Yonkin Farm 2025
Welcome to Yonkin Farm

Yonkin Farm dates back to the early 17th century and is hidden in a hollow on the edge of Radnor Forest at just over 900ft up, situated about 3 miles west of Presteigne.

We have a number of outbuildings and barns used for the animals, with two paddocks for the sheep.

Browsing our website will take you to the other dedicated websites of our sheep, ducks and pets. You will also find links to other areas of interest by clicking on the round photographs at the bottom of each page of this website.

National Monuments in Wales

Yonkin Farm, Kinnerton, is a 17th century building of stone with some half-timbered elevations at first floor level. It is 2 storeys with an adjoining timber clad unit, and slate roof overall.

The Weather for Yonkin

Click here for up to date weather bulletins in the local area.

Our Sheep - The Vault Flock

We chose to keep Hebrideans as they are a small and hardy primitive breed and are very easy to handle.

Pekin Ducks

We are currently not offering any ducks or duck eggs for sale. This due to Defra`s policy concerning Avian Flu.
There have been no poultry shows for the last three years and no poultry auctions.