Mindy is leading
this new project to literally keep a watch on the shore of our only
marine reserve at Labrador Park.
On Sunday 1 Aug, Mindy and four other volunteers on duty stopped
two guys who were attempting to remove some corals from the shore.
Here's what Mindy has to say about the incident:
"When Jeryl
approached them to ask if they had a permit to collect these corals,
they replied no. When Jeryl told them that it was illegal to take
the corals they replied that they were not aware of that. Jeryl explained
that there were signs telling the public that they were not suppose
to take any marine life from the beach, the poachers said that they
did not read the signs and they thought they were "saving" the corals
by putting them in their tanks. They also mentioned that they had
been there since 6.00am in the morning.
When Labrador Park Watch volunteers took a closer look, we found that
they had already poached/broken at least 8 corals and placed them
in their pails or they wrapped them in newspaper and put them in another
pail underneath their equipment.
After telling them that the volunteers were at the park to protect
the corals and prevent/educate people from taking other forms of marine
life, they were cooperative and offered to put back the corals in
the sea. However, on closer inspection some corals were broken and
there was little chance of them surviving in high tide conditions."
Here's your
chance to make a BIG difference! Instantly!
Sign up for the Labrador Park Watch programme
What role can volunteers play?
The main role of park watch volunteers is to prevent the collection
of marine life without a permit and thereby maintaining the viability
of the intertidal community at Labrador Park. This will be done primarily
by raising their awareness of the beauty of marine life, the importance
of its continued survival and conservation and the role the public
can play in Labrador's preservation.
What is required of
the volunteers?
Just turn up during low tide and we will guide you on what you have
to do.
Not only will you be making a difference, but you also will get to
enjoy a quiet view of the shoreline and possibly a glorious sunrise
or sunset.
are the duty dates? How to sign up?
Please email Mindy at lpw_volunteers@yahoo.com.sg
for more details.
More details...
For more about Mindy
Labrador Park and what the Labrador
Park shore can be.
mms uploads of a Labrador Park
Watch session.
For more on what you can do to make a difference
for nature.
by peacebird Posted on 06/08/04 21:07
Thanks for bringing up the subject, Ria...Hope now people would
know it is harmful to collect anything from the Labrador beach.
Singapore is a better place with a person like Mindy, keep it
Posted by Ria Posted on 06/08/04 21:10
Thanks peacebird for your encouraging support. Yes, indeed,
it is only because right-minded people come forward to make
their quiet contribution that we can slowly make some headway
in a better awareness and thus improvement of the situation.
Posted by overwriter Posted on 11/08/04 16:10
Its amazing how many people do not read the sign on their way
down to Labrador Beach! Is Labrador on the cleanup list for
the ICC this year? There was quite a bit to cleanup when I was
there last Tuesday morning.
Posted by Ria Posted on 11/08/04 17:19
In fact they probably DO read the sign but probably choose not
to understand it. Apparently the two guys who came to remove
corals said they thought the sign meant they could not remove
crabs and shells only as there was no picture of corals in the
sign....sigh. Not sure about ICCS and Labrador, will check it
up for you yah. Will we see you for Park Watch? :-)
Posted by Ria Posted on 12/08/04 16:17
Dear overwriter, I've done a check and it appears that students
on the seashore life programme regularly take care of the Labrador
beach so there is actually very little litter there. I must
agree. I've seen places where litter is NEVER removed and the
litter can be metres high. But thanks for the question, very
timely and now I also know the answer :-)
Posted by overwriter Posted on 13/08/04 10:51 Hey Ria!
When/where is Park Watch? We've actually met before. I don't
know if you remember, at Chek Jawa. I came with you to look
at seagrass? How are you? Sorry I rushed off after the trip
last time. I'm back in Singapore at the moment, but will probably
be flying off this weekend. :(
Posted by Ria Posted on 14/08/04 10:09
Dear overwriter, Glad that we've met (but I'm struggling to
place you precisely. I've brought a fair number of folks to
CJ to look at all kinds of things, sorry hor :-) The next Park
Watch session is in Sep, but I'm planning field trips to the
Southern Shores next week and end of Aug for the last of the
super low tides for the entire year. Email me at hello@wildsingapore.com
yah? Then I can send you more details. |

Two guys were removing corals
on Labrador shore

A volunteer speaking to
one of the guys

The guys were well equipped
and knew what they were doing

Some of the corals that they
intended to remove

Long explanations are posted
at the entrance of the shore
on why marine life should
not be removed from Labrador
Several of these signs are
clearly posted along the shore