuine as it gets.. because the experience of it is as authentic as
it gets, you sink deep into state of endless love and it transforms
every particle of your being into a resonating, harmonizing,
thundering reflection of the ineffable's heartbeat. Let this be
true... of me and you.
End Transmission.......