1. What this privacy notice covers

This privacy information covers the following websites and their associated pages or blogs:


This privacy information also covers our corporate social media accounts:

  • Facebook
  • Twitter   
  • Instagram
  • LinkedIn
  • YouTube
  • Snapchat
  • TikTok


The websites and social media pages provide information on Yoti and its products and services, including blog posts, developer information to integrate with Yoti, and any job vacancies. You can also use them to contact us, and you can log into Hub through the website.

2. Information collection and use

We collect information from you through our website:

  • when you fill in any website ‘contact us’ forms or use a specific email address we have provided;
  • when you contact us on social media;
  • when you provide your email address for specific purposes;
  • when you log into websites or set up an account, where this is available;
  • when you provide us with feedback; 
  • through cookies and analytics. 


Contact us form and chatbot

The contact us forms are primarily aimed at corporate users and normally ask for your name, company, email address and a message.

We use this information to respond to your business query. See below for the different teams who receive your email. These teams will make sure your query gets to the right person and is answered appropriately. 

Corporate customers may opt in to receive our newsletter. Once subscribed to the newsletter, they can unsubscribe at any time by using the link in the email.

Where individuals contact our Customer Support team via our contact us form or via our chatbot, we will use this data to respond to the query, for analytics and to improve our support services. We will always anonymise any personal data before using it to improve our services.


Yoti Email contacts

We provide different email addresses for help and support depending on your query.

  • hello@yoti.com: for all general queries. Your emails go to our front of house, who will redirect them internally as appropriate for a response. 
  • help@yoti.com: for customer support. Your emails go to our Customer Support team.
  • business@yoti.com: for business enquiries and corporate customers. Your emails go to the senior members of our Growth and Partnerships Team.  
  • sdksupport@yoti.com: for developer support if you are using our SDK. Your emails go to our Customer Support team who will either respond directly or pass your query to the relevant team to provide the support you have requested.
  • social.purpose@yoti.com: for all queries for our Social Purpose team.
  • privacy@yoti.com: for all privacy and data protection queries and rights requests. Your emails go directly to our Legal and Compliance team.
  • guardians@yoti.com: to contact our Guardian Council members directly.

If you spam or attack our e-mails or contact us forms, we will keep your contact details so we can filter out any further contact from you. This is necessary to prevent damage to our systems caused by spamming. 


Social media contact

We don’t collect or store any information outside of the social media platforms. If you contact us through social media we ask you to email us and this email goes into our Customer Support system. Our Customer Support or Marketing team will respond or redirect your message internally for a response as appropriate.

We use a tool called Sprout Social to collect comments or messages posted on social media that are directed at us. We also use it to look for mentions of Yoti on the web. We don’t retain this information.


Providing your email or feedback

Our websites may have opportunities to provide your email address so we can send you specific information, such as to register your interest in using a new product, to learn when businesses in your area accept Yoti, or to inform you when we launch a new product or feature. 

We may also have options to provide feedback on our products and services or register your interest in doing user testing.

We will provide appropriate information on personal information collection and use on the relevant page, or link to the relevant section in this privacy information. 

You can also provide feedback from within the app or other products, such as YPM. These feedback messages go to our Customer Support team who will redirect them internally where necessary.


App store buttons

Across our websites, social media and in communications sent through our platform we have app store buttons so you can click through to download the Yoti app.  

We have analytics tags attached to these buttons so we can collect statistics on how many people click through and where they clicked through from. We cannot connect these statistics to any identifiable user. 


Location information

On some of our websites you may see a pop-up asking for your location. We use this country-level information where we have different content for different countries so that we can present the right information for the country you are in. We don’t store any location information.

3. Security and data sharing

Yoti has been certified to meet some of the world’s most stringent security standards, such as ISO 27001 and SOC2 Type II. Where we use other organisations to support our business, we have contract terms in place that contain obligations on the other organisation to safeguard your information. 

We may share your data with professional service providers who help us run our business activities. These are listed below:


Customer Support

We use Salesforce for storing and responding to Customer Support queries. We keep queries for six months.

Salesforce data location: US

Transfer mechanism: processor BCR and Model clauses. 

Privacy Notice: https://salesforce.com/uk/company/privacy/

We use OpenAI API for our chatbot to assist with our Customer Support queries. Data is retained for six months.

OpenAI data location: Global primarily US

Transfer mechanism: Model clauses

Privacy Notice: https://openai.com/policies/privacy-policy


Marketing, Growth and Partnerships

We use Hubspot to collect and manage corporate customer contact details. We keep your details whilst we are in contact with you and when you are our customer. We review inactive contacts after two years. 

Hubspot data location: US

Transfer mechanism: Model Clauses. 

We use Google for various purposes, including to help us understand how individuals are interacting with our advertisements and our site. For example, when a corporate user contacts us via our website forms, we share the corporate email address with Google to understand how our advertising is performing. Google deletes this data after 20 days.

Data location: Global

Transfer mechanism: Model clauses

Privacy Notice: https://policies.google.com/privacy?hl=en-GB


Marketing Database

We keep our marketing database in Hubspot, which we also use to send emails. We keep any contact details for 36 months.

Hubspot data location: US

Transfer mechanism: Model Clauses

4. Your rights and choices

We may have your personal information in different parts of our business depending on your interaction with us through our websites and social media. Please make any rights requests to privacy@yoti.com. If you can also set out the different interactions you have had with us, that will help us find your information more quickly.


Access rights

You are entitled to know what personal information we hold about you and to receive a copy of it.

In most cases this will be information you have provided us through our websites or social media channels.


Adjust analytics

As set out in the ‘Analytics’ section, we get Advertising IDs from Adjust along with event information such as ‘installed app’, ‘completed registration’ and so on. If you want to access this information about your device, you will need to provide us with the Advertising ID from your phone, as that is the only way we can search for the information. 


In-house analytics

The information we collect is de-identified and aggregated and it is not possible to search or get the information using your name or your phone’s identifiers (for example, the IMEI number which is like a serial number for your phone). So we cannot provide you with this information as it is not linked to you specifically.


Correction rights

You are entitled to correct personal information we hold about you that is inaccurate.


Deletion rights

In certain circumstances you are entitled to ask us to delete the personal information we hold about you.

This right is unlikely to apply in the context of most of our websites and social media channels. 


Objection rights

In certain circumstances you are entitled to object to Yoti processing your personal information.

This right is most likely to apply to direct marketing we send you. You will always be able to object to any marketing in every message and if you do so we will add you to our suppression list to make sure we do not contact you again.


Restriction rights

In certain circumstances you are entitled to ask us to restrict our processing of your personal information.

You can ask us to do this if:

  • you dispute the accuracy of your personal information; 
  • our processing is unlawful but you prefer restriction to deletion;  
  • we no longer need the information but you need it for legal reasons; or 
  • you have objected to our processing and we are still dealing with this objection.

If you want to contact us about your restriction rights, please email: privacy@yoti.com


Portability rights

In certain circumstances you are entitled to receive the personal information you have provided us in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable format.

This right is most likely to apply to information you have provided:

  • so we can respond to you or provide you with the information you have asked for; 
  • as feedback for user testing;
  • so we can deliver the website features you want to use.


Complain to the ICO

You can also complain to the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) who is responsible for making sure that organisations comply with the law on handling personal information. https://ico.org.uk/global/contact-us/

5. Cookies

You can read more about what cookies and similar technologies we use on our websites by clicking on the ‘Cookie Settings’ tab in the website footer or in our Cookie Notice here: https://www.yoti.com/privacy/cookies/

6. Analytics

Understanding how people use our websites is essential. We need to know what’s working, and what isn’t, so we can improve. As a business, we need to know how many people are using them, where they are in the world, and which aspects are most popular.

We collect information about your device and your use of our websites using third-party analytics. We de-identify and aggregate the information we collect so we can’t identify you personally. Unlike most other companies, we don’t build individual profiles of the people who use our websites. We simply look for trends and patterns to inform business decisions. 

See the Cookies section for more information on what they are, why we use them, and what controls and choices you have.



These track activity on the website such as when a user completes an activity (for example, clicking through, completing a web form, downloading the app). We use this information for things like determining which platform users come to Yoti from, understanding what actions users take once they arrive at Yoti, and attributing leads back to ad campaigns.

For more information, please see:


Google Tag Manager (GTM)

We use this to connect the pixels and trackers from advertising networks and channels to the website. If you arrive at our websites from a particular platform that we advertise on, GTM allows us to understand where you came from so we can determine which adverts are more successful at bringing people to the website. GTM also allows us to understand if you went on to complete an action on the website, such as downloading the app). 


Google Analytics

We collect the following information when you use our websites.

  • IP address (truncated to country or city level)
  • Browser type and version. 
  • Operating system. 
  • Length of visit, page views, website navigation and any other related browsing activity.

See our section on Cookies for more information.


Google Enhanced Conversions

We collect the corporate email address submitted via our contact us form in order to track sales and events that happen on and offline. We share the hashed email with Google who then match it with their data in order to attribute the sale back to the relevant advertising campaign. Google deletes this hashed data after 20 days.



We use the CRM and marketing automation system HubSpot. This assists with the efficient and rapid processing of user enquiries and the optimisation of our website.

HubSpot helps us in particular to efficiently provide the following aspects of the website:

  • Analysis and marketing (see point 6 of the privacy notice)
  • Newsletter marketing / provision of downloads (see point 7 of the privacy notice)
  • Contact management (e.g. user segmentation & CRM)
  • Landing pages and contact forms on the website



We use this performance and analysis technology on our websites where there is an app store button or other click through to install our app. This allows us to track and analyse which marketing channels or sources, and which adverts, are producing the best results in directing users to download the Yoti app, and to help us understand how our users are using our app.  

Please see the ‘Analytics’ heading in the ‘Yoti app’ section for more information on Adjust.


Contact Us 

There are many different ways to contact Yoti if you wish to exercise your privacy rights or make a complaint, the main ones are listed below. Please also see the ‘Yoti websites and social media’ section for other ways to contact us and our information collection and use practices when you do so. You can also contact us from the Yoti app and there is more information on that in the ‘Yoti app’ privacy notice.

Email: privacy@yoti.com; hello@yoti.com 

Website: https://www.yoti.com/contact/

FAQs: https://yoti.force.com/yotisupport/s/

Postal Address:
Data Privacy Team
6th Floor, 107 Leadenhall St, London, EC3A 4AF 

7. Additional Information for California Residents

This additional information applies to you if you are a California resident and supplements our Privacy Notice above. It lays out the rights under the California Consumer Privacy Act of 2018 (as amended by the California Privacy Rights Acts of 2020 and referred to as ‘CCPA’).


Personal Information:

  • ‘Personal Information’ has the meaning given in the CCPA. Personal Information that we collect and its processing is set out in the ‘Information collection and use’ section above.


Sources and disclosure:

  • We may collect Personal Information directly from you as shown in the ‘Information collection and use’ or automatically via cookies and analytics from your interactions with our website.
  • We may disclose information about you for example to third party suppliers in order to deliver services to you or for the use of certain cookies. This includes the following categories of data
    • Contact information and personal identifiers
    • Device identifiers
    • Online activity information 

Which may be shared with third party advertising companies including Google, Hubspot and Linkedin.

As a California resident, you have the following rights relating to Personal Information:

  • Know your Personal Information
  • Request Deletion or Rectify your Personal Information
  • Opt out of Sale or Sharing of your Personal Information, including:
    • To opt out of the use of cookie data for the purposes of targeted advertising; and
    • To opt out of the use of email addresses for the purpose of marketing communications and targeted advertising.
  • Limit the Use or Disclosure of Sensitive Personal Information


Do Not Track 

  • Yoti will treat browser-based signals such as opt-out of cookies via our cookie tool or altering your browser settings as requests to opt-out of the sharing of Personal Information. 


Sale and Share

  • Under the CCPA, the definition of ‘sale’ includes disclosing personal data to a third party for monetary or valuable consideration. Yoti does not sell any Personal Information but, as above, your information may be disclosed to third parties via our use of cookies (which may be considered a “sale” under California Law) and you have the right to opt-out of such disclosures by opting out via our cookie mechanism or by adjusting your browser settings. See the section on ‘Cookies’ for more information.

If you wish to exercise any of the above rights, please email us at privacy@yoti.com.

8. Past Versions 

For a specific past version of this privacy policy, please send a request to privacy@yoti.com.

9. What’s new

  • We have added information about Hubspot and the cookies that are used.
  • We have updated the cookies section and our section on how we process data for Customer Support.
  • We have added a new section for California residents and information about the use of Google enhanced conversions.