Wednesday, March 31, 2010

In for a Penny, in for a Pounding

Dog Poet Transmitting.......

In the Lam(e)ass Media today we find the headline saying that Climate Data was not manipulated. The British had an inquiry which, “largely cleared the scientists”. Here’s my favorite quote from the article-

“One that attracted particular media attention was Jones' reference to a "trick" that could be used to "hide the decline" of temperatures.”Hide the decline" was not an attempt to conceal data but was scientific shorthand for discarding erroneous data, the committee concluded. Similarly, Jones intended "trick" to mean a neat way of handling evidence, rather than anything underhanded, the inquiry found.” Isn’t that special?

I am more amused than I like, more often than I like, at the sheer unbridled hypocrisy that wars with sanctimony for the top honors in professional behavior. Priests playing ‘ring around the rosy’, or rosebud, as you prefer... is, of course, a heinous violation of trust. However, buggering the credibility of the public on a daily basis ‘en masse’ is an equal act of treachery, which comes to a rape of faith and assorted offenses against trust misplaced in the hands of those whose job it is to be trustworthy.

Whether it’s the misappropriation of public funds; the outright theft of public funds, treason, mass murder- both domestic and foreign or simply a non-stop conveyor belt of lies, which kill a nation’s faith in all those shining ideals that have turned out to be just so much confetti catching the sunlight, with the implication that it is generated there... well, you got to hand it to these people. If you don’t hand it to them they will just take it, I suppose.

I’m guessing they brought the 9/11 commission out of mothballs to use their ruthless capacity for truthseeking on behalf of Climate Gate. One thing they did find was that no missile hit the University of East Anglia's Climatic Research Unit. They also were unable to find any direct link between Phil Jones and Bin Laden except for rumors of an affair while at university in the early days.

Dr. (snicker) Jones reminded the committee that this was proof of his foresight in wearing leather elbow patches on his tweed jacket all these years. I suppose that anything less than good leather wears out in the first year of employment, when you’re trying to get a leg up in ‘the game’.

I’ve said it many times and I will say it again; this is all an expression of the unveiling of The Apocalypse and... the batshit frantic efforts to re-cover it all and keep all ten fingers in the dyke at the same time is as impressive as it is embarrassing. Forget about all this Masonic-illuminati- NWO nonsense. When the cosmos moves, everything else moves too.

We go about our world conquering ways for periods of time. We acquire the goods, the girls and the boys and velvet ropes part, just as the legs part for us. We get used to it. It goes on for so long that we are convinced that we can do whatever we want and kill anyone who gets in our way. We do the most terrible things and call them business and practical necessity. Modern day eunuchs sing our praises as we toss the chump change in our pockets at the canaille, the rabble. We’re beautiful people in appearance and theory and monsters and motherfuckers in practice; that would be your mother. We rule the world in our minds and for appearances sake.

That’s the key... in their minds ...and it is in their minds that the voice is going to come, bringing with it an arctic terror and uncontrollable incontinence. They won’t have to worry about whether to shit or go blind because they are already blind but... they will not be deaf to the voice of retribution and it is coming on the wind and with all the force and sovereign magic of Nature. Personally, I go in awe of her. She feels my footsteps and hears my every word. She sees everything I do because it all happens in her realm.

The mockeries that we make out of her substance stand as testimony to our incompetence and lack of imagination, not to mention our greed as; “they put up a bunch of ugly boxes and Jesus, people bought them”. You impudent swine are going to get a lesson that will not pass away for an age and you will live every jot and tittle of it in the lifetimes to follow. Saturn is going to take you by the hand and show you the meaning of desolation.

The cosmos is merciful, far more merciful than any of us deserve. It beggars comprehension so... even at this late date; many of you could come before the throne; which is everywhere at once and ask to be forgiven. In most cases this would be granted. In those cases where forgiveness might be withheld it would be for the reason that there is no desire for redemption; that is the true meaning of being a demon. They have cut themselves off has been noted, the quality of mercy is never strained. It comes like the dew on every day. But... you will have none of that, will you?

Many of us, because we cannot see the mysterious workings of the cosmos, doubt that it is present when it can be seen in any moment; in the sun and moon and all of the heavenly bodies in their courses. The ancients studied these things and found a perfect symmetry there. They could see the wonderful mind of the maker in the beauty and profundity of the gifts. Far too many of us are not impressed and would rather rub our noses in our own shit and think it perfume. We would rather fix our minds upon the most superficial travesties of Nature, distorted by the basest among us. Madness is afoot and it is going to turn upon the minds that carry it.

The creator lives inside the mind; permeates and composes it. At any time it can reveal itself to the entity that has usurped its rightful place for its own enterprises and amusements. It’s watching you right now. It is sorting all of the thoughts and emotions of every one of us in a collective analysis. It is before, in the midst and after every impetus and ambition. Only a fool does not ask for help throughout every day. Only a fool walks the path he insists on by himself; full confident in his abilities to master whatever comes. May you have the good fortune to fall early and comprehend, before the inevitable circumstance comes upon you.

I cannot help but laugh when I see anonymous committees exonerate the proven miscreants of all their deeds. When the evidence stands inarguably before them they declare that some deeper meaning was missed or, “They’ve just lads”. I wince when I see those who have taken it upon themselves to be spokesmouths against the empire, behave just like those they rail against; patently lying and misdirecting, even while they present themselves as white knights on a charger, lance or bullhorn in hand and fearlessly facing down the dragon. Methinks they know dick about dragons. They made their secret deals outside the sight of the stupefied and deceived world. In the darkness the kissed the ass of the devil and now they can be heroes one and all. Now they can advertise and cry out for donations because the cosmos hasn’t seen fit to cover their every whim to grow as big as their targets. I wonder why?

Well, we shall see. I don’t know anything so I could be wrong... but my direct experience of the cosmos tells me otherwise and I would not want to be in another’s shoes were they not in complete surrender to that which is greater than themselves. The road is long. One forgets their purpose and the promises they made themselves. Adjustments had to be made. Compromises were required. “That’s just how it’s done” is what they were told and “why not get yourself a piece of the pie”?

In the world of secret handshakes, where the master’s of the universe practice their feckless arts, something is rising all around them. It is not the mob, though that may come and it is not their master, the frightful visage of the personal will. It is something else. For the moment, it seems as if there is only the need for one more public relations release that details how everything is okay and that whatever was done is perfectly understandable once it has been properly explained. We shall see. We shall see.

Visible sings: The eponymous Les Visible Music Album♫ Sing it Loud ♫
'Sing it Loud' is track no. 6 of 10 on Visible's eponymous
'Les Visible' Music Album

Lyrics (pops up)

The eponymous Les Visible Music Album

The New Shangri-La.

Petri Dish Mirror.

Friday, March 26, 2010

It's not a Total Wasteland Yet

Dog Poet Transmitting.......

It’s some kind of a trend. I’ve been noticing it for awhile; a year or two, maybe more. Lately the incidents have been getting more frequent. Is it a population increase or are they just getting louder? Someone showed up at my seldom visited Facebook page last night, wishing to harangue me about giving Avatar a positive. He hadn’t seen the movie but he knew all about it. It was a blatant rip off of Dances with Wolves and also Smurfs and Fern Gully. I don’t know much about these last two. I think they’re children’s movies.

He wasn’t going to see the movie because, he says, Rupert Murdoch financed it. I don’t know the real details about this. I think Murdoch might own 20th Century Fox but as far as I know, financing comes from all over the place. Like I said, I don’t know. Then I started hearing about James Cameron being an illuminati and 33rd degree mason filmmaker. There was a certain amount of virulence going on. I suggested that the posters should look very carefully at everything they buy; the car they drive, the roads they ride on, the places they eat, the food they eat, the beverages they drink and I am certain they would find that they were supporting the same kind of corporations many times every day.

From what I hear, Picasso was a ruthless sonofabitch and I’ve heard negative things about many famous artists. I have seen some of it too. I’ll wager that a pretty good portion of well known artists are no different than politicians and religious figures. Self interest rules the days in most cases. Regardless, Picasso was a great artist and his work endures. Maybe you have to be a selfish hard ass simply to survive in that world. I don’t know, not having been put to the test in that way in recent memory.

The individuals sneering at me on my wall at Facebook are part of, what appears to be, a growing breed of individuals who think just about everyone is either consciously evil or an unconscious sheep. It looks to me like only they and their close associates are free of taint. I expect as this viral condition intensifies they might begin to denounce themselves as well (grin).

Recently we’ve heard a lot here about the possibility of me being an agent of Satan or employed by something called The New Age to assist in the proliferation of NWO and Masonic/illuminati philosophies that are all part of a conspiracy of darkness that covers the Earth from pole to pole. It appears to exist in nano form in the air we breathe and the water we drink. It’s in our minds. Its representatives travel the interior of our body from mouth to rectum like Stanley looking for Livingston. “You can imagine some illuminati agent climbing out of your rear end and saying to his comrade, “I don’t know Fred, this doesn’t look like The Belgian Congo but that last stretch might have been it.”

I don’t know what the persona of James Cameron has to do with the movie Avatar. I don’t know what Picasso’s personal life has to do with his paintings. Filmmaking, painting, tool and die work and even accounting all operate according to certain rules. You’re either good at your job or you aren’t. When you are great, it’s because inspiration enters the mix and that is more likely to be found in the field of art than in tool and die and accountancy.

I enjoyed Avatar like I have many things that pass quickly in and out of my life. I haven’t thought much about it since. This seems to be some kind of new strain of political correctness; like the recent flu strains that are half pig, half dung slug and half Paul Wolfowitz. These people, like the Jacobins, make their life a dreary place by running around screaming “j’accuse” every two minutes like a meth-head with Tourettes.

I might have a private opinion about famous rock stars who accept knighthoods from The Queen and run around calling themselves Sir Paul but it really isn’t any of my business. It isn’t any of my business if Mick Jagger hits all the fashion shows so he can bang the heroin models. One could make a case that much of Jagger’s work was satanically influenced but professionally that band was at a very high (or low- if you prefer) level. I was never much of a fan of theirs but I recognize competency and ability.

I can’t stand the films of Ingmar Bergman and he was another prime sonofabitch in his personal life but I respect that many other people enjoy his films after a chatty evening of white wine and modern art. I’ve no use for most modern art, which I wouldn’t call art by any definition but people see things I don’t. Not everyone is me or has to conform to my standards; providing I have any.

A lot of people running around and talking about the New World Order; illuminati, Masons, Satanists, New Agers and what have you do not have a firm grip on their subject matter. I have next to zero use for the way the bankers in white yoga pants and Nehru jackets make their money or in the things they preach but I try not to throw the baby out with the bathwater; mostly because they stole a lot of their material from traditions I do believe in and I’ve no cause to reject things that are true on their own merits.

Good and evil are very often relative and change places as the times change. A number of things that were formerly considered evil have become useful tools of humanity. Even those serving their own self interest and under the influence of forces inimical to humanity do good things, even if they are unintentional. The divine turns everything to his purposes and that is the key. That is the key. We’ve got a lot of wild-eyed Don Quixote’s running around tilting at windmills that they think are dragons and they’re not saving the world from what I can see.

Everyone is not evil. Not even all the priests and politicians are evil. The Catholic Church is a circus of pederasts and its done horrible things over the centuries but it’s done a lot of good too. Its time is passing. The time of so many institutions and traditions are being reconstituted into something new and alive but... in time... these things will turn out the same.

Somehow we have got to try to see the silver linings and have more fun with our lives because a benevolent all powerful consciousness really is in control of everything and “be not deceived, even the devil is turned into an angel of light at the given moment” No doubt people can find a lot to pick at here and no doubt things said here can be misread and taken out of context but I think there’s some real truth to be had with a little focused sifting.

We can’t just sit around thinking the world is completely crap. We don’t know what’s coming and maybe each day is influenced by what we think and say and do, more than we realize. The darkness wins if we give it power. The greater power is within. Like the scripture says, “greater is that which is within you than that which is in the world” Dark and heavy times are moments of great challenge. This is when we show our mettle and rise to the occasion. We’d be a lot better off if we handed out encouragement like sweets at Easter. We wouldn’t live in a self created mind-world of apparitions and fears if we were helping out where needed and serving as we go.

If we could only forget ourselves we might be of real use to others and help to make at least our part of the world a better place to live in. We carry our world wherever we go like a snail carries its home on its back. We are ambassadors for our world in everything we say and do. The proof of the power of any of our worlds is in the good it can do for the other worlds that come and go by us like ships in the night. We can sit around lamenting like Minever Cheevy or we can shine a light into the darkness of this world. That’s the job of stars.

We are given this life to see what we will do with it and we each have our shares of crisis, loss and disappointment. Many people give up in the face of these but something illumined and priceless awaits those who soldier on. We’re not meant to stay here and that’s a good thing to keep in mind. Remember that you’re just passing through to your bright home- to worlds and moment’s unimagined now- and it won’t weigh so heavy nor seem so dark.

End Transmission.......

Visible sings: The eponymous Les Visible Music Album♫ Peace ♫
'Peace' is track no. 4 of 10 on Visible's eponymous 'Les Visible' Music Album
Lyrics (pops up)

The eponymous Les Visible Music Album

The New Shangri-La.

Petri Dish Mirror.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Jesus Loves me This I Know, Even if Some of You Don't

Dog Poet Frothing at the Mouth.........

I’ve been watching a lot of movies lately. When I’m in trouble it is what I do. It takes my mind off myself until the tide turns. It’s starting to look like someone forgot to set the tide watches recently but let’s not concern ourselves with that.

Several of the movies I saw showed strippers showing up at houses for bachelor parties and or some reason. I’ve never had such a thing thrown for me and thank God for that because I would probably walk out of the house and my friends know that. I do have a certain amount of friends but we don’t see much of each other these days.

What is this oppressive focus on sex? Is it because when things get bad it’s the only way for people to escape? I’ve heard about what happens during bombing raids so maybe that’s it.

I’ve been catching a lot of shit lately. So far none of my sane readers have been responsible for it but it does beg the question of whether I am doing something wrong. I try to tell the truth and speak from the inspiration of the moment but maybe I’m either not bending over enough or I’m standing up too straight; sad to say for the detracting end; whatever I am is not going to change unless God asks me to and he hasn’t.

A passel of Fundie Christians have been writing me letters of damnation. It’s funny that I never get such letters from members of any other religious group. It’s also a tad ironic that it is only Christian nations that are making war on other nations at the moment. They’re also torturing and imprisoning and killing with the best weapons money can buy. As I have said many times, I like Jesus Christ just fine but I can live without his followers. Anyway... I thought the point was to have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ... not anyone and everyone who thinks they have an in with him which... I personally KNOW they do not. I know this. You know you’re saved? I know just as convincingly that you don’t speak for him.

I am inclined to breathe a little fire here and really outrage you; show you just how fearless I am about your cotton candy God but... unlike those of you who have written me and showered me with four letter words in the name of Jesus, I’m not going to do that. How is it that you can curse me out like you do and damn me to Hell and pretend to serve the master of compassion? I’d like to understand but it perplexes me.

Some of you want to do me real harm- so much for forgiveness and mercy. Some of you have called the police on me and done other nasty little things but... I have some serious protection which comes from the very source you seek to malign me before and the police just laugh.

Some of you think I take drugs all the time. I take fewer drugs than any of you. It just so happens in this age of alcoholic rulership, I choose to speak out on behalf of other options. You’re fine and dandy with whiskey and cigarettes and prescription drugs that will kill you a lot more certainly than the so called illegal ones... and that is why they make them illegal in the first place, morons. Your drinking water has more drugs in it than I take, you infantile, self righteous, borderline intellects.

Let’s look at it this way. It you weren’t really stupid you wouldn’t think that scripture translated by people looking to control you was divinely- word for word- inspired. Let’s face it... you are stupid. I don’t think there’s a cure for stupid. I know they can do great things with prosthetics and all sorts of things but outside of Lawnmower Man, I have never seen any evidence of intelligence increase. If you’re stupid, you pretty much stay that way. I have seen really smart people be stupid but I have rarely seen really stupid people be smart.

If I am so wrong about my lifestyle and the serious amounts of exploration I have done then why am I in such great shape; great health, can make words dance anyway I want them to, reach people everywhere and do all kinds of things you know nothing about? How is that possible if you are right and I am wrong? Am I serving Satan as some of you suggest? If that were the case then how come I have nothing that Satan confers? How come I live in the most humble circumstances and no one is bowing down before me or throwing their underwear at me? Isn’t that what you usually get if you serve Satan? Satan can kiss my ass and so can you; not that I would allow it of course but hopefully you get the meaning. It’s hard to tell when you are talking to really stupid people who want to kill you because Jesus told them to.

And if Jesus didn’t tell them to then who did? This also perplexes me. I have NEVER presented myself as a Christian but I have been respectful of his teachings if not of his Nazi pretend followers who think the Bible is a studded club. I quote Jesus more than any other teacher in my writings because most of you are Christian and it doesn’t matter what tradition the truth comes from.

Let me put this out there clear and distinctly. No one is going to touch a hair on my bald head unless God says so. I KNOW this. If I did not know it then anything might be possible. Let me once again say that I do not know about most things but some things I know very well. I live by them and the proof is in the pudding. I’m not like most people. I live what I think and say 24 hours a day. I threw it into the wind and the wind sang back and carried me and I doubt any of you can much influence the weather or maybe you should go talk to Caliban or Prospero.

One never defiles their faith and their personal being so much as when they assume the right to kill someone who doesn’t agree with them and even worse... someone who reaches out unfailingly and pays his own goddamn way doing so and asks nothing of anyone.

Anyone in the course of my work here might disagree with me at some point. I am a work in progress and I am mightily tested and I fall down sometimes but I get the fuck back up and it isn’t because anyone lent me a hand. Everything that happens here and at the other sites is free and on God’s dime. I have served you for years and never asked anything of you except to question and inquire. I’m not your daddy and I’m not your fellow parishioner. I’m also not your punching bag. You don’t like it here then go somewhere else. This is not a popularity contest. I do this for free out of the goodness of my heart. I don’t know if it does any good but I do it anyway. You want me to shut up then move out of the range of my voice.

I’ve got zero respect for people who sell wolf tickets at a distance. It’s like people taunting tigers in a cage. If you don’t like what you get here then go somewhere else. The fact is that you do like it but you want me to say it your way. That’s not going to happen. I have no control over what gets said here. It just happens.

Sorry to rage a bit here friends but I am a tad sorely provoked and having certain problems also which tends to amplify the whole thing. However, this is the Petri Dish and that’s how it is here.

One word of advice to everyone; stop telling me how to do my job and stop waving your porcelain Jesus in my face. Why not just hop on a plane for Assisi and see what your religion is really like or better yet... head on off to Africa where your evangelists paint sugar water under the eyes of starving children to attract the flies during their photo op in their Banana Republic Safari Suits. Take yourself a Hunger Porn holiday and hold your limp white hands up to your shocked lips and talk about how you wish you could do something and then you just head off to the hotel for dinner and talk about how dreadful it all is.

End Frothing.......

Thursday, March 18, 2010

It's Time to Throw the Golems out with the Bathwater

Dog Poet Transmitting.......

How does one get like this? How does one rise to high position in the government and become a shameless lying whore? What a weight to put on one’s soul. Such is the case with Leon Panetta.

“When I was young and foolish, I heard a wise man say, give pounds and crowns and guineas... but not your heart (soul?) away.” So it was that I thought the Clinton’s were good guys at the time. I didn’t know shit or... perhaps shit was all I knew. It’s not easy catching what’s what when you have a bad case of arrested development and will never be any older than 12. Such is the case with me. Really... such is the case with me. You get nothing but violence from the time you can walk and the only positive is that you can never grow up and your Serotonin flow could wind up behind a hockey mask. That last part isn’t positive and the first part might not be either but I can’t think of any other positives except for the empathetic thing which means you get to feel what happens to other people too. Does that sound like win-win to you?

A lot of people think I’m wise and informed and certainly intuitive and telepathic... with a sympathetic resonating ability that lets me articulate what the reader is feeling. I’m well aware of this but... the truth is that I am only 12 years old and I don’t know how this happens. It just does.

Then I saw Clinton being all chummy with Bush Sr. I saw a lot of things over the course of recent time and none of it good. Panetta says that Al Qaeda is in disarray. There is no Al Qaeda and only the bone dead stupid believe this any more. But here is Mr. Panetta shilling in the Zio-Press about Al Qaeda and all the rest of the glory hole outlets are talking about Bin Laden. Bin Laden is DEAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! But I’ll tell you something... Bin Laden is not nearly as dead as you. You are truly dead and walking around like all the cobwebs on your atmosphere aren’t here.

Now I’m hearing about some kind of national protest for mid-April. That hits right around tax time so I suppose it has something to do with taxes. I don’t know who is arranging this and I don’t know what the intention is but I do know very well that if this protest does not include certain things then it’s a big waste of time.

You want to protest? Do not elect another Zionist to any political office; cut off all funds to Rothschildlandia. Make every lobby connected to ‘chosen people’ interests have to register as agents of a foreign power. Do not elect or allow to be elected, anyone... anyone who is representative of ‘chosen people’ mentality to any government office. Do not pay your taxes at all. Throw a monkey wrench into the system if you are employed in a position to do so. Do not fucking salute. Do not bend over. Do not vote for the new guy who sounds like Chuckie Schumer and who is being pushed on all the sold out alternative news sites as if he were some kind of answer. He works for the same people. He sounds like the same duck that walks like a duck and you had better duck. What’s his name? Peter something. He’s the same garbage acting like the answers. Obama was no different.

You can take your anti-Semitic slurs and stick them where the sun don’t shine which means they’ll be staying at home where they came from cause no sun is shining there. I’m past being equanimitous when I don’t see any of these representatives speaking out against these foreign interests on behalf of their own country. These parasites came in here and took over everything because they have the capacity to print the money and decide who gets it and you get fucked. So tell me... do you feel like you were ridden hard and put away wet... yet?

If they don’t speak out against the ones doing this then they are in with them, either intentionally or complicit in their silence. Just so you get where I’m coming from... I am with the Palestinians, who are the real Israelites and the original people of the Bible and the rest of you are psychopathic murdering sonsofbitches and please do not pardon my French. I’m also with the French, who need to flush that blackmailed midget Sarkozy down the bidet.

Just what is going on in mid-April and who is behind it? Is it the same people that run the porn empires and the gay movement and the educational system? If it is, then good luck with that. How’s your world doing America? Have you caught on yet as to why certain people have been thrown out of every country in the world at least once?

I don’t have any axes to grind but I can see what’s what. God knows I’ve been victimized by it enough. How about you? You still have a life? You still have children left? You like it like this? Drive the motherfuckers to the sea or die on your knees. Who is doing it is no longer a question. Are there other bad guys who might be genetically something else? Well boy howdy... throw them out too.

Wake up from your pornographic dreams you slack bellied couch potatoes. Can you even do a pushup or a situp anymore? I’m older than all of you and I can do a lot of both of those every single day. I am flat out tired of you being so stupid and complacent. Call it like it is or sew your lips shut with fishing line so you don’t have to be honest and draw attention and... and... you think that will save you? How stupid are you? I’m 12 years old and I can see it.

All Rothschildlandia representatives- out of the country now; stop mincing your words and trying to be a nice guy. It doesn’t work. You are dealing with people who have no conscience and no soul. They are of the synagogue of Satan. That is who they worship and serve. Your own Bible tells you so in the words of your savior and you can’t even put 2 and 2 together. It’s because you are afraid. It’s because the plastic in your water bottle turned you into a... I don’t want to say it. I won’t say it.

Storm the offices of Goldman Sachs and send all of them... every single one of these Satan worshipping scum to Devil’s Island. That’s the ticket. Let us arrest them and put them where they have put us. I will be the warden because I know how that’s done and it will be more humane by far than what they have planned for you.

Wake the fuck up!!!! You are running out of time and dancing around with signs at some kind of staged event does not cut to the heart of your adversary. All you get are the front men that they put there for that reason. Fuck the politicians; get the bankers. You won’t be liking it much if you just let it go by. These people cut the throats out of children in order to suck power from the dark side. If you think this isn’t happening then you truly are a fool. There are a lot more of you than them... for the moment. They can’t do squat to me because I am out of range... not just physically. I work for the master of their master so they can’t touch me but they can touch you and I am warning you. Wake the fuck up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Shut it out of your mind. Muck up the works if you can. Blow the whistle. The truly big gun wants to see what you are going to do. It’s all under control but on a personal level you could get hammered if you don’t stand up.

You want to resist and protest? Do it in your mind and do it quiet and on the sly. Surely you can do it in a mass response but you need to know who you serve and how much greater that power is or... you are right back in their hands. They are about to try to kill a whole lot of people. They intend to kill you... or worse.

Only time will tell if you are some new speech ringing out of St Crispin’s day or you’re just a fool and a coward who... for all your ducking and hiding... gets it in the neck anyway.

End Transmission.......

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Riding on the Rollercoaster of Cosmic Change

Dog Poet Transmitting.......

You can see it coming. Even where I am, where you can’t see much of anything except for people doing the same things they’ve been doing for generations, you can sense it coming, if you’re sensitive (grin). Actually that’s a good point because sensitivity is an endangered state and might well go the way of manners and taste, which departed some years ago but weren’t missed except by the people still committed to having them as a feature in their lives. Most of us have to keep them undercover, most of the time, because manners, taste and sensitivity are not routinely welcome ...which is why they left in the first place and... they make you look like a victim in waiting.

Probably you’re thinking, that’s not true, lots of people still have manners, taste and sensitivity. Hey, I’m not all that different from you. I also lie to myself and I make things out to be more beautiful than they are because that is how I prefer it to be and because I know we all create our own world, our own reality and I prefer the hopeful and expectant to the fearful and apprehensive.

Why I am writing about this is due to what I’ve been noticing of late. Mind... I’m not seeing it in person and I don’t run into it because you have to be around people for that to happen and usually I’m not and... people down here are out of the loop and so they’re still like they used to be. However, I am sensing it and I am seeing it online and I feel it vibrating on the ethers. It’s like a movie trailer or the sound of distant thunder which might actually be guns. It’s like the sound of distant voices that could be laughter or screams but you get an impression of which one it is. It could be both. That’s how it is these days... it could be both.

Even last year people were kinder and more generous via the internet. Now there’s a tension and an anger loose. Something is pressing down on humanity and I suspect it is impending ‘change’. I started to notice it a few months ago when certain people got angry with me about something they wouldn’t have responded to before. Or they might have taken a moment to consider my reasons instead of simply reacting. I notice it in myself too. I’m impatient with certain things that I’ve been more tolerant of in the past, like people’s intolerance and their death grip on dogma and cant.

I realize that the reason people have a death grip on their traditions is because their traditions are about to undergo sweeping transformation. They may not know this but they can sense it; feel it, like I sense and feel other things. All of what has been so familiar for so long is about to become new and unfamiliar and change is something that humanity resists except for those who are part of the medium of change.

It’s just as well. Materialism has brought things to the point where the joy has gone out of life. This is the reason that people are immersing themselves more and more into it, as if that might eventually lead them to what they are missing in the midst of what promised to provide it but never does. Another reason for the immersion and the intransigent resistance to seeing what is going on all around them is fear. One way people deal with fear is to pretend it’s not there and maybe it will go away.

You take two people and put them on a rollercoaster. One of them is thrilled and into it and the other is scared shitless; one shared situation with two different perspectives. The same could be said about the changes coming upon us; changes that are unavoidable and in some cases, unavoidable due to long term, collective intransigence.

It’s the strangest thing; the stranger that things become ...the calmer and more secure I feel. Even the occasional impatience doesn’t feel like it belongs to me but is just something happening around me. There’s this sense of rightness that feels so much stronger than all the uncertainty and apprehension that seems to have grow more intense than it was. There’s the sensation that it is going to get a great deal more intense and then there’s the sensation that the rightness will continue to be stronger no matter what. I guess I’m one of the people who’s excited on the rollercoaster since the ride; the conveyance, the space it is passing through and myself are all a part of a consciousness that is controlling everything and always will be.

I’m thinking that the only time I’ve had problems in my life were when I wasn’t aware of this consciousness and its absolute control. I resisted the direction it sought to carry me in. I fought with circumstance on the behalf of what I thought I wanted and was blind to the endless series of blessings that were delivered to my door. Of course, they didn’t all seem like blessings. Some of them were hard and painful but I suspect that was also due to my inability to see and surrender. Some of them were hard and painful because I chose them over the blessings.

This thing with the Pope covering up the sex scandals has been known to some of us since he got into office. Now... all of a sudden its big news and- let me tell you right now- it is going to have an impact of things far beyond what you might presently expect. It is also an indication of similar conditions about to be visited upon the majority of those who have believed themselves to be in charge of everything. It’s connected to Kissinger’s stomach pains which are nothing really. Are they?

Powerful forces are bringing their weight to bear upon the world within and the world without. It’s affecting us differently. Some of us are not willing to change and that includes not only the villains but many who think themselves righteous and good. Many who are in high positions and present themselves as servants of humanity are doing no less evil than those who are deep in denial about their murderous impact upon their fellows. But what are good and evil anyway? Perhaps we are going to find that out.

The ever increasing tide of individuals and organizations calling for 9/11 Truth are having a telling impact on the PTB. Jessie Ventura’s appearance on The View with the Disinfo Chicks was a powerful event due to the audience that twit fest reaches. Cracks are breaking in the wall of lies and the truth is leaking from the dammed up waters that will not be held back much longer.

Things are coming out about the bankers and world leaders; about their private lives and the sexual predation of children. There’s a Scarlet Pimpernel of a force loose in the fabric of the dream and its tweaking things at all levels and it’s always gone as soon as you go looking for it. The power of the dream is receding and an uncomfortable light is casting its shine upon familiar things that we could never clearly see before. It is uncomfortable because it is unfamiliar. We thought they were one thing and, lo and behold, they were another.

We are beginning to discover that we never knew ourselves or each other at all. We did not see the commonality of hearts and the kindred spirit of our being. We are being informed of it now. We are being informed through trauma and trial and loss. We are being informed through disillusionment as to what is real and what is not. We are being thrown upon each other by circumstance in order to see our dependence upon one another and the priceless treasure that we are; so much greater than things and the petty vanities of our selfish natures that have hardened under the influence of a ubiquitous materialism.

It is changing and portions of it are passing away and all the fear and pain that attends this is nothing more than the sensation of our attachment to it. The pain and fear are only as great as the degree of this attachment and can be remedied by the simple act of letting go. Our own ingenuity and willful intent to triumph and survive will not help us now. We are being put through it to show us this and we will see it... whatever it takes to bring it about, we will see it, like it or not. It is much better to give way and ride it to the revelation that it brings than to oppose it and have it ride over us on its way.

Now is the time to show a greater compassion and to seek a deeper understanding while we feel so much less inclined to do so. Such an investment will repay the faith extended many times over... many, many times over.

End Transmission.......

Visible sings: Walk Thru The Fire Or Burn by Les Visible♫ Walk Thru The Fire Or Burn ♫
Lyrics (pops up)

The New Shangri-La.

Radio show this Sunday night.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Avatar Gets Put in The Hurt Locker

Dog Poet Transmitting.......

You may know and you may not know and you may like me less afterwards when you do know but... one of my greater enjoyments is movies; good movies. There are a number of ways to watch a movie, I won’t list them and if you think about it you can figure out the various perspectives. I watch movies from the director’s perspective. Movies, like anything else, can have positive and negative impact. Books are like movies except that the screen is your mind. Life is a movie and... I mean that in a very real way. That might be the main reason that I enjoy movies (good movies).

I’ve heard various opinions on the film, Avatar. I’ve even gotten detailed opinions from people who haven’t seen the film. Those are my favorites. I get these kinds of opinions on just about everything as time goes by. I even get them about my own life, from people who haven’t lived it and know little or nothing at all about it. There’s not much you can say in response to things like that. Perhaps I should say that it’s not something you should respond to because it’s not likely to resolve itself in a useful way.

Regardless of everyone and anyone’s opinion about Avatar, I thought it was a remarkable effort. It was outstanding in two ways in particular; the cinematography and the plot... or message as you prefer. Film is a limited medium. There are all kinds of wrong directions you can go in and lose your audience. Catering to any particular level of intelligence can confuse or dissatisfy another. Filmmakers usually prefer the widest reach.

This isn’t about Avatar specifically or The Hurt Locker. It’s about the subtext and also has to do with my days of recent travel in which I watched Fox News for a few hours at my hotel one evening.

I saw The Hurt Locker and when I heard it was nominated, I was quite surprised. I only watched it because I saw that Guy Pearce was in it but he left early on. I found it to be forgettable; I actually can’t remember much about it ...what I do remember seems like they wanted to personalize those engaged in warfare. One thing is clear in my mind, The Hurt Locker in no way compares with Avatar in any category I can think of. It is interesting to note that the lady who made The Hurt Locker is James Cameron’s ex-wife. I heard that on Fox News so it might not be true (grin).

I’ve come to a certain conclusion which was already a foregone conclusion and that is a concerted effort is at work to control the public’s perspective. Well, duh...

I watched Fox News and I hadn’t seen any Fox News for around ten years, except for the occasional Youtube. The first thing I noticed was that they had upped their game. The tabloid format was slicker. They’d hired a battalion of blonde, Playboy Bunny types; some kind of neo-con, Girls Gone Wild motif that I guess the marketing division told them would be good for business. Looking at them, I calculated that they must spray at least ten different chemicals over their bodies each day and then put on their makeup with a spackle knife.

Now they’ve got these features that appear at regular intervals called ‘Real Americans’ along with other categories that I don’t remember. The Real Americans all seem to be connected to the military or the police and they tell, ‘dead buddy’ stories about the horrors of combat which they have been engaged in. The reason is to protect the American Homeland by going abroad and murdering many, many thousands of people who have no connection to any attacks on the American Homeland but who do happen to be sitting on resources that American corporations desire. These real Americans get serious and misty eyed as they talk about their ordeals and the loss of their fellows. It’s stirring stuff.

Avatar gives a really good look at the personalities and objectives of these Real Americans as well as the corporate interests that finance them. At some point, in the not too distant past, control of the American military shifted into the hands of the corporations. It’s obvious that neo-con Hollywood did not like what James Cameron was projecting about the American Way. So they got into a huddle somewhere over the last year and decided to press for support for The Hurt Locker which shows American soldiers doing a hard and necessary job, eliminating the citizens of foreign lands on whose soil they have no business being.

I happened to see Bill O’Reilly and he’s got a much extended time period now; or so it seemed to me and they gave him a brace of bunnies to Nod Well as he bloviates into the overblown caricature of himself that is his trademark. The big deal of the day, that I was watching, was to discredit the Obama health care initiative in favor of the AMA Pharmaceutical combine and the insurance companies. America is not set up to embrace programs that, across the board, help the average American. America is set up to provide an environment where the corporations can maximize profit at the expense of average Americans and where wealth provides a wall of protection against all of the problems created by disparities in wealth.

I felt like I had to watch Fox News for awhile so that I could get a feel for what they are up to. I could only take it for so long. It was fascinating to watch everyone lying without any deviation. Surely they know they are lying? Maybe they just want you to believe it’s true and maybe if they say it over and over most people will. Some reptile from the New York Post came on and was whining about the civilian trials for the alleged 9/11 masterminds. At one point he said, “They’ve all confessed, it’s a done deal” and then he went on about the need for military tribunals. You know why that is, right? Those aren’t public are they? You also get a jury trial in a civilian court but not at a military tribunal where they also allow secret evidence, I believe.

When I saw Avatar I said to myself, “Yeah, that’s how it is”. When I saw The Hurt Locker I must not have seen much of anything because I can’t remember it. Maybe I should have gone back and seen it again before I wrote this but I didn’t feel like it. Apparently The Hurt Locker only grossed 14,000,000 dollars. You can be sure it’s going to gross a lot more now.

I got a lot of insight into the generic American mind by watching Fox News. I could see how the day after day, relentless brain washing must take its toll. It’s tragic to see America melt down into a festering soup of ignorance and appetite but most likely that’s where it was headed all along. It’s long been about the preeminence of materialism. Even the house religion is just another kind of department store. It’s on its way to looking like a bombed out strip mall and makes "Escape from New York" a prophetic kind of a film.

For all I know, the PTB knew The Apocalypse was coming and they knew about the awakening and revealing that attends it and Fox News and all the rest of it were engineered to militate against revelation and awakening. The news announcers kept repeating over and over about how they had no agenda and only presented the facts. They said they let the viewer decide what’s real and what’s not. They kept saying this in different ways.

I’m not sure I transmitted my point as effectively as I might have. Hopefully the reader gets what I’m trying to say. I’ll leave that for you to decide.

End Transmission.......

Visible sings: Songwriter by Les Visible♫ And We Could All Be Free ♫
'And We Could All Be Free' is track no. 8 of 10 on Visible's 2006 album 'Songwriter'
Lyrics (pops up)

Songwriter by Les Visible

The New Shangri-La.

Petri Dish Mirror.