First Published in March 1935 (a review copy says it was due to
be published on 4th April 1935) - 181 Pages
(The first edition has gold titles on the spine plus a book
catalogue of 30 pages starting with an advert for Max Immelmann – Eagle
of Lille)
Original Dust Jacket – This one
has been repriced. Underneath the
price sticker it says 3/6 which was the original price
This book contains details of the 19 winners of the Victoria Cross
in the Air and it also contains photographs of 13 of them.
The 6 for whom there were no photographs were Insall,
Bell Davis, McNamara, Jerrard, McLeod and West. I have rectified that now and you can
see those 6 HERE
THE VICTORIA CROSS (a short essay by W. E. Johns)
I. - LIEUT. W. B. RHODES - MOORHOUSE - Date of Gazette May 22nd
II - FLT. SUB LIEUT. R. A. J. WARNEFORD - Date of Gazette June 7th
III - CAPT. L. G. HAWKER - Date of Gazette August 24th 1915
IV - CAPT. J. A. LIDDELL - Date of Gazette August 23rd 1915
V - LIEUT. G. S. M. INSALL - Date of Gazette December 23rd 1915
VI - SQUADRON - COMM. R. BELL DAVIES - Date of Gazette January 1st
VII - MAJOR L. W. B. REES - Date of Gazette August 5th 1916
VIII - LIEUT. W. LEEFE ROBINSON - Date of Gazette September 5th
IX - SGT. T. MOTTERSHEAD - Date of Gazette February 12th 1917
X - LIEUT. F. H. McNAMARA - Date of
Gazette June 8th 1917
XI - CAPT. A. BALL - Date of Gazette June 3rd 1917
XII - CAPT. W. A. BISHOP - Date of Gazette August 11th 1917
Gazette April 2nd 1918
XIV - LIEUT. A. JERRARD - Date of Gazette May 1st 1918
XV - LIEUT. A. A. McLEOD - Date of
Gazette May 1st 1918
XVI - LIEUT. F. M. F. WEST - Date of Gazette July 26th 1918
XVII - CAPT. A. W. BEAUCHAMP - PROCTOR - Date of Gazette November
30th 1918
XVIII - MAJOR W. G. BARKER - Date of Gazette November 30th 1918
XIX - MAJOR E. MANNOCK - Date of Gazette July 18th 1919
The Air V.C.'s
Published by John Hamilton