Simple & Effective Cloud Services

Experience advanced cloud capabilities with fast VM provisioning, certified Kubernetes, high-performance block storage, and more. Our services streamline operations and enhance performance for an optimized cloud journey.

Core Infrastructure

Elevating Your Infrastructure Capabilities

Harness Core Infrastructure Services for operations. Enjoy fast VM provisioning, certified Kubernetes, high-performance Ceph-powered block storage, efficient load balancing, and seamless file sharing for a high-performing cloud experience.


Fast VM/bare metal provisioning, GPU support, nested virtualization, IPv6, with extended capabilities for specific editions.

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Certified Kubernetes distribution with seamless block storage integration, auto-healing, auto-scaling, and secure isolated clusters.

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Block Storage

High-performance storage powered by Ceph, offering resilient block storage for VMs, Kubernetes, with encryption.

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Object Storage

Ceph-powered Object Storage Service with S3/Swift compatibility, advanced bucket policies, for secure, scalable data storage.

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Load Balancing

API-accessible load balancing service with TLS termination and health checks for optimal application performance.

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File Sharing

API-driven file sharing service with native block storage integration providing NFS shares for VMs, Kubernetes.

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Network and Security

Empowering Network & Security Operations

Experience comprehensive networking with virtual routers, efficient DNS management, robust identity service, and secure key management. Benefit from features like network offloading, encryption, and key rotation for enhanced efficiency and security.


Leverage fully distributed networking with virtual routers, comprehensive topology, and network offloading features, powered by OVN.

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Flexible, scalable domain name system management with API access for efficient routing to internet applications.

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Robust Identity Service at cloud's heart supports application credentials, LDAP/SAML/OpenID connect integration for select editions.

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Key Management

Secure key management service with encryption, key rotation, TLS certificate storage, and HSM support for select editions.

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Advanced Data and Deployment

Streamlining Data & Deployment Processes

Leverage advanced orchestration for infrastructure as code, integrated image storage with tenant sharing, and high-performance big data service. Features include nested stacks, native block storage integration, and seamless tool integration.


Advanced Orchestration service for defining infrastructure as code, supporting nested stacks and all OpenStack resources.

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Integrated platform for image storage with tenant sharing and native block storage integration, powered by Glance.

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Big Data

High-performance Big Data service based on OpenStack Sahara, designed for scalability, efficiency, and seamless tool integration.

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We ❤️ Open Source

🎊Atmosphere is an open source project built by us.

Atmosphere stands out as a fully certified and conformant open-source platform. With both OpenStack powered certification and certified Kubernetes, it has passed all conformance tests. This guarantees a robust, high-performance, and reliable solution for your cloud needs.

OpenStack PoweredCertified Kubernetes

Learn more about Atmosphere

Explore Atmosphere's test environment for seamless VMs, bare metal, and Kubernetes deployment. Unlock cost-saving advantages with our open-source solution.

  • All Editions
  • Seamlessly deploy and manage VMs, Kubernetes clusters, bare metal, and more.
  • Leverage Terraform, Ansible or APIs directly powered by OpenStack & Kubernetes
  • Experience cost savings with a purely open source solution across the entire stack.
  • Hosted
  • Integrated monitoring, logging, and alerting streamline day 2 operations powered by a modern Prometheus stack.
  • Benefit from built-in Ceph-powered storage solution, including options like Pure Storage and more.
  • Securely powered by Keycloak with LDAP support for authentication and SAML/OpenID Connect integration.

Ready to get started with Atmosphere Cloud?

Need help getting started? Our team of experts is here to help you.

More About Public Cloud

Introduction to Cloud Load Balancers

VEXXHOST’s Load Balancers ensures optimal application and content delivery by distributing workloads across multiple computing resources and instances.