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Profile with D-U-N-S®
Check partner identity and obtain the D-U-N-S® number
Registration numbers (D-U-N-S®, VAT,…)
Address, phone number, email
Leaders & Shareholders
Turnover & employees
Financial summary (5 years)
Bankruptcy proceedings
Probability of failure within 1 year
Payment behaviour
Recommended credit limit
Detailed balance sheets (3 years or more)
5 year’s history for failure risk and payment behaviour
Industry benchmark
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€15(Excl. tax)
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Assess bankruptcy risk and the time by which you will be paid
Registration numbers (D-U-N-S®, VAT,…)
Address, phone number, email
Leaders & Shareholders
Turnover & employees
Financial summary (5 years)
Bankruptcy proceedings
Probability of failure within 1 year
Payment behaviour
Recommended credit limit
Detailed balance sheets (3 years or more)
5 year’s history for failure risk and payment behaviour
Industry benchmark
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Starting from:
€29(Excl. tax)
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Get a complete analysis over 5 years to make your strategic decisions
Registration numbers (D-U-N-S®, VAT,…)
Address, phone number, email
Leaders & Shareholders
Turnover & employees
Financial summary (5 years)
Bankruptcy proceedings
Probability of failure within 1 year
Payment behaviour
Recommended credit limit
Detailed balance sheets (3 years or more)
5 year’s history for failure risk and payment behaviour
Industry benchmark
Comments & charts
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Starting from:
€39(Excl. tax)
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Do you know your business partners?
Do you know your business partners?Make sure the company exists legally, get its identifiers (SIRET, DUNS, VAT), find out if it belongs to a group, identify its leaders... Find out more about Verif.
Are your clients and suppliers solvent?
Are your clients and suppliers solvent?A partner in trouble can have an impact on your company's business, especially if it is strategic. Check the financial health and payment behaviour of your partners with Verif.
Are you interested in exporting?
Are you interested in exporting?Finding distributors or suppliers abroad and checking their financial solidity are part of the challenges of international expansion. Look for any company in the world with Verif.

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