Dog Poet Transmitting.......
I apologize for linking to the mainstream media so much recently but since that is the mouthpiece of the beast who is taking a shit on our dinner table, it’s somewhat unavoidable. Yesterday they were saying that settlers were bracing for the end of the building freeze but today they are saying that Israel is bracing for the end of the building freeze. Here we have the backwards opposite of the truth because... what this means is that these invaders, who are not settlers, are perched and ready, with bulldozers and all the materials they won’t let into whatever is left of Palestine; like stock car racers at the Daytona 500, or some kind of Oklahoma Land Rush, champing at the bit to destroy what’s already there and then build what isn’t.
Why is this particular piece of business, among all the other conditions that might be important, always coming up, like it’s the only thing anyone should pay attention to? It is because the Nazi’s own the media. You may not have heard but the Nazi’s actually won World War 2, just like the British actually won the American Revolution. Your pants are on backwards but you don’t know it and the usual psychopathic, take no prisoners, fountain pen killers are making life a wasteland; while they feed on your flesh and your being as you support them in their purposes.
Israel is maintained as the world’s most important concern, while everything else gets lost in transition and translation or turned into baggage that you carry for them. You’re in the suitcase and you are the monkey and they think it’s pretty funny because the punch line is a punch and guess who screams first?
Are they agents of some other order? Are they the front line for the backdoor where the orders get issued, while you stand there at attention saying, “Thank you Sir! Can I have another?" Well, bend over and wait, because the whole world is watching or not watching or watching something else but it’s still the same unfortunate delivery, which they show you how to put off on someone else ...and you don’t want to miss your chance to look like a dancing chicken, as a prelude to arriving as a part of the Kentucky Fried Chicken Family Pack. If my dick was a harpoon, I could knit my sister an ugly sweater and have her wear it to the consecration of your real religious events. As it goes in the moment, I suppose you don’t have to worry about the future as long as you can pay the rent on something that belongs to you but you will have to buy it back again with your industry and desire to help feed the fire that warms them and... what can you say?
As I am writing this, the new headline deals with Abbas who is ah... ah... I don’t know; a guy in a suit who works for The West Bank and I suspect he is in the tank but must have some kind of weight with the punished and oppressed people who are taking up too much space. It seems to me that importing people from other locations, because something is wrong, in some other location is a good thing, because these people who were never there in the first place, now need to push the people who were there before, off of the land they were trying to live a life in... and Abbas is there to negotiate the deal.
There was a guy named Chalabi in Iraq who did that sort of thing, so it’s all cash and carry; stop and shop; slam ironclad buildings down on the heads of hapless residents and torture, torment, merchandize the people as a product for sale, in a place that only belongs to the people it is being stolen from and... what are you going to do about it?
It suspends, it constipates, it percolates and they want you to know it will wiggle under your hard horn for your pleasure. It’s not rocket science and I am no expert at tying my own shoes but how stupid and indifferent must you be when you don’t see that all these people with all this money and force and power and weapons descended on a piece of land that was already occupied by people with few weapons and probably just a lot of gardens and goats and not too much trouble around otherwise, for quite some time, until they arrived.
Now you believe that one of the most powerful financial and military forces in the world is threatened by people who do not possess the same dimension or degree of weaponry? You believe that some formerly helpless peoples from some gulags that were created by these very people to begin with, have a right to a piece of land that somebody else was already living on? The purpose of controlling that piece of land has to do with controlling history and real time perception of why we do what we do every day; like send money to people who already control the presses that make the money that goes up and down in value depending on their whims. Lose your house recently? Are you reading this on a laptop in your camper outside of a wireless McDonald’s? No, you’re probably not reading this at all. It doesn’t hurt my feelings.
In some ways it is unfortunate in my mind that I am born a white man because my heart is of a different color. I don’t have any power besides the words you are reading and my willingness to help you understand that you are serving your merciless abusers while they demonstrate what they have in mind for you in another land and they are laughing at you.
Busy people in suits are riding around in limousines making important decisions about important matters like; the quality of your life, whether you live or die, who gets what and how many slices in the pie. They take the profit that you earn by the industry of your faith in trying to live in a fair world that they are supposed to be working toward but I have yet to see that place. You had this incredible country where you could make real items that worked and lasted, by men and women who cared and who only wanted a fair exchange. These people aren’t even very good at business because successful business has rules that work for those who are good at what they do. What the fuck is going on?
There are good people who can provide the technical side of the dream. There is possibility and variations of all kinds of good ideas that can keep you motivated and willingly to happen out there in the wider mind, if you will stop giving your life away for a shit sandwich on the run.
The point is that the people of the world need to wake up and get a clue. They have got you in a harness and they are laughing about it too. You need to wake up and just step away from the false ideas they sold you that make you a party to the murder and butchery they perform in front of you.
I imagine that the people along the Gulf Coast are getting the sensation. I see where they are doing funny stuff with moving people into more dependent locations of an urban persuasion. I note the corruption of the food and the water as the original is processed into something better with preservatives too. I guess the real thing wasn’t good enough because they want to take that away too.
I’m speaking to the people who will probably never read these words. Most of them never get past the first link in this post; generally Fox gets them first. I can see Roland with his horn blowing loud and clear but there might be some technical difficulties in what you can hear. I know a guy in Iran who had a problem like that at the United Nations the other day.
Well, this is Sunday and tomorrow is Monday and I don’t have an uncle named Bob and neither do most of you; mathematically reckoning. The bad guys have screwed up their own devices so bad and they always do. Now they need a great big disorder to occur so that they can blame it on somebody and get your support to hunt them down and kill them because that is a sure fire economic startup.
I don’t suppose you will read this because something is pulling on your reproductive, self-regenerating force and asking you if you wouldn’t like a little pillow time and tanks are rumbling in your stomach so you probably want to get over to Long John Silver’s for some BP-Monsanto Palestinian’s in a Bucket satisfaction and I don’t want to take up too much of your time. You’re not reading this anyway and you think it tastes so good that you almost wish you could let somebody eat you too. Well baby... they will, they have and they do and you keep coming back again. I feel like I am driving through my rear view window with my dick in my hand. I don’t know what it takes to make you wake up and understand that it’s not funny. It’s not entertainment. It’s you. It’s the other guy going through the checkout counter as the product he is buying when he had the thing he wanted in the first place.
I have to get ready for my own brand new next thing but where do I begin?
End Transmission.......
Radio show tonight, 7.00PM Central Time or thereabouts.
Sunday, September 26, 2010
An Imaginary Reach-around in the Mouthpiece of the Beast
Beamed from the Saucer Pod By Visible at 17:59 38 comments
Friday, September 24, 2010
The Same Old Same Old don't say my Name
Dog Poet Transmitting.......
Control the perception of the past and you can guide the direction of the future in the mind of humanity as it tries to escape it or.... runs back to embrace it however you choose. This is the key power that the Chosen People faction uses. It was the most important part of getting into Iraq and, of course, Israel and accounts for the eradication of Palestinian names from all the towns they swallowed, along with their control of so called ‘holy places’. It’s not about spirituality. It’s not even about religion. It’s about controlling perception in order to maintain possession.
This is why they tried to engineer their holocaust in the First World War, which didn’t work and went back into it again in the Second World War and why they were contributing sponsors of both in the first place. When you control how things look, based on a manufactured presentation of what happened, you have an argument for government policies to follow into the future for your own benefit. Then you can come up with things like a kosher tax on products; if you own the companies in the first place you get yourself a double dip. This is just one more way that such a small part of the population manages to enrich itself to such a degree. It’s like throwing a punch at someone and then crying out in pain as you deliver it.
It’s important to keep this in mind. This is how religions get perverted; how laws get established and how easier access to routes of commerce can be obtained is to give the impression that something unfair happened to you and it could happen to everyone else too; except that you did it in the first place ...and you make up such a tiny part of the population. The best way to get far more than your share of the rights, when you have no majority claim based on presence is to make it look like somebody is always picking on you anyway.
Bad shit happens in the world and it happens to much larger groups of people so... civilizations must have rules along which to operate for both moral and functional reasons. This doesn’t just apply to a small group of mercenary carpet baggers, it applies to any union of psychopaths who want to go into any kind of business.
Jesus Christ wasn’t a Jew to begin with, not in the sense that it applies to what is profiting from that in the present. Jesus was a Syrian. The Palestinians are the people of the bible and DNA tests show this. There is also the matter of different tribes and even a so called Lost Tribe. It’s not hard to figure out that the bad tribes took possession of the possibilities for all the other tribes and then offered up the other tribes as culprits whenever they got caught out at their same old same old, time after time. This is important to remember because there are those who might be members of a tribe who got blamed for what they didn’t do and who could then be later used as examples of someone that something bad happened to, time after time, due to conditions caused by other members who set it up that way in the first place.
They know about the apocalypse and that is why they are all over the map stealing, looting, disfiguring and reinterpreting antiquities in order to manipulate the versions in order to confuse retribution on its way to them as it is now. When you start looking for why and how, it is always best to look at what went down before and see who controls the meaning and to what profit or end.
Names are words; creeds, colors, races; I’ll see you in the vegetable aisle where they sell and also will make you a salad; control the perception and identification and so on and so forth. Everyone does this in the world of lies which are only lies because they are temporary in appearance and do not endure.
So it wouldn’t be a long shot to say that we’re right on the doorstep of false flag ‘mis-adventure’ when you see the mass media putting the focus on Colbert coming to Congress to talk about immigration and giving you a live feed so that you can sit there and watch real clowns watch performing clowns while the final touches are put into place. They’re comedians which is another kind of psychopath who wants to leave a signature dish.
There’s been a suspension of time in the air for some time now. The constipation factor is given and not just because of the garbage many people eat. We’re in the Horse Latitudes of wait and keep on waiting and people are ready to look at one thing while something else goes on behind it.
I mentioned the missiles going to Syria and that was because an astrologer told me something about September 20th and it was close enough to be a guess (grin); seeing as we haven’t seen anything yet. I think we’re looking at things in the rear view mirror being closer than they look but this time it’s my own opinion.
These people are so arrogant that they think they can have sport with it, like trading three months of settlement halting, which never even halted, in exchange for setting Jonathan Pollard loose while Leonard Peltier stays in the caboose. They’re got congressmen waddling around in their Depends diapers lobbying for it. They have the most powerful country in the world walking out of the UN when a president from a Middle Eastern country that they don’t like tells the truth about them. This is what they are after now so they are setting it up AND laughing about it at the same time and most of the world thinks it’s funny too without even thinking about what is happening to them and it’s almost as if they understood it; or am I projecting or making it up? It doesn’t matter. It’s true across the board.
All these things depend on controlling the past because that controls perception and that activates the Barney Franks in Depends and the only reason that ‘Franks’ probably didn’t get a red line under it in my Word program is because of Anne Franks. Anyone want to stab someone with a ballpoint pen?
It gets a little tiresome talking about these things and I have pointed out a lot of them and find them revealing themselves in this apocalyptic state to be just what I already thought was going on and had been going on all the time I thought I wanted to be a singer songwriter in a world full of people who screw you and each other and really don’t like someone like me. It’s bad enough when a lot of talent on some levels is added to a short period of inspiration in order to make a lot of money while still getting a good message out and never solving any needs or problems because that’s where the money is and that is why they spend all their time creating problems for profit and then celebrating on top of it and making jokes about it. The party is going to be over for you people soon enough but it hurts to know that you had to kill those of us who wouldn’t cut a deal, or take a knighthood and whose muse never deserted them and still carry the message. There are a lot of us out here being cherry picked by the chosen to be used and abused and killed if they don’t cooperate. Some you can’t kill and some you torment till they go away but some don’t go away.
I’m not going away and neither are some other people. We don’t cut deals because the message is more important than gold or sex or power or some attractive place. The time of brutalizing those who endured your shit and did not come here to be part of it is over. Go ahead and scramble for cover. I got a feeling that nothing you come up with now is going to do you any good.
Some of us are just not going to sell out at any point ever and you can’t keep it from being said because otherwise it will rise in the people of the world as a real revolution and it will be off with your heads; this time it will be the right heads too, so... you see- we are a danger to you and that is your dilemma.
Oh well, singing in the street on your way somewhere else surely is better than anything the world can offer when it takes away the only thing you value but gives you everything else. For most people that works out okay but it doesn’t work for me.
Should be about time for something really criminal now because when it gets all comical and cheery and quiet, somebody is being raped in a soundproof room, only it ain’t soundproof this time... is it? Because it's the apocalypse and you do see and pretty soon so will we.
End Transmission.......
Beamed from the Saucer Pod By Visible at 22:32 21 comments
Monday, September 20, 2010
You have been Warned
Dog Poet Transmitting.......
You are warned that this is the Petri Dish and you should proceed no further if bad language and bad attitude upsets your ability to bend over for the ruling forces who are doing one heck of a job screwing up your world and leaving you to remain in that position with intense longing; all of that would be your own unless they have now come up with Genetically Modified Desire to be had, while being allowed to be the low man on the scrotum pole. I think that makes you a fluffer; not good enough to do the evil but definitely able to excite the evil to carry out its agenda.
This is a poem I wrote in the 70’s and my good friend Regis Mull; the greatest country western songwriter I have ever heard and also one of the most obnoxious attention whores I ever met, called me up the night after I delivered it at about 3 in the morning and said; no doubt behind half a quart of Jack Daniels, “Hey Les, the Pope is dead.”
“I know that Regis, I’m sleeping.”
“No, you don’t understand, the new Pope is dead”.
And so on and so forth...
So.... Please stop reading if bad words offend you. The truth has been known to use what anal retentives and those unable to attract suitable partners, because of squeamish tendencies, consider to be profane.
The truth has the luxury of not giving a shit. Here we go. You have been warned;
Perform something long needed on the guy with the funny hat
Fuck the old pope
And fuck the new pope
And fuck all popes in general
May they be knocked down from behind
And gang-fucked by terrorists daily
“Ah, come in Senator.”
“Good afternoon, General”
“May I offer you a drink?”
“Well, perhaps some sherry your grace-
And one or two of those small boys,
I find they concentrate the mind wonderfully
The conclave was held in the Popedome
Each Cardinal was given a fresh novice
Upon which to carve his ballot
Afterwards, the smoke from their burning
Ignited the hosts of rabble at the gate
“Monsignor, pray close the window
Crowds make the master excitable.”
Even now, his hooves were tapping nervously upon the dais
His shaggy horned head was pitching too and fro
Once the window was closed
They arose as one
And lined up at his rear
Where the ceremoniously kissed his little red asshole
Such is the manner of the great
Such are the rituals of the great
And those who would become so
From St.Peters to the Bohemian Grove
From Westphalia to the Bilderberger suite
So it is...
So it has always been
Popes Alexander and the Borgias were so informed
Honorius and Innocent
They knew the value of a dollar when there we only lire to be had
A recent Pope was so precipitate as to integrate the elect
What courage to have faced down tradition so early in the game
Certainly they awaked us to injustice
See how they seize the evil and make it register
In the black
From the very start
How grateful we are for the Pope
For the Cardinals in their little suits
(What do you think a rig like that goes for?)
And the good little Bishops
Who move only on the diagonal
And the rest
Only some of whom dine on brandy and cigars
And ride in Lincolns through dirty Mexican streets
Only due to the lack of tits on men
Did the Vatican miss being built in Tijuana
There is a saying in Zen;
“If you see the Buddha in the road,
Cut him down.”
Thus I take it to mean that external Buddha’s are a myth
So, should we not say;
“If one sees the Pope in the road to do the same,
for he must be an illusion”?
However, it is unlikely that we shall see him in the commonplace
Such honors are reserved for the singular few
Who do not smell
Who never sweat
Whose hair is never out of place
I have sat in Notre Dame
Our lady of empty space
And when stillness prevailed
Over the vendors and pigeons
Shuffling their relics from the cosmic privy
I have heard
The relentless screaming of heretical babies
Remorseless and unrepentant in their ways
I have heard the victims of Pizarro and Cortez
And the inquisition
Rivers of gold
Rivers of gold
God’s men must have gold and ceremony
For pompous displays of mumbo jumbo
Divorced from the pagan witch doctors
Only by the rapacity of their vision
Only by the stupendous grasp of their avaricious sexless minds
Which have transformed all of their desires
Into one insatiable soul sucking greed
This house of usurers
Providing documents of passage for the Fourth Reich
Fleeing the flames of Berlin
And yet serving the Synagogue of Satan who started the affair.
But there are other fires
No Pope can extinguish
Vatican passports and priesthoods in Hell
For the burners of Jews
Making up lies for the father of lies
Bad Karma for the Christ killers
To come upon, not only Hitler
But the Pope as well
(that font of overflowing compassion)
One only wishes the Pope would have been able to do something about
The money changers while he was trying to sodomize Saladin
What has changed since Luther nailed his shit to the door?
The distance of years always gives
A clarifying perspective
Up close
Right now
We are too often blind
How wise the Pope is
To counsel us on sex
A blind brain surgeon
A mute arpeggio
A deaf window on the land of the living
Vampires do not blush
Except while feeding
His edicts on birth control
Make him the biggest mass murderer of all time
Author of global starvation
Milking the endless bloody nickels of third world Hell
Fuck the Pope
Oh come let us fuck him
For he has fucked us
In extreme measure
In this lifetime or some other
Throughout the ages the church and state
Have sat with expanded gut
Over the common plate
Like pigs at the trough
They have done their special duty to God and man
Taking from the one
And holding in escrow for the other
God however is not their father
God has no need of such things
Could never author such things
Men are the authors
And when men are corrupt and mean and ferret like
When unmoving ignorance leads
They create the great anthropomorphic fool/
From glutinous power mad litanies
They call up out of the abyss
Their likeness
And they call it God
But it is not God
God has left them behind
From the moment they departed
God remained behind
And they stand
Holding up old bones
Dressed in their coffin bound glitter suits
And they hold up these dead things
And they say
They have the power of God
I spit on them
Their church is a tomb
It is a tomb of snakes
And spiders and wraiths
Of dead children and things that go bump in the sacristy
Of all manner of unnatural goings on
Hoarder of pornography
Spellman on Cohn’s boat –paraphrasing Churchill with buggery and the lash
Killings of saints
Torment of Michelangelo
Scourge of Galileo
Head chef to Giordano Bruno
This church
Filled with murmurs and groans and wailing
Curious scuttlings,
The sounds of a lizard climbing through the eyeholes of a skull
A gigantic lamia
A bloodsucking siphon machine
It eats hopes
It eats dreams
And it eats shit
It plunders and primps in the universal mirror
Back Satan!
I adjure thee
Back into the pit!
Take the gold
Gnaw on it in your darkness
ii Fuck the Pope uh huh uh huh
Fuck the Pope uh huh uh huh
Get down get down
Disco with the Pope
Pope’s got a brand new bag
Uh huh uh huh
And fuck the banks
And fuck the Swiss Exchange
And fuck the Club of Rome
And the men in the shadows
And the Trilateral Commission
And The Round Table
And the oil lords
And fuck Wal-Mart
And Montgomery Wards
Uh huh uh huh
Get down get down
And fuck the Rockefellers
And the anthrax letters
And fuck the moon shot
They filmed it in Colorado
Uh huh uh huh
Get down get down
And fuck atomic fallout
And fuck the discothèques
And fuck the governments
And fuck McDonalds
And Burger King
And fuck having it your way
And fuck all manner of not looking where you are going
And driving over the top of others
Fuck your jewelry and your deodorants
And your head full of cement
And fuck buying and selling and dealing
In crap with no value
To people with no taste
And fuck skateboards
And the entire Pepsi generation
And young girls with crotch cutting pants
(But I think that’s the point)
And tuna fish for brains
With the emotional depth of a gopher
Uh huh uh huh
Get Down get down
And fuck political correctness
And fuck Drudge and Geraldo
And all the sickies that muckrake
Into the lives of Gleam smiling androids
And fuck Disneyland
And fuck Rush Limbaugh
And Andy Warhol spitting some hopefuls cum into the limousine ashtray
And Fuck My Lee Cyrus
Somebody please!
And fuck the record companies
And fuck the morons on TV
And fuck the AMA and the pharmaceutical combines
And fuck the insurance companies
And fuck the Republicans
And all social Darvons and Valiums
And sensitivity insulators
And bullshit incubators
And God Bless all kinds of beautiful dreams and people
That this is not the time nor the poem for
And may they flourish forever
And God Bless every righteous endeavor
But fuck war
And fuck all merchants of fear
And fuck blind comfort oriented progress
And fuck all things that keep us in harness
And fuck all things that leave us heartsick and broke
And last
But not least
Fuck the Pope
And Monsanto
And the Rothschilds
And all the corporations
And and and and...
End Transmission.......
Beamed from the Saucer Pod By Visible at 21:51 69 comments
Thursday, September 16, 2010
This is the Teabagging that John Waters considers Pornographic
Dog Poet Transmitting.......
Most of us haven’t seen the Martha Washington Monument; probably because it’s a 500 foot hole in the ground but... most any American who’s your average resident knows what it feels like to be Martha and have the force of government buried into them by someone other than George. This kind of writing would probably set George’s wooden teeth on fire but there’s a lot more Voltaire in me than there is Damon Runyon. I guess that makes me French; kind of.
The best way to co-opt a revolution is to have one preemptively in advance of the one you know is coming because you screwed people so badly they haven’t got any other choice. It’s like building a steam valve in advance of the steam that is certain to come because you pressed down on people so hard that life was no longer worth living and worth the risk of losing it. Well, I could give you a brief lesson in physics right now and it would prove how what can be predicted to occur under ordinary circumstances will operate in reverse of what is predicted under extraordinary circumstances but... why bother. You know what I mean.
So now you have this Tea-bagger revolution that is best explained by one of America’s chief emergent demagogues. Note a few things; note the casual fireside persona, the modulating resonance of speech, the constant reference to ‘the media’ by someone working for the most powerful media of the times, the constant buttoning and unbuttoning of the suit coat, the working of the hands in front of the Ken doll crotch, the burgeoning and girdled midriff, the ‘poker tells’ and the body language. Well, the latter would, given who it is, make me break my rule about not picking fights and compel me to seduce (using his methods) or force this fool into a situation where I could have the encounter videotaped. It would work better if Hannity and O’Reilly were off camera and awaiting their turn, without the usual muscle boys crowding the action.
I used to have a feature on my TV show called, “The Choke Chain”. In this sequence I would have just about anyone appear; Ferdinand Marcos, Pat Robertson or Mick Jagger. After a private session in a back room that no one ever enters besides me and the candidate, the candidate would, for reasons never made clear, agree to be put on a choke chain by me and walked through the streets of New York City like a dog. I’m a little sorry and a little nostalgic that I don’t do that show anymore because Glenn Beck and his fellow travelers would be on that chain and able to see the world from a perspective too long denied them.
Now they have created this Teabag movement to usurp the natural revolution, which would have occurred in any case, because people are being hammered into the ground. It’s true that the poorest American probably eats better than half of the rest of the world but they’re used to it and a lot of the newly bankrupt are not. Glenn Beck; waterworks, hypocrite extraordinaire likes to use the word ‘serfs’. He has a canny sense of Reader’s Digest, Cliff Notes history. He’s just a regular guy with parent permission slips to miss the formerly mandatory, physical education needs of growing youth. That need is now being met by boys and girls being purchased in American malls, by men in suits, for items and objects that their peer review judges have declared to be mandatory possessions. Hey, if you’re going to give it away you might as well get paid for it and there are lots of Daddy’s willing to pay.
The Teabaggers are not going to attract anyone with any objective reasoning capacity but you would be the minority. It’s going to be a blood bath people, because once normal and stupid meet there is no other option. My advice, to those of you who are still conscious, is to get out of the middle of the crowd. Fringe dwelling is the recommended option. Whatever hits will be most severe in those locations where materialism and the seeming suppression of sexual force are the greatest; by this I mean guilt, not abstinence. Obviously that is not a feature, not even among those claiming it to be (big up and shout out to Onan. was sup?).
What the Teabagger movement is all about is replacing corrupt but competent politicians with incompetent and more easily deceived and therefore cheaper politicians, in order to maximize the profit margin of those already in control and possessed of the belief that it will go on forever, which is exactly what the director wants the actors to be thinking on their way to Waterloo or Gallipoli or just your ordinary Watergate.
I know that most of you have probably wondered at some point how seemingly intelligent people can be so stupid. Some of them are professionals; have gone to college and gotten degrees, make a great income and even raise their children into some kind of copy of themselves but you just can’t understand how they can still be so stupid. You’re not stupid. You can see. Why can’t they? It must be some kind of spiritual thing having to do with insight or access to a higher plane of viewing. I tend to think that the more honest you are with yourself, the more you see around you.
Listening to Glenn Beck, which I have done about 3 times, is the equivalent of pouring poison into my mind, while trusting I have the antidote; so far so good. If you ever want to see a reptile in human skin then this is your chance.
America is going to go down in flames because there is no natural or supernatural way that the people who follow these lines of unreason can be brought into awareness short of seeing their world burn down before their eyes. They are going to reap the whirlwind. As I looked at the face of Christine O’Donnell, as she spoke after her victory, all I could think is that this is the fatted calf of America. This is ignorance on the hoof. When I hear Rand Paul speak, I know his father must be a viper too. I realize now that no one gets heard, no one gets into power, who is not a catamite for the crystallized shadow from the land of darkness.
There’s a great sense of loss to be felt, even by those who think they have left this world behind, when this world crumbles from the lack of any integrity to maintain it. That integrity was borrowed so that there might be a world of falsity in which we might strive for the vision to see it. I knew a long time ago that living in a teepee in the woods was the best it was ever going to get for me and I find I’m not wrong on that account. I will wind up spending the last of my touchable time here in a yurt somewhere, probably in Italy; that’s a presumption but the yurt is not.
I can find it in my heart to feel pity for those who listen to Glenn Beck. I can be compassionate for those who think being a Teabagger represents some idea of freedom, even though it is slavery to the lies they believe they war against. They are themselves, active participants in the endurance of these lies, even while they give their children and their own lives in support of them. It is a sad, sad affair.
I have to keep my mind upon the light that is breaking through the shackles of an artificial night. I have to walk alone in search of a seam large enough to slip through. I know I am not alone in this regard. Others are finding their way through as I write these words. I don’t know what’s on the other side but it beats staying here.
End Transmission.......

'My Pickup Truck got Pregnant' is track no. 1 of 10 on Visible's eponymous
'Les Visible' Music Album
Lyrics (pops up)

I'm on the radio with Mark Glenn and Mark Dankof.
The New Shangri-La (almost 650 members).
Petri Dish Mirror.
Beamed from the Saucer Pod By Visible at 16:00 68 comments
Sunday, September 12, 2010
The Truth is an Unwelcome Guest
Dog Poet Transmitting.......
One of the things I always try to remember is the sort of treatment that much greater souls than me have experienced over the course of time. I say to myself, “Well, if that happened to them; why should I expect any different? This is one of the problems with relative truth, which is all we can possess unless we are an incarnation of it. In India, Lord Shiva tends to occupy that role, which is why he isn’t welcome at weddings and other celebrations. I think you can figure that out.
The primary difficulty with seeking to provide or tell the truth is the reflex tendency to need to defend it. Truth needs no defense. All lies are terminal and mortal, truth is not. Our need to defend it is usually an expression of our need to defend ourselves as the organ of its transmission. This is unnecessary. If the truth chooses to identify with us it will, otherwise we have to keep mucking out the stables. I don’t choose to argue with people. To me, an argument means you’ve lost the point. Things either are so or not so, in the relative and absolute realms. Two and two is four; except that there are two liquids (I forget their names) where you can mix two quarts of each and wind up with 3.5 quarts.
Recently, someone, who insisted that he was on the up and up, fabricated an elaborate lie about something that didn’t happen. When I broached him on it he said that his recollection was foggy so maybe it wasn’t like that. Meanwhile, the lie was filled with precise details that indicated no fogginess at all. I pointed this out. His next venture was to call attention to the fact that I have very little money and no seeming means of support (he’s an expert on my life apparently, though never having met me or been exposed to any of the inner workings of my day to day existence) and yet I criticize Israel all the time. This, he says, is proof that I am a disinfo agent. He insists he is not a troll while behaving just like one.
Another long time, occasional contributor, who is a fundamentalist Christian, has decided that cursing me out is the proper Christian response to some condition that he has yet to explain. Out of the blue he became bilious and aggressive and I’ve never understood why and probably never will. These are rare occurrences but they do happen and they can become subtle indeed. One fellow likes to come in and toss off a couple of complimentary statements and then stick a knife in my ribs. He’s something of a sociopath, I think ...but I don’t know.
Some numbers of respondents like to constantly remind me that the Zionists are mere tools and have nothing to do with the real agenda. Their demonstrable control of critical industries and their observable command over governments and individuals is not what it seems. Behind them are some shadowy international groups that are using them as pawns. I ask for direct evidence of this. I ask for names and connections where I can see the truth of their claims. So I get a list. It’s a list of a number of organizations; I’ve heard of a lot of them but there’s no relationship between them and a control of the Zionist plague that is provably at the forefront of the persecution of humanity for its own profit. When their forebears were the major slave traders of the time; their names on the captain’s logs and elsewhere, there has appeared no evidence that they were manipulated into this.
Overwhelming evidence exists that ties Israel to the 9/11 attacks. I don’t see names from the shadows popping up as their handlers. They control the banks, the media, publishing and the music and entertainment corporations. They control the pornography industry. They are deep into the international drug traffic. Their agents have been placed in Mumbai, the London tube and Madrid Train Station. I am supposed to presume that they are not what they seem and really just blameless stooges being used by someone else, somewhere... over the rainbow?
This seedy amalgam of some ancient tribe has been thrown out of more countries than everyone else put together and always for the same reasons. I’m being led to believe that the Rothschilds are taking their orders from some illuminati or Masonic cabal of eternal darkness. They are actively involved in seeking to destroy the Christian religion and are already known as the assassins of the founding member. Through their complete control of the gay movement and so many movements, that seek to utilize humanism and other things to destroy the family unit, they are tirelessly persistent in the intended demise of the Christian faith. Along the way they are blindly supported by those they seek to destroy. They are also engaged in a visibly obvious way in the slander and destruction of Islam.
I’m not afraid of these people (if people they be) because I work for the entity that is on it’s way to kick their ass in a convincing manner; along with all of their robots, lackeys and mindless sycophants. Everyone works for someone, one way or the other. One way or the other you are in support and defense of ancient forces who seem to war against each other on the material plane. We seldom actually know good from evil and the determiner of which is which generally decided by those who control the flow of information. We know damn well that Muslims didn’t do 9/11. It was done by dual national, neo-con Zionist Jews, in tandem with intelligence services that they have subverted or operate in tandem with. They are not the exclusive bad guys on the planet. They have lots of associates.
This force is active in harassing my sites and prior to that, in destroying my various careers in different fields, even though I wasn’t mentioning them or even aware of most of what I am aware of today. As I look back I can see that the primary members of my opposition to success were always members of the tribe. They must have known things about me that I didn’t know myself, or, maybe it’s just that everyone who wants to present the truth in some way is a threat to them eventually, indirectly or directly. It’s something supernatural. Lies maintain and protect them. Truth threatens them.
Day after day, I attempt to present what little I know of the truth, here at these sites. I try to bring it out in my music and my novels. It’s what I live for because one of the few things I am sure of is that lies lead to death and the truth leads to immortality. I recognize that Earth is a way station. It’s a basic training planet that determines your fitness to be promoted to other planes of being. People can argue about what they can’t see based on the evidence of what they can see but it always comes back to ‘as above, so below’. Metaphysics and physics are two parts of the same science that prove the same things.
People show up who present the evidence of so much suffering and torment on this planet. They say this is proof that there is no divine agency. They don’t see, or refuse to admit that this planet is where cycling karma acts out in role reversal through time. It never fails to amaze me that people who know so little can be such experts on things they know nothing about and haven’t even taken the trouble to study. Alcoholic lawmakers are experts on illegal drugs and fierce supporters of pharmaceuticals that are provably much more harmful. Meanwhile they are in partnerships with those who control the flow of illegal drugs.
People who know all too little about their own religion are experts on every other religion. People who don’t have sex are experts on it, even though we now know they do have forced sex with children. People who know nothing about so many things are wonderfully informed about everything because they read it somewhere. The world is lousy with experts who don’t know shit but who produce it at every turn.
Now we’ve had several days of relentless propaganda about 9/11 and who did it and all the pomp and bombast about courage and conviction, loss and bereavement. The people reporting on and writing about this know that they are lying often enough but it pays the bills. People consciously and unconsciously accept that lies are the currency of this world and that you are going to be broke and an outcast if you are not showing the proper fealty to them.
This is your life. You make of it what you will. Every moment of this life is precious in respect to your further destination. The truth of this most often occurs on your death bed when you’ve spent every cent you saved in your life on bad health care in the last year of your life. Those who live in the service of lies get looked after and attended by lies. Liberty and self realization are waiting beside you all through your confused efforts to imprison yourself in darkness because you think your protection lies there. It does not. Finally death is your best friend. He liberates you for one more turn of the wheel and on it goes.
End Transmission.......

'In That Shape Again' is track no. 8 of 10 on Visible's eponymous
'Les Visible' Music Album
Lyrics (pops up)

We are back on the air tonight with our radio show at 7:30 Central time.
The New Shangri-La.
Petri Dish Mirror.
Beamed from the Saucer Pod By Visible at 13:38 114 comments
Thursday, September 09, 2010
Whirlpools and Tornadoes and the Suicide of Evil
Dog Poet Transmitting.......
Who’s really behind the pending Koran burning? I don’t mean the stupid idea, which is only one of many floating around, looking for morons to express themselves through. I’m talking about who has made it a cause celebre and brought it to the attention of the people it intends to arouse and make angry enough to react with explosive violence in many parts of the world? Well, who owns the media that is forcing the issue into the minds of those being stoked to rage?
One of the principal reasons for this is to take the attention away from the ever growing awareness that Israel was behind 9/11. This is surfacing all over the place and one 9/11 truth site is raising money to pay for television commercials, whose intent is to draw attention to what happened to WTC 7 and it’s controlled demolition. It’s not much of a step from the controlled demolition idea to who was involved in it. The fingerprints of powerful, dual national, neo-cons are all over the 9/11 gambit, from PNAC on into the present day and no one has benefited more from the deception than has Israel. These are the same people who lobbied for the attacks on Afghanistan and Iraq and are presently seeking to engage the U.S. in attacking Iran. No Israeli is probably more involved in the matter than Ehud Barack and Nitwityahoo is right up alongside him, with Dov Zackheim and Larry Silverstein. On a supporting level you have Paul Wolfowitz, Richard Pearle, Douglas Feith, Michael Ledeen, William Kristol and a handful of others.
Granted I could be wrong about my pecking order here and have left out significant players. I left out Cheney because he’s not a dual national, neo-con. Yes, I could be wrong but not by much. We know who these reptiles are and it’s becoming more and more visible to the wider world. On a peripheral level you can see Israel scrambling to avoid this scrutiny and no doubt they are putting the finishing touches on the most important false flag which they have ever been the author of, in order to swing the nation and the world’s attention to a conflict with Iran. Their survival depends on it because the truth is coming out and everything they do only accelerates its appearance.
The Koran burnings are not going to work on Israel’s behalf however. Nothing is going to work on Israel’s behalf anymore, not in the time of the apocalypse. Everything that happens now is going to run counter to the best interests of Israel, because Israel’s time is at hand and it is not going to be very long before Israel’s demise becomes a fait accompli to the eyes of the world. Like a mad dog in the last stages of hydrophobia, Israel is a dangerous creature and you don’t want to get bit by her. At the same time, the hours of the dog’s life are numbered and there is no cure that can be applied at this stage.
The next weekend after the one coming marks a critical time for Israel. There are a whole lot of negative forces arrayed against her well being and we can only hope that they get blown through some Voice of the Theater speakers with a massive Crown amp powering them.
I’ve talked a lot about this waiting/constipation scenario that we have been in for some months now. The whole world is living on borrowed time in a suspended fugue state. Linchpins and dominos are trembling in the virtual world as the real ground shakes beneath their precarious purchase. We are in the state of nervous normal, while the unheeding masses go about their mindless business. Most of them can’t find anything on a map. They don’t know who the Vice President is (neither does he). They don’t know who’s in charge of what anywhere. It is unbelievable what they do not know and still manage to operate in the ignorance of. It’s Jay Walk on steroids. You can see a lot more of this kind of thing in the menu to the right on the same page. If you haven’t seen this before or only a few times, I recommend you watch a few of them and remember that most of these are pretty old and people are a great deal stupider now. If there were a dial that measured the change in degrees you could actually see it moving. I am not kidding here.
The greatest acceleration of stupidity took place during the reign of George the Stupid and that is because life is ironic and mirrors its own conditions because its conditions are a reflection of the state of contemporary consciousness. Whatever the state of the collective mind, it is reflected in the conditions that are extant in that time. It’s some kind of a law, which makes sense without too much analysis. I might point out that there are a lot of laws of Nature which we do not understand but accept as being so. You might want to think about that.
Another law of Nature, at least I think it is one, is that the state of relative stupidity is relative to the possibility of world crisis and the opportunity for liberation from the ignorance which is bringing it about. This is to say that whenever there is a massive whirlpool that sucks down everything in reach, there is also a metaphysical tornado that sucks everything up which is not caught in the force of the whirlpool to a greater degree than the pull of the tornado. This is the case at this very moment.
There are a lot of laws you can see in operation all around you, which are invisible due to the veil of ignorance that surrounds them. For instance, if someone is a jerk they cannot see it. If someone is in danger due to a lack of awareness, they are not aware of it. If someone is defending a form of personal behavior, they cannot identity with any argument to the contrary, because their argument is self identifying and anything to the contrary negates their existence as it presently stands.
For years, I would find myself in situations where people would tell me about some problem that was troubling them, or a condition they were trying to extricate themselves from. I could look at it and usually give them the solution. They would agree that it was a workable solution but they would not employ it. This puzzled me for some time until I realized that it was they who were the problem and in order to solve it they had to cease being who they are. This is a kind of death, which is consonant with liberation but which cannot be seen as anything but death to those attached to the idea of who they think they are. This is the explanation of Karma and the need to go through certain painful experiences to free oneself from the ignorance which caused it. Should you be able to free yourself in advance, this karma can, in many cases, be neutralized.
All of these things apply to Israel and because Israel is so very wrong about so many things and so very violent in defense of them and because its very existence is based on lies and because these lies justified the theft of the land from the people who legally and morally possessed it, there is no way that Israel can avoid a terrible judgment and because it is based on lies there is no foundation of defense it can use against its inescapable destiny of destruction. This is especially true in a time when one age is passing and another is coming into being. All that Israel is and the entirety of its false history of the last so many thousand years is being exposed, summed up and resolved in this time. All that the residents and their ancestors have been engaged in, is being brought before the eyes of the world as an example and a teaching vehicle for humanity. This is the case collectively and individually with all of us and... it is really important for each of us to ask ourselves if we are more deeply engaged in the current of the whirlpool or the current of the tornado. It is also useful to consider whether you are magnetized in your relationships to those inclined toward the whirlpool or the tornado.
Those whose vile behavior and agenda have caused this whirlpool are the ones who will be sucked most deeply into the pit and Israel is chief among the nations in this regard as are her Zionist criminal representatives and stooges the world over.
We are in this waiting/constipation period and it cannot go on for much longer. When it changes it will affect everything, everywhere. Currency will go wild. Food will suddenly skyrocket in prices and shortages will bloom everywhere like poisonous flowers that seemed to spring out of no where. Fuel costs will go through the roof and the whole economy that depends of fuel will be affected at every level. It will happen overnight.
Many people will be asking themselves, “What was I doing when I could have been getting ready”? “Why didn’t I see this coming”? “What am I going to do now”? There will be a lot of questions with a great many fewer answers than there were. I’ve put my Italian property into the flow for the few and those qualified who are first to take advantage and I have access to and information concerning a great many communities, which are seeking people to share their dream. You might want to think about this kind of thing for yourself. There’s something somewhere near anywhere you may be. I hope to see you in one of these places, in my mind or in real time. Good fortune to you.
End Transmission.......

A studio version of 'Peace' is track no. 4 of 10 on Visible's eponymous
'Les Visible' Music Album
Lyrics (pops up)

They have shut down the comments page for parts of the planet and they have closed off my email at google. If you want to comment (and can't) please send them to and I will post them in the morning.
The New Shangri-La.
Petri Dish Mirror.
Beamed from the Saucer Pod By Visible at 19:01 44 comments
Sunday, September 05, 2010
Waiting on the Cosmic Ex-Lax
Dog Poet Transmitting.......
According to a well known astrologer friend of mine, the week of 9/18 to 25- most inauspicious on the 20th- is a major crisis point for the nation of Israel and considering some of the things they have been up to over the course of time, any crisis is a good crisis when it comes to these people.
I don’t particularly want to talk about them today; talking about them makes me feel like I need a shower, even if I just took one. I get the sense that the world is in a state of constipation because many things that would have happened, haven’t happened because conditions changed on the way to their occurrence. So, like a crowded airport, planes of unlanded circumstance are in a holding pattern over the runways below.
I want Justice and I want Peace but it appears I can’t have one without the other; “no Justice, no Peace”, as the chant in the public park goes, outside the soundproofed windows of the apartments above. The rage in the streets below has gone toxic and any small provocation to anger is likely to light a conflagration that will consume both park and apartment building. From Karachi to Seattle, the tension is right up against it; the tension being the intransigence and rapacious acquisitiveness of the bloated and insatiable ruling classes, against the needs of the victimized public.
Because of the unyielding and imperial sense of entitlement that is assumed by the financial elite, the rest of society is losing everything. They are losing basic services, infrastructure maintenance, health services, retirement guarantees, the long ago lost union representation and most of those inherent truths granted them by The Constitution and The Bill of Rights and all of this has come because of the general accepted lie, concerning the origins of 9/11 and the actions taken in the follow up.
All the terrible changes that have placed a grey cloud over the day to day existence of the majority of the Earth’s people can be traced to that one day in 2001. In no time, this event, now proven to have been orchestrated and carried out in a joint effort between Israel and the American CIA- as well as elements of British intelligence and collaborators in other countries- has put the world in the loading zone outside the gates of the Concentration Camp Mind.
One day follows the next as humanity marches on the lip of a volcano. Onward they march in search of the mastery of others, with no thought of self mastery, which lies in the unremembered and unchallenged past, a realm of shadows and lies, a place where none of these things happened but are recorded as truth. We can hardly expect truth to bloom on the horizon when it grows in a landscape where it has never yet appeared. This is why truth appears as a savage monster when it arrives, because it bears no resemblance to the claims made about it and is destructive to all that we thought we knew.
I saw this at What Really Happened today and thought of what his country subjected him to. It made me think of Marlon Brando, Orson Welles and many other great artists that America and other countries have known. As soon as men like this begin to speak the truth they are no longer welcome in their country and are branded with evil terms that have no bearing on the veracity of anything they may have said, which diminishes their achievements and makes it impossible for them to be employed at their profession. Many great Americans like Henry Ford, Jack Kerouac and others have had their say and been marginalized for speaking truth to power. Now we are hearing about The Beatles and what they had to say about the thefts and slanders that they endured.
How much information supported by irrefutable evidence do we need to experience before the reality of our situation dawns upon us? I come across things like this on a regular basis. Anton Szandor Lavey makes more sense to me than most ministers of most religions and has some very surprising things to say. I’m not a fan of his philosophy but I listen to everyone. I think what he has to say in this video will present some things that certain readers here bring up on occasion. Try to see this video with a sense of humor which is how I do it. I’m not afraid of these people or these kinds of things so they have no impact on me.
Even so called real Satanists can’t hold a candle to the kind of people we’ve been talking about here because they still possess a certain kind of restraining morality. The khazars possess none. In Israel today we have a collection of the very worst genetic compositions that have ever existed on the face of the Earth. They would make Genghis Khan blush.
As I have said many times, this is the time of The Apocalypse. Now, all of the things that have been concealed by the evil threads, woven through the tapestry of an age, are being showcased for what they have done and the way they have altered our perception of the tapestry by their presence within it. It is their presence that has made our understanding of existence and our place within it into a lie. They transformed and made important, certain falsified records of history and used religious books for that purpose, with the knowledge that this would confer veracity upon their self-celebratory myths. Now, like sunlight breaking through dense foliage, the truth is making itself known and not all the efforts of the darkness can resist or contain it.
This appearance of truth is intensifying by the day and doing it exponentially and logarithmically, as it both intensifies and is the beneficiary of an ever increasing speeding up of time, due to the movement of the planet into a certain position in the cosmos. An apocalypse appears at the end of every age. There is no difference between an age and a movie or a book. It contains all of the same components and conditions which appear in the places you expect them to.... Climax, anti-climax-dénouement; I wouldn’t be surprised to see credits roll down the sky at the conclusion; ‘soundtrack mastered in Dolby and THX with surround sound’.
Take a look around you. What is it that keeps people from seeing what is to be seen everywhere? “Tsunamis, earthquakes, wars and all of the features of ancient prophecies; of course we’ve had these things a time or two before but seldom altogether as we have them now. Meanwhile some strange force is breaking upon the human consciousness and making a number of things clear to a certain number of us AND, some other force is turning over rocks, seemingly at random and exposing all sorts of things in a timely fashion. Evidences long hidden are jumping out of cobwebbed corners and convicting certain criminal people with their own words and records. The exponents of religions and governments are being nailed for any number of peccadilloes and crimes against both parishioners and the general public. All of this is taking place under the shadow of a long awaited time period, centering around a general date of 2012 which is recorded in the ancient records of civilizations around the world and no longer present.
While this is taking place the degree of materialism and epidemic self-interest is at a level never seen before. Stupidity has been elevated to the position of a norm and trivia and bad taste are considered to be an epitome of conformity. How can so much be so coincidentally present, in a condition of such pervasive irony and comic overstatement; if you can call that sort of thing funny? All of this is right in front of our eyes and becoming more visible with the hour and yet... and yet.
Some may think this is a post that didn’t need to be written and some may wonder what the overall point is that I was trying to make. It has to do with that waiting/constipation thing. Something is retarding near everything. Events that should have logically occurred already are dangling in a frustrated immobility, as if all of them were awaiting some signal happening that opens the canal locks for all of what must follow. I can feel this like I can feel the sun and the wind on my face. I sense that whenever, whatever, comes to pass there will be a sudden rush of events like nothing we have ever seen before and that it will be tied to the biggest mass awakening ever seen. I do not think this awakening will be connected to the events so much as just one more part of the collective transitioning to the next state.
I was sitting with my friend Yuka yesterday. We were playing guitar and singing Beatles songs which both of us love and, of course, the harmonies make the doing so much fun; not that I was anywhere near my best capacity, given that my voice comes and goes these days as it is being changed, apparently, as well. We spent a lot of time talking about these very things and it was arresting to me, how much the same observations kept coming up. I feel like the readership here could have all been in the room with us and it would have been the same thing.
As predicted, the membership at The New Shangri- La went over five hundred (501, this morning) and is increasing at a remarkable rate. I’ve been posting there now, as promised, and am hoping our core group is giving thought to the imminent appearance of a place to happen in. Hang in there.
End Transmission.......

'I'm a New Age Twinkie' is track no. 10 of 12 on Visible's 2007 album 'Almost A Capella'

Next week we are live, once again, on the radio. No matter, this week’s radio show will once again be available for download by tomorrow AM.
The New Shangri-La.
Petri Dish Mirror.
Beamed from the Saucer Pod By Visible at 19:46 35 comments