We went to Zona Rosa tonight to get some frozen yogurt and Connor played around the fountain that was nearby. We snapped a few pictures because he was having such a good time and because he was surprisingly not too shy around some of the other kids that were playing there.
In the last picture he's following some of the kids around. We had to keep telling him to watch where he was going! The other little boy ended up falling off, but thankfully no falling for Connor and no blue leg!
Paige is almost 4 months old now! She had an enormous poop in her car seat that got all over her and the carseat so we washed her up really well and she was in such a good mood after cleaning out her system and getting clean that we decided to snap a few pictures.
You can really see that her hair's starting to come in a little in these pics.
She's doing so great recently, sleeping well and almost always happy and content. We love you Paigie Pie!!
Connor started school on Monday. We've been looking forward to him starting in Ms Cindy's class and Monday was the big day. He was in pretty good spirits about it all and I think had gotten used to the idea of going on the bus and going to school. We took some pictures of him at our house and then we took him to Ms Rachel's house (his babysitter).
That afternoon before Connor went to school, Andrea came by to see him off on his first day and took a picture of Connor with Rachel's son Logan. Logan goes to the same school and rides the same bus but is a year older and in a different class.
Connor getting on the bus.
Andrea was there after school to see Connor get off the bus. He survived! He did well at school, but for each day on his little report card the teacher noted that Connor doesn't really talk much or play much with the other kids. He definitely takes a little while to warm up to new people.
This past Friday we all went to Connor's new school to see his classroom and meet his teacher. He starts school this next week so we visited the new classroom to see how the school was set up and to see where he was going to get his learn on. His teacher Ms. Cindy (on the right) had a little scavenger hunt set up for us to go on so we could learn where everything was.
Of course, when we got there, Paige pooped. We'd left her diaper bag out in the car so it took a little while to get that taken care of.
In the mean time, Connor found a neat truck and bus to play with.
Unfortunately, by the time we got Paige straightened out, Connor was only interested in playing with the truck and bus. He didn't want to go anywhere, see anything, or give up the toys. When he had to put them back he melted down. He's in time out in this picture.
We dragged him through the scavenger hunt and his school was set up very nicely and we're excited for all the new friends he'll make and for all the things he'll learn. Connor is probably excited to play with the truck and bus!
Connor has had two weeks of swimming lessons now. He's very comfortable with his life vest, but we wanted him to get some good lessons since we know that drowning is one of the main causes of death amongst boys his age. He's been getting private lessons at our pool and he usually does a pretty good job listening and following directions.
We met the Rudolphs and McAlister's today. Nothing too exciting about the visit but it was great to see them. They're all getting ready to go back to school soon!
Andrea thought I was just taking a picture of Paige here. It's hard enough to get a shot of a wiggly baby, but when Andrea's not cooperating it's nearly impossible. This was the only decent shot of them I got.
When I took Nate's picture he decided to pose like Andrea.
A little better Nate-Dogg. Abby and Connor (nice finger up the nose Buster...)
The girls didn't cooperate at first.
But then they smiled really pretty.
Drew looked like a little stud with his hair fixed.
Andrea and Shawn!
Later we went to Babie's R' Us. Here's a random picture of Connor riding in a car with Garfield!